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After resting for a few days, I finally go back to school. Due to mom, I have to go and come back with Namjoon, which practically sucks.

Many things happened in the past few days. But the best part was Jimin. We talked back and forth on Instagram and then we finally exchanged numbers. His voice sounds so sweet on phone that everything he says, makes me wanna kiss him. Damn. Oh and another unexpected thing happened. Namjoon. He has been taking care of me around the clock after coming back from school, bringing me food and meds on time, and asking how I'm feeling. He even offered to help me bath but I obviously denied. I can't trust this guy. But we still haven't gotten any closer and I still hate him.

"You have your meds, right? Don't forget to take them after lunch." He speaks while driving, his eyes on road.

"Yes, mom." I reply, annoyed. But he just shakes his head.

We finally get home and I find it hard to believe my eyes at what I see. My friends, MY friends, greet Namjoon as if they know him since ages. What the fuck happened while I was at home? They just ask me how I'm feeling, and go back to cracking jokes back and forth with Namjoon and I feel like I'm the outsider in the group.

I ignore it all and get to my class. Once I get seated, a bunch of girls approach me to ask about my health and I politely tell me them to fuck off because my mood has gone down the hill thanks to that idiot with dimples.

Now, I need Jimin.

So, I text Jimin for a catch-up after class and he informs me to meet on the second floor and I do. But he's not alone, there's that annoying guy with him as well.

"Hey Jimin." I smile, getting into a good mood after seeing his face.

"Hey. Thank god, you look better. I was really worried about you." He says, making me smile.

Then the other guy approaches me and takes out his hand. "Hi, Jungkook. I'm Kim Taehyung." I shake his hand. "I'm grateful for what you did for Jimin on my absence. He told me everything."

I shrug. "I had to. We're friends."

Taehyung smiles, but I can tell that it's fake. Good. He doesn't like me too, but for Jimin's sake, both of us have to pretend to like each other.

"Wanna have lunch together?" I ask Jimin.

He hesitates and looks at Taehyung. "Um, actually I eat with Tae."

I clench my jaws. "Um, well he can join as well."

Jimin smiles gratefully. "That's awesome. Right, Tae?"

Taehyung exchanges a look with me and rolls his eyes. "No thanks. You two enjoy, I don't feel like eating anyways." With that he leaves.

I shrug and grab Jimin's hand who looks taken aback by Taehyung's word.

"Shall we?"

He looks at our hand and blushes. "Yeah..."

I feel his warm, soft hand in mine. This boy makes me go crazy over him. I need to make him mine. Soon.

We go to the cafeteria and sit together at the table Tae and Jimin usually eat on. I text my friends that I won't be eating with them and catch them giving me thumbs up from across the room from our usual table. But I also notice Namjoon. He glares at me and I love that reaction. He's jealous? Maybe. But I don't care.

I put my attention back on Jimin and smile. He's so pretty.

"You know... Your lips... They look tempting." I tell him and he blushes.

YOU (Namkook ft.Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now