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After school, Namjoon takes me to a place and I send a quick text to mom, telling we'll be late today.

"Seriously!? This place?" I ask when he parks in the driveway of a convenience store.

"Just a quick stop. Come." He gets out of the car, and I follow him inside the store.

I stand next to the counter, while he gets the booze. He buys half a dozen bottles of beer, a vodka and a whisky. Isn't it too much tho? I just shrug and take out my card to pay.

"Wait. This as well." He takes out a box of condoms and puts it on the counter. I frown and look at him.

"The fuck!?"

He chuckles. "No funny business. I promise." He winks and I shake my head and pay. I hope he isn't thinking what I think he's thinking.

He puts the bottles on the back seat, taking one beer and handing one to me while he drives.

"Drink and drive... You're gonna get us arrested." I tell him while drinking the beer.

"Don't worry. The place I'm taking you, has no police... Or even human for miles."

"Wow. So we're going in the middle of nowhere. Make sure you erase all the evidence after you kill me and dump my body."

He chuckles. "Right."

After what feels like an hour, with empty bottles of beer and zero conversation, Namjoon tells me that we've arrived.

Just as I imagined, this place really is in the middle of nowhere. We drove through narrow path, surrounded by tall trees, and now, this is the end of the way.

"This is jungle." I tell him, annoyed.

"Follow me."

He takes the bottles, locks the car and walks ahead between the trees. I follow.

Soon, we find ourselves in a spacious area with no trees and just soft grass under our feet. And finally, we end up on a cliff. Namjoon steps aside and I walk forward to the end of the cliff and look down.

It's the prettiest view I've ever had of the city.

The sun is setting, the entire city is visible from up here. The flyovers and the buildings look so small and beautiful. The birds and insects sound soothing. The breeze is relaxing. I feel myself getting lighter and lighter, the longer I stay there, looking down. I... Feel happy. Maybe it's the alcohol...

"I knew you'd love it." He says. His voice comes from right behind me. I turn around and look at him. Like... Finally... Look at him. In the last few days, this is the first time I'm actually taking a good look at him. The yellow sunlight of the dusk make his face shine brighter. He has a smile on his face as he looks at me.

I nod. There's no use lying, this place really is amazing. "The boring drive was worth it." I speak and he ignores me, handing me the bottle of vodka. "Neat?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Can't?"

Is he challenging me?

"No. It's cool."

"Good. Come, let's sit." He grabs my hand, and we literally sit on the cliff, legs hanging. It's a bit scary, so I sit a little closer to Namjoon.

We share the bottle of vodka and whisky. It feels tastier with the cold breeze. The sky gets darker and we just sit there, watching the city lighting up. There's silence, none of us speak, but it's not awkward. It's comfortable.

"When did you find this place?" I ask.

"When you were on bedrest."

Oh, so that's why he would be late coming home sometimes. Damn, I've been living here my whole life and I never knew a place, as beautiful as this, exists.

YOU (Namkook ft.Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now