Chapter 4 It's Showdown Time Part 3

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A/n : I guess just two chapters yesterday.... sigh.... only 3 or 4 more to go! Make sure you guys find the sequel to this story called "The Mighty Swordsman"! I'm opening up for suggestions and maybe some questions ?  I don't know anymore....

Y/n's POV

I think.... I'm dreaming right now? It feels like it. I remember we were at the field testing or maybe just showing off my swords, and then just black. I guess I was just too tired. I saw someone in front of me, a figure that is a woman. I walked closer and closer, until I could see her face, it was my.... mother. I was shocked to see her in my dream, but still... seeing her again feels kinda... nostalgic.

Linda : Hello there, Y/n. It's been a while... hasn't it?

Y/n : M-mom... b-but how?

Linda : *giggles* Remember Y/n, this is still a dream.

Y/n : O-oh... r-right. I f-forgot *sniff*

Linda : Come here, Y/n. 

I ignored everything else that was happening around me, and instantly tackled my mom with a hug while crying my heart out. Her warmth is something that I missed so much, and now I get to feel it once again, even though it's a dream, it feels real. I was crying hard, and my mom was patting my back and I slowly stop.

Y/n : I missed you *sniff*, mom.

Linda : I missed you too, sweetie. So, how is life right now? Good?

Y/n : You could say it like that.

And after that, me and Linda just talked about what happened in my life. The day I died, the day I met new faces, the day I was reunited with my previous family, and some of my skills of course. We talked and talked, but suddenly, she starts fading away.

Linda : Looks like time is up. I'l be going now, Y/n.

Y/n : Wait! Will I ever be able to see you again?

Linda : *giggles* That's all up to you, son. Goodbye, Y/n.

Y/n : Okay mom, goodbye.

And then my vision went blank. I woke up slowly to reveal Sinon, Yuuki and Megumin looking at me, worried.

Sinon : Are you okay, Y/n?

Y/n : Yeah, *yawn* I'm fine. Is there something wrong?

Yuuki : You were crying, bro...

Y/n : Huh? Really?

Megumin : You were crying calmly...

Y/n : Don't worry, 私は大丈夫ですよ. (I'm fine)

Sinon : If you say so, lets go eat then.

I told them to wait in the kitchen while I ready myself. I took a shower and brushed my teeth, and use my normal clothes while still carrying my two swords on my back.

Kazuma : Hey, Y/n? Do you really need to bring those swords with you every time ?

Y/n : These swords were gifted by someone special, plus I don't really have anywhere to place them. Unless, if you did have an idea on where to put it...

Suddenly there was nothing on my back, I frantically touched my back and looked around, and Kazuma didn't have it as well. I just sighed and look down, to my surprise, both swords turn into necklaces. They were both smaller and lighter than the original. 

Kazuma : Did you find them ?

Y/n : They're right here, Kazuma.

Kazuma : Woah! That's so cool! I'm starting to feel jealous about everything that you get...

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