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In the morning I woke up, I yawned and rubbed my eyes, I put on my pink sneakers and walk outside, "mom's giving us haircuts today" Carl giggled I had needed a haircut for a while now, though it had no knots, mom brushed it everyday I didn't have any hairties to put it up with and with this heat I was boiling , "also Shane's taking us to catch frogs" Carl continued excitedly.

Mom had given Carl and i haircuts,Carl had a trim while I had a few inches cut off now my hair was just below my shoulders,it felt so light now, I saw dad coming out of the RV "look dad" I seid as I showed him my hair, "looks nice" he replied with a smile, after a few hours Carl, Shane and I walked down to the quarry, he went into the water while Carl and I stayed in the shallow spot, "I'll lead the frogs to you ok" Shane explained as Carl got his fishing net ready "ok go!" Shane seid as he started splashing in the water, after a bit Carl raised the fishing net from the water,there were no frogs in it,he looked disappointed"hey,don't be bummed out " Shane told him as he splashed water on us, I ran into the water and splashed him with water, we splashed water at eachother as we all laughed.

mom came up and told Carl and i to get dry and go back to camp, she needed to talk to Shane, I decided to walk to where carol and the others were, Sophia was there too, she was sitting on a rock a few feet away from Ed, Carl amd I walked over to her dripping wet, "hey" I say smiling at her as she noticed us "hey Ellie,Carl" she replied waving at us, we sat on a rock next to her, we could hear carol,Andrea,Jacqui and Amy laughing amongst eachother "what y'all laughing about" Ed says as he walks up to them.
I saw Sophia get tence, she knew what was about to happpen, "just sharing war stories Ed" Andrea replies "well get to it ,the laundry ain't gonna wash itself" Ed responded gruffly "well why don't you do it yourself then" Andrea tells him throwing the wet clothes at him "not my job" Ed responds throwing the clothes back at Andrea knocking her back a bit, "what is your job then Ed,sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes all day?" Andrea says, he grabs carols arm "let's go" he tells her as he start dragging her away "I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you Ed" Andrea tells him "don't think I won't knock you on your ass " Ed says to Andrea "you come on now or you gonna regret it later" Ed continues as carol starts slowing walking forward "so she can show up with fresh bruises later Ed" jacqui says "yeah we've seen them" he starts dragging carol away while the girls yell at him, he turns around and slaps carol in the face, I hear Sophia gasp beside me, I grab her hand and squeeze it gently, the girls start pushing and yelling at Ed as they comfort carol, now I hated Ed even more, Shane came down and grabs Ed, he pushes him to the ground and starts punching him in the mouth, after what seemed like a lifetime, Shane finally speaks "you touch your wife or your daughter ever again, I won't stop next time,understand" he tells Ed, ed doesn't say anything Shane pulls on Ed's collar "I seid understand" he growls "yes sir" ed mumbles as Shane walks off,carol runs to ed and falls to his side repeating "ed I'm so sorry,I'm sorry"

I get up still holding on to sophias hand as tears run down her face, Sophia didn't deserve this neither did her mom, carol was one of the nicest women I've ever met, Sophia was also one of the nicest girls I had ever met, I just hoped Ed got what he deserved, we walked back to the camp, Carl on one side of me while I held sophias hand comforting her on the way.

Sophia Carl and I went to play in the forest not too far from wher the camp was, we were playing tag, I ran past some trees when I saw something eating a deer,it looked up at me with those exact gray lifeless eyes that all those things have,with blood around its mouth and in its teeth,the insides of the deer were all over the ground,blood everywhere ,I screamed,Sophia and Carl came running to where I stood staring, they screamed too,mom and the others came running, carol picked Sophia up while mom hugged Carl and I, Daryl came out of the forest "tracking that damn deer for miles, that god damn desese baring,motherless,posy basterd got it" Daryl cursed at the not decapitated walker while kicking it's body,he shot through its head with an arrow "aim for the head people,do y'all know nothing" he grunted.

dad had to go back into Atlanta to get guns and the man they had handcuffed to the roof, Ed went and sulked in his tent for the rest of the day, soon the sky fell dark, dad and the others weren't back yet, I was a bit worried,we all sat around the fire like usual except for Ed who was still in his tent sulking, Amy got up from her spot, "where are you going?" Andrea asks "god do I need to ask to go to the bathroom" she laughs, after a while we hear "hey we're out of toilet paper" then a scream, everyone turns around to see a walker talking a bite out of Amy's arm, soon more walkers pile into the camp "mom!" I scream as she takes mine and Carl's hand,in the prosess of all this happening I had dropped my stuffed bunny,I drop moms hand as I run back to grab it, I get back up as I feel something grab me, I turn around to see one of those things grab my shoulder and is about to take a bite out of me, I scream, Glenn shoots the walker as he picks me up and runs over to mom, I start crying as mom takes Carl and i into the RV, all I could hear was screams,groaning and gunfire, my ears start ringing,I put my hands over my ears.

after I didn't know how long all those things were dead scattered on the ground, I heard crying as I turned around, Amy laid coughing up her own blood on the ground, she had gotten bitten on the neck also, Andrea sat over her crying "no,no Amy,no,no" Andrea repeated over and over.

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