~ Part 6 ~

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An hour had passed and Antonio was still out side talking too my uncle. Everyone else had finnished dinner about 45 minutes ago and where getting inpatient. "Let's just leave the table god knows how long he'll be out there!" Daniel suggested. We all got up and walked into the living room.

I was still do confused. My uncle was in the mafia? Now him and my kidnappers father are making an arrangement? What type of arrangement? I realised everyone was looking at me. Waiting for some sort of answer.

"Sorry I was zoned out then, did someone ask me something?" I awkwardly apologised. Natalia cleared her throat and began to speak, "where are you from?"

"La. Born and raised." I revealed. They all nodded awkwardly. "If you don't mind me asking. What did Mr Rodriguez mean by arrangement?" I looked at them all hoping for an answer.

They all exchanged a look. Oh god..

Daniel finnaly turned to me. "Grace typically in mafias something they do to create peace between two family's is uh.. an arranged marriage... our family's don't exactly get along.. if that makes sense.."

Oh.. but wait.. my uncle doesn't have any children, it would either be me or one of my siblings being married off...

"Natalia.. are you married?.." I prayed She would say no so my brother would marry her. Just say no. "No, but I'm engaged. Also an arranged marriage."

Great. That leaves me or my sister. But she's too young. It'll be me. If my uncle gets my parents too agree I'll be marrying Daniel.

As all this was running through my head Antonio walked back in and clapped his hands together before rubbing them against eachother. "Congratulations my boy! You'll be marrying Grace!" He exclaimed joyfully.

"What? Do we not get any say?" I blurted out almost too angrily making everyone look at me. Daniel signalled me too stop bit I didn't listen.

"I'm 19 years old and would actually like too have a life before im forced into a marriage with such a douche bag like him!!!" I shouted at the man. Daniel grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from his father, spinning me round so we where face to face with our backs too everyone.

"Grace don't. He's a dangerous man and can hurt you. We still have time. Its not official until your uncle has came to sign the peace form. He can still hurt you."
Daniel warned me. I so badly wanted to run. As fast as I could. Just get out of here!

And thats exactly what I did. I sped out the room and too the front door, opening it I began running down the long driveway as screams to stop me followed.

2 gaurds quickly grabbed me before I got out and began to drag me back to the front porch. Daniel grabbed my arm stopping me from running off again.


It was the next day and I had tried to flee multiple times. And I was about to do it again. One of the guards had judt walked through the door forgetting to lock it after him. (They had to keep the doors locked out to stop me from running)

I quickly swung it open and began running as fast as I could again. The drive way felt like it would never end. The gate began to open slowly as a car began to enter. This was my escape. Suddenly I heard someone yell my name.

"GRACE!!! STOP HER!!! SHUT THE GATE!!!" Daniel screamed while running down the drive too. Screw him! The car was already halfway through meaning they couldn't shut the gate.

I got out and began sprinting but was tackled too the ground by a gaurd. Great. I looked over too see who had stepped out the car only to be greeted by my uncle who was stood right behind the gaurd. Thats when I realised it was his body gaurd who was now pulling me off the ground.

Daniel came speeding round the corner and to his relief I was still there. Once I was on my feet he grabbed ne by my arm so I couldn't run again.

"Hello Mr Hayda, you can call me Daniel. My father's inside please come in." Daniel introduced himself too my uncle as we all walked in

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