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"Kookie, please leave the class, I need to talk to him in private." Namjoon says.

I frown. "What? Why?"

Namjoon doesn't say anything, just give me the look. So, I give up and leave. It has nothing to do with me anyways. But what could Namjoon have to do with Taehyung?

Ugh, forget it. I go back to my class.

That day at the lunch, I sit with my friends and dodge every question about Yeonjun. One thing that feel odd is that Namjoon always takes part in teasing me, infact he plays the biggest role. But this time, he was surprisingly quiet, as if he's just physically present, and his mind is elsewhere. What is he thinking so hard about?

Another thing that bother me is that Jimin is nowhere to be seen and the lunch break is about to end.

So I decide to text him.

Jungkook- Where are you?

Jimin- I'm with Tae. He's gotten a bit sick so I won't make it to lunch.

Tae is sick? He was just fine an hour ago. I sigh. If Jimin is skipping his own lunch just to look after that idiot, then maybe their friendship is deeper than I imagined.

"Eat your food, Kookie. Put that phone down." Jin frowns.

"Must be texting Jimin... I noticed he didn't come for lunch today." Says Yoongi.

I nod. "Yeah. He said his friend is sick."

"Friend? Oh, you mean that Taehyung guy? Damn, I envy their friendship sometimes..." Hobi adds.

I take a glance at Namjoon, but he still doesn't say anything. What's wrong with him?

After the break, I bring some food for Jimin. I find him in the nurse's office, sitting beside the bed while Taehyung is lying down with his eyes shut.

Jimin looks at me and the worried expression from his face turn into a smile. He walks towards me and takes me in a hug. I hug him back.

"Is he okay?" I ask Jimin about Taehyung.

"Yeah, he's resting. The fever seems to have gotten down at least."

I rub his back. "You were worried?"


I smile. Jimin is the sweetest boy I've ever met. "Hey, look here." I grab his face and kiss him. He blushes. "Tae will be fine, alright? You need to take care of yourself as well." I hand him the bag of food. "Eat."

He smiles. "Thank you, Jungkook."

I ruffle his hair and leave after kissing his forehead because I have class to attend.

Finally, the school end, and I'm alone in the car with Namjoon.


"What?" He replies but keep his eyes on the road.

"What's gotten into you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been... Quiet... Since I left you alone with Taehyung."

Namjoon sighs. "Is my silence bothering you, Kookie?" He says but there's no hint of humour in his tone.

I frown. " I.. I was just wondering why..."

After another few minutes of silence, he speaks, "So you're dating Jimin now?" He asks.

"How did you know?" I didn't tell anybody yet.

"Tae told me." Tae? So Taehyung is 'Tae' for him now.

"And how does HE know?"

He shrugs. "Maybe Jimin told him? I know for a fact that Jimin never hides anything from his 'bestfriend'." He puts emphasis on the last word.

YOU (Namkook ft.Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now