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Some weeks have gone by since that whole incident with Alicia and I. Sky been staying over lately and she got a nigga feeling good. I was getting ready to go out. She was helping me with my shirt. - Pooh I think you should leave your job, you better than that 9 to 5.- she said as she buttoned my shirt- I like my job though, a nigga finally making some legit money- I said as she began putting my shoes on- baby you really wanna work for them white folks ? They don't care about you! You can be out here working on your own time, making thousands in a hour like a boss nigga.- she tied them and got up. She pulled me close and kissed me.- just think about it, for me?- I'll see ma, I gotta go -I left and met up with Alicia. It was her birthday so I decided to take her out. She was already seated at the booth waiting for me. I sat across from her.- you look good Alicia, like put another baby in you type fine- I said as I grabbed the menu- boyyyy stop boosting my head up -she laughed and rolled her eyes. We ordered a few drinks and started talking.- on some real shit, I'm thinking about quitting my job- I said nervously.- why Anthony? You're doing so good. I don't want you going back to that street shit!- I wanna go back, I'm sick of working for these niggas who don't care about me- and you think the streets do? You smarter than that baby!- she held my hand.- whoever telling you that shit is not for you bae!- she was visibly upset- Ain't nobody telling me shit, I thought this up myself- I could tell she didn't believe me- is it that bitch Anthony? Tell me I won't get mad- yeah it's sky but she's right, that shit is pathetic.- Anthony I'll rather you be in a office than a coffin! That bitch has you confused! Please don't listen to her bae! Promise me!- I promise -I said playing with my bracelet. A few hours later we made it back to her house. She went to the room to undress. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a water. As I was drinking it, I decided to check my phone. I had about 10 messages from sky about our conversation earlier. This bitch persistent as hell. I ignored them and went into the room. Alicia was changing into her night clothes. When I walked in the room she started looking me up and down- you staying the night huh?- she asked as she got into bed- I can't?- did I say that?- she said rolling her eyes. I took my suit off and laid down grabbing the remote. She snatched it away from me- no football tonight!- she snapped at me- you gone entertain me?- I climbed between her legs and pulled the covers over ourselves.- noooo Anthony you play too muc- I interrupted her and kissed her. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled my body into hers. A call came through her phone. We stopped and looked at it. There was no name, just a rolling eyes emoji. She picked it up and Sophia's face appeared on the camera. My face started turning red.- heyyyy what you doing girlie -Sofia asked as she was driving- nothing just laying down watching housewives of Atlanta girl, had to catch up- Alicia replied. I tried to get off of her but she pulled me back.- I'm down the street I wanna see you friend- Sofia said mischievously- I'm bussyyy right now - too late I'm outside-Sofia hung up. We heard a knock on the door right after.- you really still seeing this bitch?- Anthony you still with that sky girl! You can't talk!- that's different! She was just a rebound, you know I want you!- okay baby just let me go deal with her- no I'll deal with her- I said as I got up. I made my way to the front door and opened it.- wassup?- ugh she still seeing you?- she can't leave me alone, look at me- if that's true why was she on my face yesterday -she said sarcastically- get the fuck on, nobody wants you here- I tried closing the door but Alicia came out the room and stopped me.- nooo! She can come in -she gently pulled me away and allowed Sofia in- I'm leaving I'm not competing with no bitch -I went in the room and started getting dressed. Alicia came in and tried to stop me.- wait baby you can stay too!- I'm not staying here, you know I hate that bitch- stop it! Can we just talk about it?- no Alicia, I'm done with you. You can be happy with that bitch.- i grabbed my shit and stormed out the house. Alicia was upset. She went in the living room where Sofia was waiting- he's such a pussy, why do you still love him- Sophia said laughing- out! -Alicia yelled. Sophia rolled her eyes and left. A week later I was back on the block dealing. Alicia facetimed me.- wassup bae? -I asked as I looked down at the phone.- where are you? You don't work today?- I told you I was gone quit, thought I was bullshittin'? - Anthony pleaseeee don't tell me you're that dumb?! I can't right now- she hung up in my face. I finished up for the day and went home, she was waiting for me. As soon as I walked in she was on my ass.- YOU NEED TO START THINKING FOR YOURSELF ANTHONY!! YOU LETTING THIS BITCH CONTROL YOU JUST CAUSE HER PUSSY GOOD!!- she got in my face- YOU DID THE SAME SHIT ALICIA!! DONT BE MAD CAUSE YOU CANT CONTROL ME NO MORE!!- ITS NOT ABOUT THAT ANTHONY!!! SHES LEADING YOU THE WRONG WAY!! I CARE ABOUT YOU!! I WOULD NEVER TELL YOU TO GO BACK TO THAT SHIT!!!- she started crying- I CANT LOSE YOU ANTHONY!! DID YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT THE KIDS WHEN YOU MADE THIS DECISION?!!- I couldn't even say nothing back.- HELLOOO ANTHONY?!! YOU HEAR ME?!!- baby I don't know what to say, you right!- I sat on the couch and put my hands on my head. She was pacing in front of me. - I'll be careful this time bae I promise!- I pleaded with her.- THERES NO SUCH THING IN THE STREETS ANTHONY!!! YOU GOT SHOT AND YOU WASNT EVEN IN THAT SHIT NO MORE!!!- I sighed and put my head down- WE CANT LOSE YOU! WHAT IM GONE TELL THE KIDS IF SOMETHING HAPPEN TO YOU?!! THEY DADDY SOLD DRUGS AND GOT KILLED?!!! COME ON ANTHONY BE FOREAL!!!- I never seen her so mad.- well I gotta do this shit until I can find another job bae! I'll get right I promise!- the next day I was in the room weighing my product. She came in and held me from behind- I really don't like this anthony- I know baby but it's good money- I continued. I started placing the drugs in zip loc bags. As I was doing this I felt her hand make it's way to my jeans. She slowly unzipped them and let them fall down just enough revealing my boxers. I looked down and bit my lip.- hold on boo let me finish this real quick- you can continue I'm not doing nothinggggg- she said giggling. She pulled my meat out and started playing with it.- it's so squishyyyy - she said as she continued. I started getting hard in her hands.- baeeee ewwww, I wasn't even doing nothing!- she said as she let me go - here you go playing around and shit.- she backed away giggling. I looked down and took hold of myself. I turned to look at her, she was fine as hell. I started stroking as she watched. She started feeling on her breasts. Her phone rang loudly, it was resting on the nightstand.- baby just ignore it- I said upset. - it might be important though, just hold on one moment- she went over to the nightstand and picked it up.- heyyyy!- she said happily. I couldn't hear whoever was on the other side.- who is it? You got all jolly and shit- I said confused due to her sudden mood change.- baby it's nobody special- she said shooing at me. I got up on her-. Let me see who it is then, you fucking with me?- she backed away and shielded the phone.- Anthony move now! -she yelled at me. I snatched it from her and looked. It was fucking Sofia, again. She still messing with this hoe?!- MAN GET OUT MY FUCKING HOUSE!! THIS BITCH STILL AROUND??!- I yelled as I angrily smashed her phone on the floor.- WE'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING ANTHONY!! I PROMISE!!- she proclaimed.- YOU CANT GO BACK TO BEING FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE YOU FUCKED!! I KNOW YALL DOING SHIT ON THE LOW!!!- Alicia began crying as she gathered her things. I fixed my jeans and put my stash away. I called sky and asked her to come over. Alicia looked at me and was pissed- SERIOUSLY!? YOU CALLING THAT HOME WRECKING SKANK OVER?!!! - she came over and started hitting me relentlessly. She scratched, punched, slapped, she did everything she could. I pushed her off and held her arms.- WE SEPARATED !! YOU NEED TO GET THAT SHIT THROUGH YOUR HEAD GIRL!!!!- I HATE YOU!!! THAT BITCH GONE GET YOU KILLED!!! DUMBASS NIGGA!!- she yanked her hands away and slapped me. I held my face, clenching my fists and shaking with rage as I watched her leave. The many scratches on me began filling with blood. About 3 weeks later I was at one of sky's family members funerals. It was the repast and we were seated at a table eating. I felt sky place something in my pocket.- what you just put in my pocket?- I asked as I bit into a turkey wing.- look and see Anthony -she said smiling. I took whatever it was out and instantly froze. It was a positive pregnancy test. I could tell she was overjoyed but I couldn't relate. I didn't want another baby right now, especially with her. She was waiting for my response. I couldn't sit here and act like I was happy. I simply got up and left. I could hear her sobbing but I had to go. I got in my car and sat their contemplating what I should do. I called Alicia, though we hated each other right now she was the only person I could talk to about this. All my other friends and family wasn't fucking with me at this time. I called her and she picked up after 3 rings.- what do you want Anthony?- she asked with an attitude.- sky's pregnant, I don't know what to do or who else to call- I could hear her breathing change- wow Anthony, good for you. You wanted a new family and you finally got it.- Alicia I didn't want this! I never fucked this girl without protection!- hm well I don't care, have fun with her and your new baby - her voice cracked as she said those words. She hung up, I just sat their upset. I cranked my car up and made my way to her house. I knocked on the door for about 10 minutes before she came and opened. Her eyes were puffy,red, and swollen.- I don't want to talk to you- she said.- I know but please let me tell you my side! That bitch tricked me! She had that shit set up! - she looked at me wiping her face.- whatever Anthony!!- a year or so later my wife and I started working on our marriage again. Sky had gave birth to our baby girl Genesis a few months ago. I've been stepping up and taking care of my lil girl like real nigga supposed to. I was outside in the driveway playing with the kids when Alicia came home. She parked on the street and got out. She made her way to us and greeted us.- heyyy babies - she gently took genesis from me- hey pretty girl- she said rubbing her hair. Jay was playing with chalk while Camille rode her scooter.- it's bout time for us to go in bae - I said as I gathered the kids. We went inside and she took them upstairs to bathe them. I sat at the kitchen table and texted sky.- getting her ready for bed, you can come get her tmr- I sent as I bit into my Twix. She replied back- K, I will.- I could tell she had a lil attitude that bitch been pressed ever since she found out my wife took me back. Alicia finished with the kids shortly after. She put them to bed and met me downstairs. I was texting wiz when she took the phone from me.- it's my time now Anthony- she said making a sad face.- alright girl come here- I pulled her down onto my lap and held her. She was smiling and laughing, trying to get up- stop you play tooo much! -she said playfully hitting me.- you love it though- I said sarcastically. We heard a knock at the door and looked at each other. It was 10 at night, who the hell coming over this late. I went up to check and it was the police. Alicia was panicking. She quickly went upstairs and started flushing all the drugs.- Miami sheriff's office!- the officer yelled out. I slowly opened the door and them niggas rushed me. They tackled me onto the floor and cuffed me. Alicia ran downstairs and was pissed when she saw how they was handling me. She started hitting them repeatedly- GET OFF OF HIM NOW!!! LET HIM GO!!!!!!- she screamed.- ma'am back away please! - they told her sternly.- BAE JUST FUCKING CHILL!!- I told her. She looked at me sadly and backed up. They pulled me up and dragged me out the house. Alicia immediately called wiz. They took me down to the station and booked me. These pigs still ain't tell me what I was here for. They didn't let me get my phone call until the next morning. I phoned Alicia as soon as I could- boo I already called your lawyer, he's on his way over there right now!- preciate it girl, i wanna know what the fuck I was picked up for!- we gone find out my love just please be careful- she said nervously- always bae, love you- I hung up and they took me back to the waiting cell. About 15 minutes later they took me to an interrogation room. I sat next to my lawyer. He advised me not to talk or react to anything they say. The detective came in 6 minutes after. He placed a file down In front of me and sat down.- Mr Torres, you just don't know any better do you. Just can't stay out of trouble can you- he said laughing.- tell us what my client is in for or we walk - my lawyer said firmly. Damn that nigga was bout business- Child molestation and aggravated sexual assault- he said reading the warrant.- what?! Nigga I'm not out here touching no fucking kids!! Who told you that shit!!?- I said angrily. I tried standing up but I was restricted by the table cuffs.- Calm down Mr Torres.- my lawyer said. I listened and tried containing myself. I was boiling on the inside. - give us a moment- my lawyer asked. The detective left out leaving the two of us.- did you do this? You have to let me know so I'll know how to help you- hell nah I ain't do this shit man, never in my life!- I'll get you out of this, just let me do my job.- he took his phone and called Alicia. He put it on speaker- hello?- yeah baby it's me, they charging me with some bullshit- what is it baby?- sexual assault and kid rape! I'm not out here doing that shit!! Somebody fucking lying on me!!- I heard her break down. She didn't even reply she just hung up. Fuck, I hope she don't believe I did this shit. She know me better than that! 2 months went by and the trial was finally here. Nobody but wiz came up to see me during that time. I walked into the courtroom and saw all my family there. My pops, my siblings, Alicia, wiz. Man a nigga stomach was hurting. I was escorted to a seat next to my lawyer. The judge sat down and everyone was put under oath.- call in your first witness - Judge Gilmore said to the plaintiff.- I will be calling Skylar Kelly to the stand.- Watson said. I was beyond pissed. This bitch lied on me? All because I didn't want her? She went up and sat on the stand. Watson begin questioning her.- Ms. Kelly when did you first meet Mr. Torres.- at a house party he had thrown at his home.- and what was your first impression of him?- he seemed like a good man. Honest, hard working, very handsome.- nothing seemed out of the ordinary with him?- I did think that he was too close with his daughter Camille.- Thank you, no further questions.-watson went back to her side of the room and went through her evidence. This bitch really just said I was too close with my lil girl? The fuck I'm supposed to do be a deadbeat?! My lawyer Josea then went up to question her.- Ms Kelly you stated that you believed my client's relationship with his daughter was odd. Why still be involved with him?-   I was blinded by things like sex to see the truth.- she said forcing a tear out. This bitch! I looked back at my family, they knew this bitch was full of shit. I could see Alicia beginning to cry. Fuck I should've listened to her.- Ms Kelly can you please describe the night that the so called attack happened?- josea asked.- yes, we were about to be intimate when I ended up changing my mind. Anthony kept bugging me though. He said " give that shit up or ima take it". I denied him again and that's when he- she broke out into those bullshit tears- that's when he forced himself on to me and had his way.- this bitch is for real right now?- and what about the incident with 5 month old genesis?- I was changing her one day and noticed her area was very irritated like someone was messing with it. The only person I could think of was her father. I never have her around anyone else!- she wiped her face with a tissue.- I have reason to believe you're lying. This story was brewed about coincidentally around the time my client and his wife got back together. All this evidence is circumstantial! - josea said confidently. Get that shit then nigga!- objection! Your honor we have evidence proving Mr Torres is in fact a threat!- what is this evidence?- judge Gilmore asked.- videos from an account he has on the pornography site pornhub under the username putitdown95- Watson said as he made his way to the tv holding a cd. This nigga really comparing consensual porn to rape?! Alicia looked away as the video started playing. It was a few months ago when she asked me to be rough with her.- as you can see josea your client is seen choking and slapping around his wife, who's to say who didn't do this to Ms Kelly?- that was consensual this evidence is not relevant whatsoever! -josea argued- order in the court!- Gilmore said- 10 minute recess, I'll have my verdict once we resume.- Gilmore left to his chamber. I sat there with my head in my hands. My life is ruined, allegation's like this don't go away! I looked back at my folks again.- beefcake we know you didn't do this!- nene said trying to be positive. I smiled a bit but I wasn't going to feel good until the judge says I'm innocent. He came back and sat down.- I judge Gilmore find the defendant Anthony Torres guilty of one count of child molestation and one count of aggravated sexual assault. You will be sentenced to 10 years in a maximum security prison- I almost passed out hearing those words. I could hear Alicia screaming behind me- NO!! HE DIDNT DO THIS STUFF!! PLEASE SOMEONE FIX THIS!!!- wiz held her tightly. I looked at her, my face covered in tears.- bae I'm innocent! Why they doing this to me?- I said as the guards escorted me out. 5 months later I was sitting in my cell sharpening a shank. The guard came over informing me I had a visitor. He took me down to an empty interrogation room and there sat Alicia. She jumped up and hugged me tightly. I almost started crying.- I missed you so much girl- I kissed her passionately. I paid the guards off so they wouldn't fuck with me about it.- I wanted to bring the kids but they were asleep .- she said sadly.- I'm killing that bitch sky when I get free I put that on everything!- no bae! No more trouble she'll get her karma -she said reassuringly. She rubbed my face. The guard left out, finally.- you look like so rough bae- she joked.- I know I hate this shit! Josea fighting like hell to get me out of here, that's all that matters- she put her hand under my shirt and rubbed my chest.- I know baby I'm ready for you to come home. Everybody misses you, especially jay. He's acting out- fuck, they took me away from my son! - baby calm down we got this okay?- she started untying my sweatpants causing them to fall .- yall got this huh?- yes boyyyy we got it- she then reached her hand into my boxers. I stared at her as she stroked me. She was wearing a bright green sundress with some white Birkenstock sandals. She had my gold Cuban link chain around her neck. I picked her up and sat down in the chair next to me. I felt all over her body as she kissed my neck. She leaned up so I could pull my boxers down to free myself. She lifted her dress up, she wasn't wearing any panties. She took hold of dick and placed it right at her entrance. She sat down slowly as she stared at me. She placed her arms around my neck and rode slowly. I rubbed her lower back, making my way to her ass. She was trembling hard.- can we switch bae please- she asked me through moans.- just a lil longer - I replied. She leaned forward and kissed me. I sped her up, she grabbed my wrists trying to stop me.- noooooo losssss- she cried out. She threw her head back, I felt my lap become covered in something warm. She came but she didn't stop, she kept riding me. She grabbed my face and kissed me, but she barely could because she was moaning so much. She got off of me slowly and went onto her knees. She pulled my boxers down more and started kissing my thighs. She looked up at me and started jerking me off as she did. I watched my precum slowly ooze out. She stood up and turned away from me. She bent over the table and looked back at me mischievously. I quickly jumped up and positioned myself behind her. I inserted myself and nutted right as I did. I backed up and she turned to kiss me.- it's okay baby- she said reassuring me. She grabbed some wipes and clothes out her purse. She cleaned me up and gave me the clothes.- when you coming back up here again?- I asked as I got dressed.- whenever they say I can boo, I'll try to bring the kids, they miss you- she said as she cleaned herself. She was packing her stuff when the guard came in and cuffed me.- times up Torres- he said. She came over and kissed me.- see you soon- she said sadly. I nodded my head and I was taken back to my cell. About 3 weeks later I was in the pod chopping it up with my homeboy D- man. Some niggas came over and started pressing me bout my charges. - this sick ass nigga raped a lil girl bro.- 1 said.- y'all got that shit wrong I ain't do that shit fuck nigga- I said getting upset.- wait nigga I remember you! We was on the little league team together and coach Higgins was fucking you right? Yo weird ass did touch that girl bro- he said laughing. I pulled my shank out from my shorts and stabbed him in the neck. Blood spewed out everywhere and he grabbed his neck. He fell onto the floor, all we heard was him gurgling on his own blood. The guards rushed in and maced everyone. They grabbed me and took me down to solitary confinement. Luckily I knew a guard and had him smuggle me a phone in. He brought it to me and I texted Josea letting him know what happened. He was pissed but told me he would handle it. 2 months later I got a phone call from Alicia.- josea said this was your number- she said.- yeah bae this me, how you and my babies been.- we've been good, I sent you some pictures- I went to my text messages and looked at them. Jay was walking and talking, Camille was all grown up, I could do nothing but smile. I scrolled down and saw another photo. A positive pregnancy test.- damn we having another one?-I said happily.- Anthony... I don't want to have this baby.- she muttered out.- why not? Because I'm in jail? You serious right now?!- YES ANTHONY! YOU WONT BE HERE WITH ME! I ALREADY HAVE TO RAISE OUR OTHER 2 KIDS ALONE!! I DONT KNOW IF YOULL EVER GET OUT!! JUST PLEASE THINK!!- I was pissed. I hung up and threw the phone. She called back 10 times, I ignored all of them. About 40 mins later the guard came and told me I had a visitor. He took me down to visitation and there she was with the kids. Jay ran over and hugged me. Camille kept her distance and hid behind Alicia. The guard uncuffed me and I picked jay up.- dada I two! -he said.- I know son, you getting up there -I laughed. I tried to hug cammy but she backed away from me.- Camille that's how you gone do your father?- I said upset- leave me alone!- she yelled out. Alicia just sat there.- you not gone check her?!-I yelled at her.- CAN YOU BLAME HER FOR BEING UPSET?! YOUR IN JAIL, YOU LEFT HER!!- YOU TALKING LIKE I DID THIS SHIT!! TF YOU CAME UP HERE FOR IF YOU WAS GONE ACT LIKE THAT?!!- i put jay down and called the guards over.- I'm ready to go bro.- I told them.- Anthony no! I came up here to talk to you!- do you- I yelled as the guards took me away. I heard jay sobbing. It broke my heart. I was escorted back to my cell where they kept me for 6 months. No more calls, no more visits, they even took my 1 hour outside away and confiscated my phone. Shit was miserable. I was drawing when the guard opened up the door.- pack up los you free- he said waiting. This nigga was bullshitting ain't no way.- man I got shit to do let's go - he said impatiently. I hurriedly gathered my things and followed him. He took me to the lobby desk and gave me my belongings- you can go change over in that holding cell - he said filling out some papers. I did as he told me and changed in the cell. When I came out he handed me a paper to sign. I did and then he walked me outside to the gates. He ushered the guard in the booth to open them. When they opened NeNe, Alicia, and wiz were there waiting for me. Wiz had some balloons and liquor in his hands.- oooo beefcake you look gooood!- nene said joking.- yesss that's my baby- Alicia said holding her arms out.- fuck y'all -I said laughing as I hugged her. She hugged me tightly.- I must be invisible nigga- wiz said. I looked over at him and pulled him in.- nigga you know it's all love- I said back. Nene joined in.- alrighttt y'all let's go!- Alicia said breaking the hug. We got in the truck and wiz drove to my house. We went inside and it didn't feel real. I was really free again.- where the kids, I wanna see my kids -I said looking at Alicia.- they upstairs with my mom bae- Alicia said leading me to our room. She opened the door and there they were. Her mother was some bullshit talk show with them.- daddy?- Camille said jumping up and running to me. I knelt down and held her.- I'm sorry!- she said crying.- it's all good, I know you ain't mean it- I rubbed her hair. Jay slid off the bed and came over.- dada dada!- he jumped on us. I started laughing.- aye lil nigga you better chill out - I picked him up, holding him tightly.- Anthony, don't ever I mean ever leave my grandchildren again!- Ivonne said scolding me.- I won't I mean that moms- ivonne packed her things and left. I sat on the bed and got caught up on what's been happening with everyone. We talked for hours. Eventually the kids fell asleep and I took them to their rooms. I went back in the room and laid down. Alicia pulled me onto her and rubbed my back.- genesis's birthday was the other day - she said looking at me.- I heard, I wanna go see her but I can't -I replied- you sure she's even yours?- honestly bae I don't even know and it's not like sky gone let me get a test- oh yes that bitch will, watch!- she said fiercely.- bae I can't lie, you looked fine as fuck saying that- I said staring at her lips.- Anthony im being serious can you stop?- she said annoyed.- my bad damn.- I ended up falling asleep. The next day I was cleaning myself up, all this hair had to go. I shaved my beard into a goatee and lined my hair up. Alicia could trim and wash it for me. As I was thinking of her she walked in.- I hope that chest hair is leaving too - she said grabbing her eyeshadow pallet.- nah that's staying- no it's not, shave it off now!-I grabbed the clippers and did as she said.- that's what I thought- Alicia don't start that shit.- I dusted the hair off and swept it up. She started doing her makeup.- where you finna go?- I asked holding her from behind.- out with nene and the girls, you gone make me mess up - so what you can fix it - i started playfully hitting her from the back- bae fr stop! - she said putting her makeup brush down.- why I gotta stop? huh?- becauseeee you play too much! -she moaned out. She covered her mouth and looked at me. I stopped - ahhh you like that shit- I said laughing. She turned to face me. She hit my chest- it's not funny don't laugh! -she pushed me off and finished her makeup.- go get my dress off the bed- I mocked her and went to retrieve her dress. I brought it to her. She took her robe off and got into it. I zipped the back up for her.- how I look?- you already know what im gone say- ugh good then -she put her heels on and sprayed on some perfume.- walk me to the car, please?- she asked grabbing her purse and keys. I followed her outside. I kissed her.- don't be out too late girl- I won't, I'll call youuuu - she got in her car and left. I went back inside and tended to the kids. Meanwhile Alicia arrived at the club. She met up with nene and her two good friends Isis and Kayla.- oooooo hey girllllll -nene said getting up hugging her.- heyyy y'all look so cute!- Alicia said waving.- sis who did your face, hoe they killed it- Isis said handing her a shot- you know Alicia a certified mua girl- Kayla said sipping her drink. Alicia sat down and started drinking.- so how is it having your man back home girl- Kayla asked.- girllllll let me telll youuu! He be rubbing on me and holding me girl, a bitch missed that- Alicia slurred out.- I bettt, girl I remember jp left for 2 weeks, I was miserable but I'm glad beefcake is homeeee- nene said snapping his fingers.- yessss bitch when I get home I'm finna ride him like this -Alicia said as she straddled the seat and imitated her actions.- okayyyyy bitchhhh yesss!- isis said smacking her ass.- he can't handle me hoe!- Alicia slurred out.- Ima fuck him reaaall good girl you hear me?-she said taking another shot.- show his ass something girl!-kayla snapped- MY NIGGA HOMEEEEE!! -Alicia said repeatedly. She stood up on the table.- ooo girl hold on you can't be up there -nene said helping her down.- but nene my nigga, homeeee i missed himmm- she slurred laying her head on nenes chest.- I know girl how about we take you to him- he said- yessss but in a little bit im having fun!- they stayed for another hour. Anthony was downstairs installing a new audio system for the tv when nene called him.- wassup bro?- he asked as he hooked the stereo up.- boyyyy Alicia is acting a fool- nene said- how much she drank? Where y'all at?- we down the street and she had a lotttt, just come outside!- nene hung up. I went outside and waited for them to pull up. About 5 minutes later isis pulled into the driveway. I went over to the backseat to get Alicia out.- you home friend -Kayla said reassuring her.- where my man at is he here?- baby I'm right here -I said as I grabbed her out the car.- booooo you homeee! -she started kissing me sloppily. I gently moved her off.- I know baby but let's go inside it's cold out here- noooo let's stay out here !- she said as she took hold of my print. Isis, Kayla, and nene sat there laughing. I looked at them.- can y'all help me? Y'all bitches just sitting here like shit funny- I said angrily.- you a man you don't need us boy- Isis said rolling her eyes.- I'm coming beefcake- nene got out and grabbed her other arm. He helped me carry her into the house.- good luck sexy, she was off the chain at the club- I got this nigga, preciate it- nene left out and I locked the door. Alicia fell onto me.- you gone fuck me?- she slurred.- I missed this diiickk!- she tried pulling my shorts down but I held them.- nah baby you drunk ,another time- I picked her up and carried her to the room.- get me out this dressss! -she said rolling around the bed. I held her still, unzipped it, and pulled it off.- give me a kissss!- no, you need to chill out!- pleaseeeee!- I leaned down to give her a peck but she held me tight and forced her tongue in my mouth. She wrapped legs around me tightly.- you're gone fuck me okay?- she slurred out.- no I'm not, im not doing anything with you bae- why not? You cheating on me? You ain't fuck me since you been home!- she started crying.- I wanna spend time with you, that ain't what it's bout .- I wiped her tears.- you hate me! Get away! -she kicked me off and curled into a ball. This why her weak ass don't need to be drinking. I shook my head and took my ass back downstairs. Not even 10 minutes later she came down with that bullshit. I was on the couch watching car restoration videos when came down there butt ass naked. I ain't even notice her, I had my headphones in. I was in my own lil world. She straddled me and just stared at me.- did something happen to you in there?- she slurred. I looked at her and paused the video.- huh?- Anthony are you gay, is that why you won't touch me?- man where the fuck you get that shit from? Get off me with that lame ass shit!- then fuck me!- no, you gone force me? Fuck outta here- you want to ,just do it -she started kissing on my neck. I tried stopping her but I couldn't, I didn't want to hurt her.- no I don't just get off me- hmmm ,no-she continued. She stuck her hand in my shorts and started jerking me off. I moved her hand and looked at her crazy.- bro you need to lay down.- I pushed her off of me and got up. She ended up passing out on the couch. That morning I went and got her to give her a bath. She woke up once the water hit her skin.- morning baby- she said yawning and stretching. I ignored her and just bathed her.- you okay? Did I upset you?- she asked concerned.- you was throwing up every fucking where! This why I be telling yo ass to stop drinking!- I'm sorry I dont remember that boo- don't be doing that sloppy ass shit no more- I won't baby I just wanted to have fun- she covered her face embarrassed. I took her out and dried her off. I wrapped her in the towel. she brushed her teeth and laid her in the bed. I went downstairs to clean her mess up. I finished and went back into the room. She was sitting there disappointed in herself. I held her and rubbed her back- just don't do that shit no more alright?- I won't -she kissed me. She held me tightly and straddled me. Jay came running into the room- mama! Dada!!- he climbed on the bed and pulled us apart- baby boyyy hey handsome.- she said picking him up.- man you gotta start knocking - I said rubbing his hair. A few hours later I was out getting supplies for the house. Alicia wanted me to build her a new patio. I was looking at plywood when I got a text from her. It read .- baby you almost done? I'm waiting for youuuu -she sent a picture of her panties. They seat of them were drenched. I hurriedly gathered the supplies and made my way home. I placed them in the kitchen and went upstairs to the room. She was laying in the bed rubbing her clit. When she saw me she bit her lip and ushered me over. I went over and leaned down between her legs and started giving her head. Her toes curled as soon as my tongue made contact with her. I pushed her legs back all the way by her head. I felt her clit throbbing in my mouth with each lick. She rubbed her fingers through my hair, gripping it as she did. She started grinding against my mouth.- mmmmm baby yesssuhhh- she moaned out. I lifted my head up and started fingering her. She grabbed my wrist and stared at me. She was sweating like a hog. Her breaths started getting shorter and shorter. I felt pressure on my fingers and took them out. She squirted all over my pink polo and Amiri jeans. I quickly undid my jeans. She sat up and jumped on me. I held her as I guided myself inside. She put her arms around my neck. We stared at each other passionately. She rode me slow and carefully, making sure not to go too quick.- ah fuuuuck bae- I said as I stared at her deeply, filling her up. She grabbed my face and kissed me softly. She kept riding me after I came. That shit was amazing. We continued for another 10 minutes before we were done. We showered and I slept like a fucking toddler. I woke up a few hours later, I smelt something being cooked. I brushed my teeth and made my way to the kitchen. She was frying some fish and chips.- hey boo, I was in the mood for seafood- she said smiling at me.- I hope that ain't because you pregnant- boy that's a myth, i am not pregnant stop it- she said rolling her eyes. She finished and fixed my plate. She sat next to me and we started eating. I took a sip of my beer and looked at her.A week later I was building the patio when I called wiz just to see what was up with him.- how you been fat boy?- I said jokingly.- I been good asshole, you know C pregnant again.- that's wassup my nigga congrats. What y'all having this time?- twins , I ain't think my shooters was like that -he said laughing- damn 2 for the price of 1- i thought she was playing my nigga but she was dead ass- that shit crazy as fuck family, but look I got a real ass question- hit me with it - my dick been hurting since a week ago, what that shit mean?- busting too many nuts nasty ass nigga, that's what you get - this nigga was dying laughing.- man fuck you -I hung up and continued fixing the patio. She came out and handed me a drink.- you doing good daddyyy- she said rubbing my chest.- thanks boo but I'm far from done -I said wiping sweat from my forehead.- mhmmm and how you doing down here? -she asked putting her hand in my pants. I winced in pain.- that shit still sore, I need to go to the doctor.- we'll go tomorrow baby -she kissed my cheek and went back inside. I finished up what I could and went in the house. I went straight to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I undressed and sat there examining my meat before getting in. It was real deal red and throbbing. I took pictures of it just in case. I showered, put my sleeping clothes on, and laid down. Alicia came up about an hour later and laid on me. The next day we were on our way to my doctor. I was in the passenger seat while she drove. It was bad to the point where it I had to free ball cause the boxers irritated me too much. We arrived and were sent straight to the back. Dr. Stein was already waiting on us- Mr. Torres I got your call and jeez man, that is unfortunate.- I know, I just want this pain to stop.- let me see how bad it is - I pulled my shorts down and waited for him to talk. Alicia was holding my hand.- it closely resembles a sore thumb I must say, there's isn't any trauma, there is slight swelling though.- he took notes.- no need to tell me how this occurred, thing like this happen often. I'm going to prescribe you some pain killers and I highly recommend you refrain from any sexual activity.- for how long doctor? My man can't be out too long- about 8-10 weeks ma'am. If not significant damage may occur.- we got the medication and went back home. She was pissed off but all this was her fault. I'd be fine if she wasn't acting like how she was. We got home and she stormed upstairs. I went and sat in the backyard. I was smoking a blunt when sky called me.- you fucking deadbeat, you didn't think to come see your baby after getting out?!- bitch you lied and got me in there the fuck, I wanna stay away from your sick ass.- you sorry as fuck Anthony, you a piece of trash.- let me get a test on genesis then bitch, we'll see who the fucking trash is - I said angrily hanging up. Really calling on that hoe shit. Ivonne brought the kids home. She ended up staying too. The next I told Alicia about the call and she blew up. That pms had her acting like the hulk.- that bitch really called you a deadbeat?! My baby daddy would never and that bitch almost had you killed over a fucking lie!- I told you I should've killed that hoe when I got out bae! You never listen to me!- I'll handle her bae, she fucked with the right one!- Alicia went up to the courthouse and filed for a paternity. Sky had to agree or she would be imprisoned. Turns out genesis wasn't even my daughter. I was hurt I can't even lie but at the same time I'm glad I dodged that bullet. We celebrated like crazy that night. Me and Alicia had shot, after shot, after shot. Bae showed that punk ass hoe something. We were leaving the bar, stumbling around and bumping into shit. I started licking her neck on some nasty shit.- booooo I'm on my perioddd- she said giggling.- that ain't never stop nothing before -I slurred. We made it to the car and I fumbled for my keys.- we can't do anythingggg stupid!- she playfully punched me.- who can't ? - I asked- yuckyyyyy that's grosssss -she said pulling me in for a kiss. She was holding me by my shirt like a bitch. My keys fell from my hands and I pushed her up against the car. She held my face while I fumbled with my pants- the car baby, please - she said. I bent down and grabbed my keys, unlocking the car. I put jays car seat in the front passenger and we got in the backseat. She unbuttoned my Burberry shirt and placed her hands on my chest. I pulled her sweatpants off and smacked her ass repeatedly. She stopped me.- wait baby this is kind of nasty and fucked up - she said looking at me.- you think I give a fuck? -I slurred out.- doc don't know what he talking about!- I said as I unzipped her hoodie. She took her shirt and bra off. I sucked on her breast, leaving hickies on each one. She grinding on my lap as I did so. Someone knocked on the back window and flashed a light inside. I saw a badge and quickly stopped. I covered her up and let the window down.- can you step out for a moment sir?- Ima be honest I can't officer, my dick is all out.- I slurred.- we can miss, give us a moment- Alicia said. She fixed my jeans and threw her jacket back on. We got out and there stood 2 middle aged woman officers.- listen we're not trying to be assholes but it's crowded out here tonight and we just don't want you guys getting hit with any indecent exposure charges , okay? Take this party somewhere else .- the lady said.- thank you ma'am, I apologize for this.- Alicia said nervously. She put me back in the car and she got in the drivers seat. I was talking big shit, them hoes interrupted us!She quickly drove home and put me in the bed asap. Over the next few weeks, shit took a turn. I went to go see wiz cause i ain't heard from dude in a lil minute. I knocked on the door and Camilla opened it.- hey los - she said as she hugged me.- wassup C, where von at? My boy been straight?- no, he's not doing good right now... he's in the back if you wanna talk to him- she led me to the den and there sat wiz. She went back upstairs. Bruh looked stressed the fuck out. He was at least 40 pounds lighter, with his head and face unshaven. I went over and dapped him up.- what it is los, you finally came to see a nigga- my bad, had to get right with the fam first... how you holding up? You ain't looking too good fam- I said hiding my emotion- it's Camilla man, the pregnancy risk higher than a bih. They said she can die on the table and shit. I can't lose her nigga- he said holding back tears.- think positive my boy, they gone figure it out -I said trying to reassure him. He was already too far gone, the negativity took over.- shit been eating at me for a minute, I ain't been taking care of myself , just smoking and trying to make sure she good g- he said as he lit a blunt.- if you need me to give you space big bruh just let me know. I know some shit need to be dealt with privately- that's what's best my nigga -he said in response. I hugged him- holla at me if you need anything boy- I said as I walked out. I went home and told Alicia. She knew but didn't tell me because she didn't want me to worry. That night some time around 4 am, we were asleep when our phones started going off. I woke up and grabbed it off the charger. I didn't look to see who was calling, I just answered.- yo?- I said tiredly.- Anthony please come over! Javonte acting crazy!!- Camilla said crying.- im on the way right now- I hung up and got out of bed. I threw on a black Nike tee and some red basketball shorts. Alicia turned to look at me- who was that?- she asked tiredly- Camilla , she said wiz over there going crazy, you stay here with the kids I got this -I kissed her, grabbed my keys, and went to their place. The door was unlocked so i made my way inside. I could hear wiz yelling so I quickly ran upstairs. Camilla was backed into a corner holding her stomach crying while shaking terribly standing in a puddle of her urine. He was all in her face, a bottle of vodka in his left hand. I aggressively pulled him back.- NIGGA WASSUP WITH YOU?! SHE PREGNANT GET UP OFF HER!!- THIS MY BITCH, NIGGA IT AINT UP TO YOU HOW I TREAT HER!!- he slurred- VON YOU TRIPPING, THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE?! -I asked trying to take the bottle for him- I AINT TAKE SHIT NIGGA!- bullshit he didn't. I looked around the room and found empty pill bottles. Nigga so hurt and stressed he went back to them fucking pills. I threw the pill bottles at him.- YOU A FUCKING JUNKIE MAN!! GET SOME FUCKING HELP!!- i yelled. I went and helped Camilla to the bathroom. I was putting her some different clothes on when he barged in- FUCK YOU TOUCHING MY GIRL FOR?! YOU FUCKING MY WIFE?! - he came at me. We started tussling!- JAVONTE PLEASE STOP IT!! - she cried out.- ANTHONY JUST LEAVE HIM BE!!- she said trying to pull me off.- FUCK YOU LOS, YOU FAKE ASS NIGGA!!- he said as we wrestled.- YOU MAD FOR NOTHING FAM, NOBODY DID SHIT TO YOU!!- I pushed him back. He fell on the floor and looked at me. He started thinking and just broke out into tears.- shit hurts man, she can't die- he said looking at Camilla. She went over and kneeled down to hold him. I called Alicia and she came over. We found a rehab center nearby and booked him a stay. Camilla & Riyah were going to stay with us until wiz gets better. A week or so later alicia and I decided to go down to Key west. We haven't took a trip in years. We arrived at our hotel and got checked in. We went to our room and started unpacking. Once we finished I sat at the desk in the room and started rolling a blunt. She laid down on the bed. She decided to grab the camera from her bag and start recording me. I had on a blue palm angles shirt, tan chinos and Jordan 12 university blues on. I had my chain and bracelet on, my hair was in plaits.- oooo my man looks so fine - she whispered to herself.- i spun the chair around- you said something bae?- I was too busy rolling to notice the cam. I was licking the blunt and she made another comment.- you gone lick me like that?- she giggled. I looked at her.- I'll do whatever you want me to do -I said as I lit the blunt and puffed it. She kicked her high waisted fashion nova jeans off and spread her legs. I got up in a instant, dropping the blunt as I did and positioned my head between her legs. I got started right away. She turned the flash on the camera and had it on me. Her hand unable to remain steady. She started pushing my head down, moving it in a circular motion. I flattened my tongue out on her clit and licked, applying slight pressure. She closed her legs around my head trying to stop me but I kept going.- losssss stopppp pleaseeee- she begged. I stared into the camera and continued. Just as she was about to cum I stopped. She was visibly upset. My beard sporting a shiny coat from her juices. I kept edging her for about 20 minutes before allowing her to cum. I checked my phone and it was almost time for our dinner. We got ready and made our way to the restaurant.

A&A Chronicles: Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now