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Anthony was at work on break browsing the internet for a therapist. He wanted to get his wife back mentally. Only interaction they would have is during sex and then after that they were back to ignoring each other. He found out she was cheating on him when he used her car to go to the store and found a receipt on the floor. It was for a lingerie set that he hadn't seen before and it was purchased a week ago. If it was for him she would've been wore it. He confronted her about it last night and she confirmed that she was continuously seeing rico. He couldn't believe her, she really was doing this to me after I've given her all of me once again. I was fully hers but she couldn't return the gesture. I felt played, she was trying me like I'm a hoe ass nigga. We got into a terrible argument, she put her hands on me and I decided to move out temporarily. I wanna fix our marriage badly but if it's too far gone then we'll both have to just move on. I FaceTimed her- how you feel about therapy Alicia?- we can try but I don't think we should bring people into this- she said this as if she didn't want us to get better- well I already set an appointment for 4, you gonna take Camille to my dads house?- yes anthony, I'll see you at 4.... I love you- I love you too... Alicia - I then quickly hung up. We only ever said those words during sex, which didn't make it genuine. But this time it was, we're finally getting somewhere. 4 o'clock arrived and I waited for her to arrive. I was already seated. She walked in and sat on the opposite end of the couch, far away from me. Dr Simmons observed us both and began taking down notes. She finally spoke. - Alicia darling let's start with you. What are some issues or flaws that Anthony has?- Alicia looked at me- he's not honest, he'll rather lie than tell me the truth. He cheated on me while I was pregnant and after our son passed. He's told the girl that he didn't want me and he's not attracted to me - she started crying- it hurts you know? I'm vowed to this man until death and I feel like I don't even know him. - damn that hurt. I didn't know how to communicate any thing to her. I thought it would be better that way. - Alicia that was good, he now knows how you feel. Anthony now it is your turn- Well dr she doesn't show me any kind of love or attention. She only does when she wants to have sex. The sex is good and all but I feel like that's the only reason we still deal with each other. She also is currently cheating on me with my cousin- Dr Simmons was shocked- I can see both of you have problems communicating your feelings, there may be an explanation for that. I'm now gonna ask the both of you about your childhoods. - I didn't want to talk about this. This was a sensitive subject to me.- Anthony you can go first this time. - I crossed my arms to feel secure. I felt so alone in this moment- I was raised by my dad, he was the best growing up. My mom had killed herself after I was born. She said she couldn't handle the responsibility of her 4 kids. I played sports and I was pretty decent I would say.- Dr Simmons could tell I was holding something back. She gave me a reassuring look letting me know I was safe.- Uh- I began to break- when I was 6 I got taken advantage of by one of my football coaches.- Alicia looked at me and began tearing up. I never told her this. I didn't want her to think any less of me.- That was good Anthony, how did it feel to let out that bottled up secret?- It felt good dr, I feel a bit better.- she nodded and jotted more notes down. She then looked at Alicia.- And how about your childhood sweetie?- My childhood was good except for how much my parents hated each other. They would argue and fight everyday. I had to grow up fast so I could provide for my siblings. - Dr Simmons took more notes.- okay now let's move on to the next topic, when did you guys feel like the relationship went sour? - I would say after i went to prison - I looked at Alicia and she nodded her head agreeing.- When I came home I didn't talk to her, I would drink and throw fits, it was just bad. - she started crying- that's when I first start believing that you didn't love me and the recent cheating added on to that!- I scooted over to her and held her. I kissed her cheek.- You guys are already making progress. Y'all have heard each other so now how are you guys are going to conduct yourselves moving forward? - we'll start by talking about our problems and feelings rather than arguing or having sex to cover it up- Alicia replied. Dr Simmons handed us a couples manual.- if those tactics don't work read this, you guys did amazing today. - her timer went off- the session is now over. I'm scheduling you guys for the Wednesday after next. That should be enough time for some progress to occur. - we thanked her and walked out holding hands. When we got to the parking lot we embraced. It felt real. It felt amazing.- she pulled out her phone an discarded of Rico on everything. We picked Camille up and went home. Alicia started prepping dinner while Anthony sat at the kitchen table with cammy. I looked over at my husband and daughter playing with toys. A big smile grew on my face. I finally felt happiness again. There's something I'm hiding from my lover though...

A&A Chronicles: Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now