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The light coming from the door illuminates us, we walk inside, we see a man pointing a gun at us "anyone bitten?" He asks "one in our group was but he didn't make it" dad answers, "get all you things now because once those doors close they stay closed" the man says as we get our stuff.
We all squish into a tiny elevator, the man says his name is Dr Edwin Jenner, I stay holding mom's hand, my bunny in my other hand, I zone out at what the man is saying, until he points at Carl "I'm going have to keep my eye on you" he says laughing "are we underground?" I hear Carol ask "are you clastaphobic?" He asks as the door open "a little" carol responds "just try not to think about it" he says starting to walk out to a hallway "I'm going to need to give you all a blood test in order of entry" I hated needles, I looked up at mom with that look that seid 'really?' She squeezed my hand and smiles "it will only take a second darling" she reassured me,
It was my turn to get my blood taken, sat down on the chair and pulled up my sleeve, i queened my eyes shut as he stuck the needle into my arm,as mom had seid it did only take a second but that second felt like hours, "done" Dr Jenner seid as I opened my eyes, "you know if I had lollipops I'd give you kids one " he laughed again, I smiled as I got up and walked back with mom,dad,Carl,Sophia and carol, after Andrea had her blood taken she stood up and nearly fell over, Jacqui rushed to her side, "you alright?" Dr Jenner asks Andrea "yeah I just haven't ate anything in about two days,none of us have" Andrea explained "well we've got loads of food that will last for ages" the doctor told us, we all smiled at the thought of food.

Jenner led us down another hallway "we've got beds and hot water here" he explains, "hot water?" Glenn exclaims as his face lights up with a smile, just the thought of hot showers got me excited, "we've also to a room for you kids to play in" Jenner says as he points at a room,we all joined eachother at the cafeteria for dinner, I ate so much I got full, it had been a long time since I had felt that, everyone was laughing and talking, mom was pouring some wine into her glass, "you know in France and Italy kids can drink wine" dale tells mom, "well once Ellie and Carl are in Italy or France then they can drink" mom replies laughing "can I please try some mom" Carl asks holding up his glass, I laugh next to him while munching on a bread roll,dale starts trying to get mom to give Carl some wine,mom finally gives in and pours him a tiny bit in a glass, he brings it up to his lips and tastes it, he makes a disgusted face, everyone laughs "that my boy" mom says while laughing, "can I try some?" I ask mom, she pours a bit in my cup, I taste it, "ewwww" I say looking disgusted, mom starts laughing again "that's my girl" she says laughing.

Once we got to our room I had a shower first, Carl went to go explore the playroom, I felt something in my pocket of my shorts,I took the piece of paper out and unfolded it,it was the drawing I had drawing in those last few minutes of school, when everything was normal and dead corpses weren't trying to eat you, I placed the paper on the sink as I got undressed and walked into the shower, I turned the knobs as hot water started running out of the shower head, I closed my eyes as the hot water hit my skin, I couldn't remember the last time I had a hot shower, I was in there for at least half an hour shampooing my hair and scrubbing the caked dirt off my body, after my shower the mirror was fogged up from the stream, I got dressed into a pink striped Pajama set, I stepped out of the bathroom onto the fuzzy carpet, I walked over to the play room.

Carl and Sophia were playing a board game,while mom and Carol were looking at books, "hey Ellie!" Carl and Sophia say in unison, I sit down with them,"whatcha playing" I ask "monopoly" Sophia responds "can I play?" I ask "sure" Sophia tells me with a smile on her face handing me a monopoly piece, we play for a while and Carl ends up winning the game "yes!" He exclaims with a huge smile, "hey Ellie,Carl go back to our rooms and get ready for bed,I'll be in there soon" mom tells us as we say bye to Sophia and walk out "told you I'd win" Carl brags with a smile on his face, I roll my eyes and laugh, Carl sleeps on the couch while I sleep on a pull out mattress.
a few minutes later I hear a door slam and mom yelling, I jumped up and dart out the door towards the noise, Carl saw me jump up and followed me, I tried to open the door but it was locked, "mom?" I ask through the locked door I get no reply "mom?" I say a bit louder while knocking on the door, still no answer, I look at Carl with worry not knowing what to do, the door unlocks and Shane walks out not saying a word, mom walks out a few seconds later "mom?" Carl asks her "are you alright?" She finally replies "y-yeah sweetie,go back to bed you guys" she doesn't make eye contact with us at all she seems to be looking at anything else but us, we walk back to our room without saying another word, I pull the sheets over me as I put my knees up to chest clutching my stuffed bunny like I always did, I closed my eyes, that's when the nightmares started.

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