The pretty boy

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Mrs. Seo leaves after giving all of us her warm hugs and thanking my mom once again for letting her son stay with us. She's such a lovely lady. I wish Namjoon was any better.

"Kookie, help Namjoon with his stuff. Meanwhile I'll prepare his room." With that, mom walks upstairs.

Finally, it's just the two of us with big cardboard boxes containing his belongings.

Namjoon walks closer and smirks.

"You're still shorter than me." He mocks.

Seriously? That's the first thing you say?

"Fuck off."

"And short tempered." He chuckles and picks up a huge box pretty easily as if it's loaded with nothing but air. "Don't bother with the boxes. They're too heavy for you." With a smirk, he leaves.

What the fuck was that? Did he just call me weak? Heh! You'll see!

I go and grab a box. I pick it up, but it takes all of my energy. I take a few steps and my muscles start twitching so I put it back down. Damn, these really are heavy. But Namjoon picked them up so easily tho. I don't wanna admit it .... But he's strong.

He spends the rest of the day in his room, arranging his stuff. There's just two bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor so I keep suffering with the noise.

Then my mom calls us down for dinner and we sit together on the table.

"Have you settled well, Namjoon?" Mom asks.

"Yep. You have a very beautiful house." He replies. I roll my eyes and keep eating my food.

"You're a sweet talker. Thanks. Oh, by the way, I talked to Kookie's school, and did all the paperwork required for your admission. You can join tomorrow. Looking at your past records from your previous school, they were very happy to have you. You're such a brilliant student, Namjoon, it made me proud in front of them."

He smiles. "Now, you're embarrassing me."

Mom chuckles. "Kookie?"

"Yeah?" I finally look up from my plate.

"Take him with you tomorrow, alright?"

I nod and continue with my food.

Fuck my life!

After dinner, I go to bed, but there's not a single hint of sleep. I pick up phone, knowing full well that if I use it, I won't be sleeping before 3 am, but that's okay, I need to keep my mind off this intruder in my house.

I sigh and turn on my Instagram. Suddenly, my mood get lighter and a smile form on my face when I see Jimin in my suggestions.

His username is J.m, so cute. He doesn't have much posts and the account is private. Good. I like people who keep privacy.

I send him friend request and within a few minutes, get a notification. I thought Jimin accepted my request but instead, I get a follower myself. It's none other than Kim Namjoon. He's still awake as well? I sigh and click on his profile. Username rkive. What does it mean? His account is private too. Should I send him request as well?

Curiosity takes the better of me and I send him a friend request. He accepts within a minute.

Well, well, would you look at that. He's such a nerd. His profile is very boring.

I scroll down and look through the pictures he has posted. There's mostly artwork.

I interestingly look through every single picture since I myself have developed a little love for art. He goes to art museums like every month.

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