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You know it. You just know it. The feeling. That feeling when you look at someone and everything around you freezes.

You look at them, and then you just keep looking at them, as if the world has stopped. Then that person moves slowly as you notice every single movement they make.

I couldn't take my eyes off that pretty little boy who just entered with his friend. They we talking and laughing while walking further inside the cafeteria of school. His smile. His eyes become so tiny when he smiles and his cheeks turn a shade of pink. Pink suits him. He looks like... What do I call it... Mochi? Yeah. My little mochi.

"That's Park Jimin." My friend Jin tells me with a smirk after he catches me staring at him.

Park Jimin, huh. Even his name is cute.

"You fancy him?" Hobi asks with an amusement.

"The way he paused his lunch, I'd say he's already head over heels for that mutt." Yoongi replies, in a uninterested tone.

"Hey! Language! He has a name, okay?" I glare at Yoongi who doesn't seem even a bit bothered and Hobi laughs.

This is my gang. Jin, Hobi, Yoongi, and I. We have been friends from years and I love these guys. We don't share all classes together in school but we always have lunch together and talk about our day and make plans for. Oh, and make fun of each other. Geez.

"I don't think you can have Jimin, Jungkook." Hobi says.

"Why?" I ask with a frown. I didn't even dream about him properly yet, and he's already demotivating me.

"Well... You see that guy besides him, Kim Taehyung?" He shows his finger and I follow it, finding Jimin and his friend in a deep conversation. The other one, with dark long hair is speaking while Jimin listens with a deep interest. What could they be talking about, I wonder.

"Yeah? What about him?" I ask.

"They both always stick to each other. I've even heard rumours that they're dating."

I exchange a look with Jin, who nods in agreement. "That's true. Tae used to share a class with me last month, and no matter who tried to befriend him, he never gave anybody a second look, and would always run around Jimin, like all the time." He shakes his head.

So... My love story ends even before it started?

I sigh and finish my lunch with my friends.

Let me introduce my group of 4. Kim Seokjin, the mom of the group, he always takes care of everything and everyone whenever we need it. He's little silly sometimes, but that's his charm. Jung Hoseok, the happy pill. He's always cheerful and always has the best gossips, without him, our group would be boring. Min Yoongi, the antisocial. He's the opposite of Hobi, stays quiet most of the time, but whenever he speaks, it always makes sense. Then there's me. Jeon Jungkook. I'm... Well, I don't wanna brag but I'm one of those popular hotties in school.

I'm a bit introvert, so people get attracted to my mysterious side. I'm in all sort of sports, so I have friends from all over the school. I have tattoos and piercings, and mostly wear black so I give off a bad boy vibes and besides that, I have dated a few people here and there, men and women, so I've also been called a player, which personally, I'm not very proud of.

I finish my lunch and then we all go back to class.

"Jungkook hyung!" I hear a familiar voice calling out to me from my way to class. I turn around and find Kang Taehyun running towards me.

"Taehyun, hey!" I greet him with a smile when he approaches me. He's my junior and we're on the soccer team together.

"Hyung, thank god I found you. Coach was looking for you."

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