His boyfriend

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"Mmm" I moan, half asleep, when I feel someone squeezing my butt.

"You're so soft, bunny..." I hear Namjoon whisper in my ear, so I slowly open my eyes and meet his. But right when I do so, surprisingly enough, tears start dripping down my eyes. Namjoon frowns and quickly takes me in a tight, warm hug. He keeps rubbing my back and stays quiet until I finally stop crying.

I don't understand why I cried though... I mean, I knew I was upset about Jimin, but I would never be so vulnerable like that in front of Namjoon of all people.

"Are you okay now?" He asks.

I nod.

"You and Jimin.... Are over now, correct?"

I nod again.

"Good." He grabs my face and kisses me passionately. Then rests his forehead with mine. "Now I can finally have your undivided attention." He smirks.

"I hate you." I whisper. "I hate.... I hate how comfortable you make me feel sometimes... I hate how you take care of me and never let it show... I hate how horny you make me feel and I hate that you're the only person who can truly satisfy me... I hate that you came back in my life and now my life... My morals... My values... My attitude... Everything is changed."

Namjoon kisses my forehead. "Keep hating me, I don't mind. Just.... Don't fall in love with someone else."

I chuckle. "You're horrible!"

He smiles, "I know."

Then he starts kissing my lips, then my neck... His hand slides inside my tshirt, giving light pinches to my nipples, making me moan, and suddenly gets on top of me, unbuttoning my pants while also giving rough kisses on my neck. I grab the back of his hair, which I have learned that it turns him on, and bite my lips to suppress the moans.

Namjoon gets rid of both our clothes, and without wasting any minutes, he grabs my waist and turns me around, on my stomach. Then he pulls my hips up so we're in his favourite position, and without any warning, inserts his thick long dick inside me.

"Argh... Mmhh" I moan as he start thrusting harder and harder. To move faster, he grabs both of my wrists for support and pulls my body according to his own pace, and I love every second of it.

He finally cums inside me, and then sucks me off to make me release as well.

"Hope you're not tired yet. The night is still young, Bunny."

"B-but.... I just came... I can't get hard again so soon..."

"Leave that to me." He winks. "We'll have to work on your stamina... I don't want my boyfriend to be tired after just one round, and that too, in just a single position"

I blink twice... "Did you say... Boyfriend...?"

"Mhm. Why not bunny? You cut your ties with your boy toy, so you're all mine now."

"But you can't decide that on your own... I never agreed to be your boyfriend..."

He chuckles. "You will. One day or the another."

I always hated his over confident self... But this time... I kinda liked it.

He smiles and gives me a kiss.

I guess... Sooner or later... I might end up being his boyfriend afterall...

YOU (Namkook ft.Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now