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In the morning I woke up to the sound of chattering down the hall, I sit up in my mattress, dad was still sleeping but mom and Carl are gone, I assume they're in the cafeteria having breakfast, I push my sheets back as I step off the mattress on the floor and grab my stuffed bunny that I took everywhere I went ,it was an uncomfortable nights sleep but I had hardly gotten any sleep those nights at the camp.
As I walk down the hallway the sweet aroma of eggs and bacon fill my nose,I reach the cafeteria I see mom and Carl sitting down chatting with everyone sharing smiles and laughter, I pull a chair out next to Carl and sat down "morning sleepyhead" I hear mom laugh "mom and I thought you were going to sleep forever" Carl giggles, mom hands me a plate with an assortment of food on it, "eat up kiddo" she smiles rubbing my shoulder, "thanks mom" I say smiling from ear to ear, I start chewing on the food, it tasted so much better than the food we had at the camp outside Atlanta, dad comes through the door a few minutes later and sits down next to me "are you hung over?" Carl asks dad with a huge smile "mom seid you would be" dad chuckled "moms right" Carl and I laughed "moms always right" mom smiled.

soon after Shane walked in but something was different about him he had three scratch marks on his neck, moms face changed when he entered the room, it was something about his presence that mom hated, I was still confused about what happened last night with her and Shane, "what happened to you neck Shane?" Dad asked "oh,must've done it in my sleep" he replies mom and him making eye contact for a few seconds, he stops when he notices I'm staring at him too.
I heard groaning on the other side of the table, I look up from my food to see Glenn rubbing his head with jacqui rubbing his shoulder "never ever let me drink again" he groans "I think he's hung over" I hear Carl giggle in my ear, I giggle then continue eating my food.

A few hours later Carl,Sophia and I were in our room drawing, I suddenly remember what I had seid many nights ago "I'll draw you another drawing later,ok?" I draw another picture of Sophia, "hey Sophia,remember what I seid at camp" I say as I hand her the drawing, her face lights up "thank you,thank you,thank you Ellie" she says with a huge smile spread from ear to ear across her face as she hugs me and she puts the paper in her pocket.

Mom got up and put her hand near the air conditioner, she had a confused look on her face, "what's wrong mom?" I ask her "the air stopped" she walked out of the room as more people started walking out too trying to talk to Dr Jenner, I grabbed my bunny as Sophia, carl and I start walking out of the room following mom, "energy use is being prioritised" Jenner told us as he continued walking "air isn't a priority and lights?" Dale asks "not up to me,zone 5 is shutting itself down" Jenner continues "all right,what the hell does that mean" Daryl asks "hey man I'm talking to you,what do you mean it's shutting itself down,how can a building do anything"
"You'd be surprised" Jenner seid "Jenner what's happening" dad asks "system is dropping all non essential uses of power, it's Disney to keep the computers running to the last possible second, we have aproched the half hour mark"
We make it to a big room with computers and a big screen on the wall, Andrea asked about a cure for this whole thing, he started talking about something called TS-19, test subject 19.
he showed a video of a brain on the huge screen, parts the brain started to darken till the whole brain was black "everything in the brain that makes you you is gone, the only thing left is an empty shell of a person" the brain started to light up again but only a small part of it "you don't come back" Dr Jenner explains as the person started moving again, a bullet swiftly shot through the head as it stopped all movement "is that what happened to Jim?" I hear Sophia say to the right of me, "the French were the last to leave, while our people were oping in the hallways they stayed trying to find a cure" Jenner said, the one thing in the room that sparked my interest was the red timer on the wall that seemed to be counting down,but to what though was my question, "what's the timer for?" Dale asks as Jenner looks over at the timer, "that's until the grids run out of power" he says calmly, "what do you mean run out of power,what happens then" dale asks again "this place shuts down, same thing happened to the French" Jenner seid, dad,Daryl,Glenn,Shane and t-dog ran out of the room to see the power grids, I stood there wondering 'what happens when this place shuts down do we just sit in darkness intil death takes us?' I didn't want to die that way, a while later dad,Daryl,t-dog,Shane and Glenn came back, Shane started yelling at him, he sat calmly in his chair, dad ordered all of us to get our belongings, before any of us could reach the door it closed, everyone looked at him confused, "did you just lock us in?" Glenn asked with worry I looked back at the timer, 30 minutes left, I ran to mom along with Carl,Daryl started pounding on the door, "Jenner open them doors now" dad ordered "there no point everything top side is locked down the emergency exits are sealed" Jenner told us "we'll open the damn things" Daryl growled "that's not something I can control, the computers do,I told you once that front door closed it wouldn't open again, you heard me say that,it's better this way"

"What is,what happens in 28 minutes " dad asks him, "what happens in 28 minutes?!" Shane yells in jenners face "you know what this place is, we protected the public from very nasty stuff, weaponised small pox, abola strains that could wipe out half the country, stuff you don't want to get out ever" Jenner shouts, "I stay hugging onto moms arm while holding onto my bunny "in the event of a catastrophic power failure and a terrorist attack for example hits are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out" Jenner continued "hits?" Dad asks "vi define" Jenner tells the robot "hits high impulse thermobaric fuel air explosives consist of a two stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosive except necular the vacuum pressure effect ignites the oxygen between 5000 and 6000 degrees and is useful for the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired" the robotic voice tells us "sets the air on fire" Jenner says.
I hug onto moms arm tighter as i felt tears fill up my waterline, "no pain an end to sorrow, grief,regret,everything"
I could hear Carl start crying aswell as mom and dad, I held my bunny and mom close to me as I closed my eyes as tears slid down my cheeks, was this the end? Mom pulled Carl and i into a hug as everyone in the room cried all expert for Jenner, my tears soaked into moms shirt as I beried my face into her, "no,no,my daughter doesn't deserve to die like this" I heard carol sob out. "No pain, isn't this what you want for your daughter, a painless death?" Jenner asked, I felt small arms around my body, I look up to see Sophia, her face red with tears streaming down her face, she hugs on to me and doesn't let go, we were all going to die together, I mean I kind of wanted to die here, as Jenner seid, a painless short death which would be much better then being ripped apart by the undead, being haunted by their horrifying noises, constantly waking up everyday in fear and worry that a walker would try and take a bite out of you.

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