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"Jimin knows." Namjoon smirks.

"What do you mean by that!?" I frown, horrified. "How can he know?"

"Because I told him. Duh."

"You what!?" I yell.

He sighs. "Don't over react, bunny."

I walk towards him and grab him by collar. "What the fuck did you say to him!?"

I stare dead into his eyes, but he just grins, silently.

Just when I tighten my grip around his collar, in one swift moment, he grabs my arms and throws me on the bed, lying on top.

I struggle to get away from him but his grip is too tight and he's very strong to even budge. So I give up and ask again, "what did you tell him? And when?"

He looks down at my lips and leans closer. I close my eyes and wait but his lips doesn't touch mine. So I open them again and see him watching me with a smirk. He was teasing me!

"You're so impatient, bunny." He says.

"Answer my question."

He sighs. "Well in the morning, when you, my dear sleeping beauty were asleep, your boy toy and I had a little chat."

No way! No way! No way! This means... He knows!? Jimin saw me with Namjoon!? He knows I had sex with Namjoon right next to him!

"He looked pretty hurt when he saw you snuggled up to me. You were looking cute to me though." He winks, and continues. "And just so he doesn't misunderstand anything, I cleared everything to him." I was about to take a breath of relief but then he speaks up again, "I told him that yeah, we fucked."

I glare at him. "I hate you."

He chuckles. "Aw, don't worry. I made him understand that if he tells you about this, it might be the end of you and him. I suggested he stay quiet about this matter and so, if he really doesn't wanna lose you, he'll pretend he doesn't know." He playfully winks again.

I adjust my leg a little and kick him away from me. He goes back a few steps with a "ouch!" And I run back to my room.

I sit on the bed and take my head in my hands. This is fucked up. This is totally fucked up.

Jimin lied to me on the phonecall. Does this means Namjoon was right and Jimin really doesn't wanna lose me so he's pretending everything is fine? Or maybe he wanted to avoid talking about this.

I don't know what to do now. I really don't know anything. Should I talk to Jimin myself or just pretend that I don't know that he knows.


Namjoon always fucks things up for me.

"Boys! Breakfast!" I hear mom calling out from downstairs, so I just decide not to think too much over this and get some food.

After eating breakfast and ignoring Namjoon the entire time, I just grab my car keys and drive to Jin's.

"Hey boy! Long time no see!" Jin greets me at the door with a grin on his face. "Come in!"

I greet his mom and we go into his room. Yoongi is already there and it's not surprising because they're practically neighbours and Yoongi always comes to play video games at Jin's.

"Hey, Kookie. Wanna play a round?" Yoongi asks, showing me the controller.

"I'll pass." I sigh and sit on the bed.

Both of them notice that something's up with me so Jin brings a few cans of beer and Yoongi pauses his game to sit next to me. We share a couple beer, one after the another, without a word, until, finally, Jin speaks up, "So.... What is it?" He asks.

YOU (Namkook ft.Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now