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A/n note- I messed up the timeline a bit but I don't want to rewrite it so bare with me.

After what had happened minutes prior I could comprehend what had just happened, we thought we were close to finding Sophia, though we were closer than we thought to her, I sat in our tent with my knees up to my chest hugging onto my bunny stuffie while sniffling, I had my back turned to the entrence of the tent, I heard the zip of the tent unzip, I thought it was mom, "you ok Ellie?" I hear a young voice say, a voice that I recognised as Carl's, "yeah" I say softly almost like a whisper followed by a sniffle, I feel an arm to around my shoulder "sophias in a good place now, she's no longer worrying" he says softly "yeah, I just miss her" i sniffle, Carl hugs me as he starts crying, I hug onto him as he continues crying, I feel tears run down my face as I close my eyes.

Dad and Glenn had gone to go get hershel after he an away from the farm, I walk up the stairs of the Greene house, I reach Eloise's room at the end of the hallway, I knock on the door, it's silent for a few seconds til I hear something "yes?" "Can I come in?" I ask softly "yeah" she sniffles as I slowly twist the door knob, she looks at me with red eyes and nose, her brown hair is all over her face,I slowly walk over to her, "I'm sorry about your brother and mom" I say softly "it's alright" Eloise whispers, I sit down on the bed next to her, I wrap my arms around her "I'm sorry about your friend" she whispers, "thanks" I say quietly, I can feel her bury her face in my neck as we hug, I didn't want to loose Eloise now that I lost Sophia.

A few hours later it started getting dark, I went to find mom to tell her dinner was ready but I couldn't find her, dad was gone now mom was too, I ran back to the house "did you find your mom?" Carol asks me, I shake my head, she turns to my brother "Carl did your mom say anything before you left?" Carl also shakes his head, Carol walked off to go somewhere, Carl and I sat at the dining table with the rest of our group and the Greenes, I didn't have an appetite I was too worried about where mom and dad were, i fidgeted with the food on my plate with the fork "Ellie honey why aren't you eating?" Carol asks me "I'm worried about mom,dad and Glenn" I say looking down at my plate "they should be back now" carol puts her hand on my shoulder " Shane went out to find your mom" she says softly "he'll find her" I smile at her as I start slowly eating.

I see a car pull up in front of the house, I run outside as Shane and mom step out of the car, Carl and I wrap our arms around mom, "where's rick" she says "they aren't back yet" Andrea tells her, she stares at Shane, "why don't you guys go get ready for bed in your tent I gotta talk with your mom" Shane tells us as we let go of mom, we walk up to the house with Eloise, we make it to her room, we are all yawning, we sit on Eloise's bed as we start telling stories to each other, I lay down as I close my eyes slowly and drift it to sleep.

I slowly open my eyes as I hear talking downstairs, I rub my eyes as Eloise and Carl wake up, we walk down the stairs as we see dad,Glenn and hershel, we all run out the door towards them "dad!" Carl and i exclaims we hug dad and Eloise hugs Hershel, I look into the car and see another unknown man who has a blindfold on, "who's that" I ask dad "that's Randell" Glenn says.

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