part 29

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We arived at the hospital soon enough considering it was only 5 minutes away from here. Dorothy was took in to surgery almost immediately. I decided to stay untill her son arived. It was only fair. I sat down in the waiting room chairs and slumped against Danilo. "Do you want to get checked to make sure the baby is okay? Its better safe then sorry." He spoke while resting his head against mine.

"Yeah but not yet, I want to make sure Dorothy's son will be okay. He's going to be all panick-y when he arives." I sighed and as if on cue he came running in.

"Where's my mum?! Is she okay?!" He grabbed the nearest nurse and I quickly jumped up. "Thomas. Hi I'm Grace. I work at the bakery. Your mothers went into surgery to get the bullet removed." I walked over and placed a single hand on his shoulder which he immediately shoved off. I saw his wife walking towards him holding Baby Parker.

"Thomas. Its not her fault. She's trying to help you." The lady spoke softly and rubbed his back. "This young lady has been only kind to your mother since she opened the bakery." She gave me a sweet smile.

"Me and my husband will look after Parker for a moment if you need a few minutes..." I offered and watched as Thomas' wife turned to look at him but he stayed silent. "That would be amazing, thankyou. We'll just go talk to one of the nurses and get more information." She handed over the small child and I took him to where Danilo was sitting.

"Parker this is Danilo! Do you remember Danilo?" I smiled while sitting down. The baby looked around curiously. He's so adorable. Suddenly he began crawling onto Danilos lap and stood up on him using his shoulders as support to hold himself up. He began babbling away happily, completely unaware of what was happening.

Soon enough Thomas and his wife returned, thanking us and lifting Parker up who began crying immediately and reaching out for us. "Oh parker baby whats wrong?" His wife chuckled while kissing his forehead.

"Sorry, he must've associated us as the people who give him cake." I chuckled awkwardly. I won't lie seeing Danilo with a child was adorable.

Made me more excited for ours. "So do you two have any kids?" The kind women asked. This time Danilo answered before I could.
"Got one on the way and one in heaven.." I watched as everyone went silent before Thomas spoke, "I'm so sorry.. how old were they?" He questioned. I simply shrugged my shoulders, "around 2 weeks before I had a miscariage.." I looked down at my hands fiddling with them nervously before Danilo picked them up and kissed my hand.

"I'll go see if I can get you a doctors appointment, yeah?" He smiled and walked off leaving me with Thomas and his wife. "Well uhm I have a night shift so I need to go. Thomas do you want to stay?" His wife spoke while looking at Thomas.

"No I'll go home and get some sleep if she's not going to be out of surgery for hours.. " they said their goodbyes and left. Soon enough Danilo walked over. "They said it'll be at least an hour and a half wait..." he sat down again and turned to face me. "I'm so glad your okay.." he suddenly locked out lips together. I returned his kiss for a few seconds. "People will be watching." I hated that we can't simply kiss in public in fear someone will think we've gone soft and use us against eachother.

What felt like years later my name was called, "so why are we here today?" The nurse questioned as she brang me to a room. "Uhm... I don't know how to explain it but I was just put under alot of stress and because I suffered a previous misscariage about 3 months ago my husband wanted me to get checked out to be safe.." I mumbled.

"Okay, you'll be doing an ultra sound then. Do you know how many weeks your pregnant?" She asked with a smile but i shook my head no.

"Okay you'll find out today then. Uh I need to talk to you in private though, Sir can you step outside for a moment.." she looked at Danilo and he went to leave but I quickly grabbed onto him, "Uh I'll just tell him anyway so can he not stay?" I asked hopefully but she shook her head once again.

Danilo squeezed my hand comfortingly before leaving. I turned to the nurse to see what she wanted to say, "I'm sorry this is protocol but based on all your injuries I have reason to believe that your being abused.. if you are we can get you help you've just got to tell us." She placed a hand on my shoulder and I started laughing. I know it's not something to laugh about and how so many people do go through abuse but how does she think Danilo is abusing me?!

"No, no I am not being abused by anyone! My husband may not look like it but he is one if the sweetest men alive. And these cits and bruises is because my bakery was attacked while I was working so I got injured a bit obviously." I watched as she slowly pieced everything together and nodded her head.

"Okay, but remeber if there is anything please tell us and we can help." The nurse continued. "If you don't believe me I can get up cctv of our house and my bakery." I half joked. She awkwardly chuckled before letting Danilo in again.

I smiled at him as he came to stand next to me. He's just so perfect. He may be violent but never towards me. He's the kindest man towards me.

"Okay the doctor should be here in just at moment I'll leave you two here. If you have any problems press the button on the side of the bed." She instructed before leaving.

"So what was that all about?" Danilo questioned while locking eyes with me. "She was asking if you abused me! Can you believe that?!" I laughed and Danilo quickly followed also laughing. "I'd never hurt you." He smiled and kissed my lips softly before the door opened and he quickly pulled away.

"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Rodriguez. How are we today?" The doctor asked while walking over. Both of us responded with, "good" before the doctor walked me through the process of the ultra sound.

I hissed through my teeth when he applied the cold gel I heard Danilos low chuckle to the side of me and rolled my eyes. The doctor began the ultra sound which is when the room went silent. I glanced at Danilo and his eyes were locked on the screen.

"Okay what we are looking for is a peanut shape, that'll be your baby. By the looks of it your 5 weeks along so your baby is about 2mm big right now. Maybe 3." The doctor continued talking but Danilo and I were both anxiously looking at the screen, waiting to see something.

"Ah! There's your baby!" The doctor smiled at us and pointed to a tiny peanut shape. "Uh are they okay? As In are they healthy?" Danilo began asking questions to the doctor. "Healthy as a horse." The doctor announced while handing me a tissue.

I had a grin from ear to ear as I pulled down my shirt once again. "Okay you guys are free to go!" The doctor stood up and left. As I buttoned up my trousers, which I had to undo since they were high waist, and before I knew it Danilo wrapped me into a huge hug. "Our babies okay.." he smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled softly and looked up at him. "Our babies okay.." I repeated

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