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Anthony Carlos Torres

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Anthony Carlos Torres

It's been a week since Alicia and I last slept together. The energy in the house has been the best it had been in a long time. Our daughter can tell that mommy and daddy are back to their old selves again. Just the thought of everything puts a smile on my face. While I was lost in my head, I heard a small voice from below me-

daddy what are you thinking about, is it mommy?- Camille giggled.

I looked at her- Noooo, I'm thinking about the both of you lil mama - I kissed her cheek.

Camille, Camille, Camille. You saved my life and you don't even it know it. Raising you, teaching you, loving you, everything about you I cherish dearly. Without you, I probably would've been dead or lost in life without a purpose. You make me love your mother a thousand times more because she gave me the chance to become a father. She didn't have to but she did and I wouldn't blame her if she had kept me away from you, I was hard head ass nigga. Camille soon turned her attention down the spice isle, pointing her little hand-

mommy and broder!!!- she shrieked.

I pushed the cart over to Alicia, kissing her cheek once I reached her-

babe did we need cinnamon or nutmeg for the dessert, I can't remember which one I didn't have.- she asked eyeing the spices.-

I replied- just get both baby, saves you from taking another trip to the store

she smiled, laying her head on my chest. She held her stomach and gritted her teeth.-

he's kicking today, I must've made him upset with that lasagna-

broder hates lasagna mommy!-

we all laughed. I checked my phone realizing it was getting late. It was a Monday tomorrow meaning work and school for Camille and I. We checked out and swiftly went home. I put the groceries away while Alicia prepared Camille for bed. Once she was finished she went into our bedroom and laid down. Texting her mother while she waited for me. Once I finished putting everything away I went upstairs and stopped by Camille room.-

baby girl look at what I brought you -I whispered.

She came over to me waiting to see what it was. I pulled the Barbie gummy snacks from my pocket and handed them to her. She hugged me tightly-

thank you daddy you're the best, I won't tell mommy

you're welcome beautiful-

A&A Chronicles: Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now