Drunk again

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The next morning, I wake up with a headache.

I try to twist and turn, half asleep, but it feel suffocated. So, I open my eyes, and find myself cuddled up by Namjoon, on the couch, with a blanket on top of us.

I throw the blanket away and get up from the warm and somewhat comfy spooning. Namjoon slowly wakes up from my movements or when he suddenly feels cold.

"Morning bunny." He says, in his raspy morning voice. His eyes barely open.

"What the fuck did you do last night!?" I shout at him, still feeling the discomfort in my butt.

He chuckles, sitting up and leaning his head backwards on the couch. It irritate me.

"You always do this! You take advantage of my drunken state!"

"You came at me first." He says and yawns in laziness, as if he isn't even interested in the conversation.

I hate him.

So, I just turn around and start walking away when I hear him again.

"Oh, by the way, mom knows."

I frown and turn around. "What?"

"Us. Mom knows."

I gasp. "No way..."

He shrugs. "I'm sure you weren't the one who put blanket on us."

Right. The blanket. If it wasn't him.... Shit. Mom saw us, cuddled up on the couch, and even brought a blanket for us. Fuck! I don't know what she must be thinking!

"We need to clear her misunderstanding." I tell him.

"What misunderstanding?" He asks, smirking. "She's right if she thinks what we think she's thinking."

I go speechless for a minute. "Fuck off!", is the only thing that come to mind before I storm off inside my bedroom.

I check my inbox, no text from Jimin. So, I text him instead.

You- Everything alright there?

I wait for a couple of minutes and finally receive a message.

Jimin- Yeah. I'm sorry about what happened. Don't worry about Taehyung.

Jimin- I'll talk to you in school.

You- Sure thing. Take care.

Jimin- You too.

After the quick shower, I head out, skipping the breakfast because I don't wanna see mom's face until I decide what to tell her about the situation she found us in.

I drive, and drive, to cool my head off, and eventually, find myself back in the woods where Namjoon took me last time. I just sit there in the nice and quiet.

Soon, I receive a call from Hobi.

'Hey buddy, wassup?' He asks.

"Just chilling."

'Alright, listen. Jin found this amazing club next town. We've gotta check it out.'

"Eh... Like right now?"

'Hell yeah. It isn't too far, just a couple hours away.' There's some noise in the background, then Hobi speaks again. 'Yoongi is driving, we'll come pick you up in 20.'

"Oh, no, wait. I'm not home actually."

'Oh... Where are you?'

"I... I'm running some errands. I don't think I can make it." I'm too tired... And not in the mood to party.

YOU (Namkook ft.Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now