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Camille went to go stay with her grandparents for a few weeks, leaving us some time to ourselves. We've been fucking nonstop, I'm not complaining but I don't think I can keep up with her. She wants it every second of the day and I'm trying but she ain't letting up on a nigga. I know it's because of the pregnancy but damn I just need 1 hour. I pulled into the driveway, work was tough today. Got into it with a few customers over some limited edition shoes that weren't in stock. I just want to lay down and rest. I grabbed my bag and went inside the house. I smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen, I made my way over there. She was making Penne alla vodka, my favorite Italian dish. She looked back at me and waved.-

I thought I'd make something I haven't had in a while -

she said as she turned the stove down and walked over to me. I hugged and kissed her.

- thank you baby, I appreciate this. did you get my texts today about work?-

she nodded her head yes- that's why I'm going to make you feel better-

I smiled- how? You rolled a nigga a blunt too?

- she shook her head no and started loosening my belt, still looking at me

- bae not right now, I wanna rest for a bit please? -she ignored me and grabbed onto me firmly

- this is my dick and I want it now, and you're gonna give it to me okay?-

I moved her hand- I said later, we've been fucking everyday. Just let me recuperate. -

she crossed her arms and began sobbing- it's because I'm fat and ugly and you don't want me anymore! You caused this! You put this baby in me and now you don't want to fuck me!-

she on some throwed shit- I do want you! Where is this coming from?! I can show you that in other ways, not just sex Alicia! Use your fucking brain , starting to piss me off with this shit! - I yelled, my face turning red-

she stormed away and up the stairs.

I can't believe she accused me of cheating! I did nothing but be loyal to her. I need some space . It's been 4 days since our whole fiasco. We've been ignoring each other and it hurts but she gotta chill. Her sister Camilla is coming over from out of town and I already know they're going to team up on me. The door bell rung, they just got here. She went downstairs and I could hear them talking, Camilla just asked about me. God I can't stand her. I made my way downstairs-

Here comes the worst husband ever, how dare you treat my sister like this?-

I missed you too camilla I said rolling my eyes

I dapped Javonte up and helped him take the bags to their room. -

Don't talk to him like that Camilla, that's not going to make anything better-

I can say what I want he shouldn't treat you like that!-

He treats me good he's just upset right now!-

Whatever Alicia I need a drink

- she went into the kitchen and fixed herself some wine-

Man you and your girl doing good? she been calling Camilla crying and shit-

She alright she just doing that dramatic shit again

- a few hours go by. Camilla and javonte were downstairs watching a movie. I was trimming my beard and while Alicia laid on the bed. She called out to me.-

anthony... can you come rub my belly, jr is acting up again-

she's tryna to ease me back in. I put the clippers down and made my way to the bed, sitting next to her. I began rubbing her stomach.-

he only calms down when you do it -she said smiling-

yeah, that lil nigga love his daddy - I said laughing,

she laughed also. That felt nice. - I love you baby boy, daddy's ready to spoil you-

. I can hear her start to sob- Awwww Anthony, you are too good for me, I don't deserve you

- she covered her face. I got up and held her close. - yes you do. As long as I'm here I'll always treat you and the kids good. Y'all my everything girl

- I began to tear up- Now you got me crying bae -she looked at me and wiped my face. She gave me a peck.-

let's go down, their waiting on us.- and with that we joined Camilla and Javonte during movie night. I awoke the next day, everyone was gone. I checked my phone, she texted me saying they went to the mall. That's good, she needed to get out of the house. I got myself together and went to the garage to retrieve my weed trimmer. The lawn needed to be taken care of. I proceeded to when the neighbor from across the street approached me. She was dark skin, about 5'5, 150 lbs, hazel eyes, her hair in box braids and had a African goddess tattooed on her thigh. She took my breath away. She spoke-

You must be Anthony, I'm Yasmine, I just moved in across the street-

I nodded my head- that's me, let me turn this thing off I'm sorry -

I turned the weed whacker off. She was bad as fuck, she made me nervous . I wiped the sweat off my forehead-

I just wanted to tell you that you are very handsome, I couldn't stop myself from coming over and talking to you. -

I blushed hard, she thought I was handsome. I'm married, i cannot pursue this woman, remember Anthony-

thank you, I try. You're quite pretty yourself.- I said as I looked her up and down.

She had stepped a bit closer and grabbed me by the waist of my pants.- would you like to have a drink at my place, Anthony?- she said seductively.

I quickly reminded myself. I stepped back and shook my head no- preciate the offer, but I'm married sweetheart - I responded flashing my ring.

I'm so sorry about that- she apologized.-

A&A Chronicles: Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now