The friends

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I snatch my hand away from Namjoon and glare at him. How could he just take the hit and prevent me from beating the asses of these three little fuckers who bullied Jimin.

"What the fuck, Namjoon?"

He looks at me, then at Jimin, then at the three bullies, then back at me.

"Let the boy fight his own battle. Don't interfere."

"Why not? He's my friend!"

"Because you can't win. Your little punches are nothing to the guys who've been practicing boxing half their life. But on the other hand, think about what their punches can do to you."

I clench my jaws. He makes sense. But I can't just forgive them after what they said to Jimin.

"I don't care!"

"Jungkook, please, no." Jimin whispers from behind me, but I ignore him again.

I plant another punch on his face but again, he just smirks, and I wasn't expecting what came after. His one punch, straight on my face, was enough to throw me back a few steps. My nose start bleeding and him and his friend laugh. Jimin comes to me and frowns with tearful eyes.

"Jungkook, oh my god, you're hurt. Why did you even get involved? Come on, let's get out of here." Jimin sounds worried. It's nice, and it really hurts a lot.

I look around and notice the crowd that has gathered to watch the show. Then I spot Namjoon. He's stronger than me. He's strong enough to fight them all. But he's just standing there, looking at me. That's right, why would he help me? Heh, I don't need his help either!

I take a deep breath, and punch him again, and again, so does he, and his friends. All three of them start beating the shit out of me.

"Guys! Please stop! That's enough! Please!" Jimin keeps shouting but nobody pays attention to him. By the time they leave me alone, I'm all covered in blood and bruises.

The hype dies down, and soon, it's just Jimin, Namjoon and I left in the entire hallways.

I sit on the floor, with my back supported by the lockers, panting heavily. Jimin sits next to me, worried with tears in his small beautiful eyes.

"Jungkook... Why did you...?" He asks, suppressing his sobs.

I smile, ignoring the pain all over my body. "I just wanted them to know that you're not alone."

Jimin grabs my hand and gives it a little squeeze. "Thank you."

"If you're done with your melodrama, shall we take him to the nurse?" Namjoon speaks out of nowhere. "He doesn't need your thank you, instead, as a gratitude, help me take him to the nurse so we can get his wounds treated. " Namjoon stares at Jimin and his rude tone make me angry.

"Don't shout at him, Namjoon, it's not his fault." I yell back.

"Um.. no.. he's right. Let's go to the campus's clinic."

Jimin carefully tries to help me stand but I literally have no strength in my body, let alone my legs, and Jimin is too fragile to handle my weight. But then, as if on cue, Namjoon grabs my waist and snakes his another arm under my legs to pull me off my feet. I gasp and clutch onto him tightly as he, very easily, picks me up and takes me to the clinic with Jimin following us, taking my bag in his hands.

The whole way to the nurse's office was embarassing, but I had no other option than to let Namjoon do what he wants, though I still didn't say a word to him.

The nurse treated my wounds and told me, luckily, none of my bones were broken and the bruises might take a couple weeks to disappear. Nurse was very dedicated and worried about me that she almost called my mom, but I don't know what Namjoon told her, that she agreed on letting it go this once. I was grateful to him, again, but I still didn't say anything.

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