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"Dale could get under your skin, sure got under mine,because he wasn't afraid to say exactly what he thought, how he felt, that kind of honesty is rare, and brave,whenever I'd make a decision,I'd look at dale, he'd be looking back at me with that look he had, you've all seen it one time or another, I couldn't always read him but he could read us, he saw people for who they were, he knew things about us, the truth, who we really are, in the end he was talking about losing our humanity, he seid this group is broken, the best way to honour him is to unbreao it,set aside our differences and pull together, stop feeling sorry for ourselves, take control of our lives, our safety,our future,we're not broken,we're gonna prove him wrong, from now on, we're gonna do it his way, that is how we honour dale."

We all stood around listening to dads speech, I stood holding onto my bunny in one hand with moms hand in the other,everything that had just happened the night score was running though my mind, how did the walker get in the farm? We're the walkers getting closer to us?
After dales funeral everything felt dark and gloomy, once again we were fearing that more walkers would show up at the farm.
Dale was a good man, he took care of Carl and i when mom had to do something, he used to read some of his books to me, I didn't understand anything in the books but it was nice reading with him,his death felt sort of like a reality check, it was so nice at the farm, it felt like a dream,no walkers,no danger, it was like a wake up call.

I sat in the grass with Shane as he fixed his car, we talked about dale as I fidgeted with a piece of grass, Carl walked over to us, I waved at him with a huge smile on my face, he slightly smiled back and looked at Shane "dales death was my fault" he muttered looking at the ground, "what, why do you think that?" Shane asks him "I-" he hesitated "I took daryls gun and tried to kill a walker in the forest" he continued staring at the ground "the same walker that killed dale" he said quieter, I stayed staring at him, "dales death was no ones fault" Shane tells him putting his hand on Carl's shoulder, he handed daryls gun to Shane, "give it back to my dad" he says "no, you take it, you need to be protected" Shane tells him putting the gun infront of him "no!" He snaps "I don't ever want to touch a gun again!" Carl storms away leaving Shane and i silent, I get up from my spot on the grass, "go find your mom, I'm gonna find Rick"Shane tells me as he starts walking away.

A while later Eloise,Carl and I sat in the grass near the forest, "hey!" We hear Shane yell as we turn around, he had blood all over his nose and mouth "randell got away" dad,Glenn and Daryl run over to where Shane is, "punched me and stole my gun" he explains as Eloise,Carl and I start to get up, "Daryl and Glenn, you go search that area, Shane and I will go this way" dad says pointing into the forest, "you guys go back to the house" Shane tells us, we all nod and start running toward the house, we walked up to Eloises room, I see something that catches my eye, I had left my stuffed bunny in her room, I pick it up and laugh to myself.
Soon the sun sets and the sky is dark, "they aren't back yet" Carl says getting up from floor and starts walking towards the door "where are you going?" I say also getting up "I'm going to find dad" he says "you aren't going by yourself" I say also starting to walk to the door, "no" he tells me "you stay here, I'll be back with dad" he opens the door "promise" I say putting out my pinkie finger "promise" he replying linking pinkies, he runs down the stairs as I hear mom yell from down stairs, I sigh and sit back down, "he'll be fine, alright?" Eloise says smiling at me.

I hear in the distance, I immediately stand up and run downstairs with Eloise following, "what was that" mom asks putting down a plate on the table,I look out the window as I see what seems like hundreds of walkers limping into the farm,I gasp as I step back, "oh my god" mom whispers as she looks out the window, "where's Carl?" Mom frantically asks me "he went to go find dad" I say as her face drops, mom grabs my hand as I grip my bunny in my other hand, we rush out the front door, there's walkers stumbling everywhere, as we stare at what is happening infront of us a walker grabs my arm and try's to take a bite out of me, I jump back and scream as mom tugs me away from the walker, suddenly I see the barn go up in flames as walkers limp out in fire, we see Beth and Patricia, just as we get to them Patricia gets bitten by a walker, mom grabs Beths hand as she runs with us to a car with t-dog in the drivers seat, we all pile into the car, I never saw anyone else get out of the farm, I was praying anyone else was alive, I didn't even know if dad,Carl or Eloise were okay or if they made it out alive, the car ride was so quiet you could hear a pin drop in the car, all that could be heard was beths slight sniffles and mom and t-dog whispering to eachother, I stayed hugging onto mom the whole car ride, after a while we made it back to the highway where all this started, the place where Sophia went missing, we all got out of our cars, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I saw dad,Carl and Eloise,I ran as fast as I could and hugged them, tears ran down my face as we all hugged, mom soon joined in, Eloise went to go hug hershel,Maggie and Beth, I had thought I lost my brother, dad and best freind.

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