Him again

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"I'm sober." There. I said it.

He smirks, opening the door wider to let me inside his bedroom, and then shutting it behind me.

"You're aware that you just said, you want to have sex with me, not because you're drunk, but because, you really want to."

"N-no... That's not..."

"Hm?" He stands right behind me, and trails a finger down my spine, giving me chills.

"I'm here... Because... I'm... I'm horny. That's all."

"Oh really now?" He whispers in my ear while his hand slides beneath my robe, groping my ass. "Then... Why don't you go to that boy-toy of yours? Jimin, was it?"

I turn around and push him off. "Don't take his name!" I shout furiously. I hate it when he talks about Jimin like he's not even a human.

He look offended. I would've regretted it just now, if he hadn't grabbed my throat and pushed me down on the bed in a very rough manner, and leaned his face too close to mine, that our lips almost touch.

I grab his wrists from both of my hands and try to take his hand off my throat but he doesn't budge. His grip is pretty tight, not enough to be dangerous, but enough to show me who's the boss here. So, I give up.

"You look pathetic right now." He whispers. I frown, but I'm unable to speak due to pressed throat. "Coming here, in the middle of the night, asking, or I'd rather say, begging... for sex. Your pride is all crushed now, isn't it?" I look away. Don't remind me of that. "Seems like Jimin isn't enough to satisfy you, huh? You've started to like it up your now, haven't you? And, no offense, but that cute little child... He's no match with my dick."

"I hate you!" I struggle to form words, despite my state, and they come out muffled, but judging by his careless smile, I know he heard them right.

"But here you are, bunny..." He finally lets go of my throat, making me cough a bit, and unties my robe, leaving me naked. He runs his hand up my thigh, and rubs my hole. "... Under me. Right where you're supposed to be."

He inserts his finger, and I moan. Right... This is right... He puts another finger and I start getting harder. This familiar touch... Yeonjun did the same but Namjoon is the one who can get me hard... Why? Why is it him that my body doesn't reject?

"Don't keep your mind occupied, bunny. Focus on me." He says, and I nod. "You don't need much preparation. I'm going in." He smirks and takes off his trousers. He's already rock hard. Then with one sudden stroke, he's deep inside me.

"Fuck!" I moan out, shutting my eyes as he goes in and out of me. Unlike the other times, he goes faster and rougher. While fucking me, he grabs my hair and pulls them to give himself more room on my neck, and starts giving hickeys. I want to stop him, but ignore it because the sex is too good to focus on anything else.

Soon, I rub my dick to cum but Namjoon pats my hand away and grabs it instead. He puts his thumb on top of it to cover the opening.

"Hey... I wanna cum." I frown in desperation.

"You can't until I do."

"B-but..." He moves faster inside me, every hit makes it impossible for me to hold back anymore.

Maybe he reads my face, as his expression turn soft. He leans down and whispers, "Just a little more, okay?" His gentle, and extremely rare tone make me oblige.

And soon, he finally lets me cum, while he cums inside me as well. He takes his penis out of me, but his fluid also rushes out, making me embarrassed. I'll need to take a shower. Again.

YOU (Namkook ft.Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now