~ Part 8 ~

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*Grace's pov*

I had been sat on the safe room for half an hour now. I didn't know If anyone was alive. If it was safe too go out. If I'd Starve to death.

I heard a small tap on the door. "Who is it?" I half whispered. Then, a bang. Following after was another bang. What was going on? Someone was trying to get in..

What do I do?! Why can't that douche bag just be with me right now then he'd be able to get us out!

"LET US IN OR WE'LL KILL HIM!!!" A unfamiliar voice boomed. Sure I didn't want too marry Daniel but I didn't want him to die, so I opened the door. Immediately I was pulled out and being held with a gun too my head.

They brang me out too Natalia's room revealing Daniel barely conscious tied too the chair. He glanced at me. The only emotions I could see was Dissapointment in me and guilt? I think.

"I told you not to open the door.." he half whispered trying to fight back his emotions. "I'm sorry Daniel.." I mumbled before suddenly falling to my knees as someone kicked me in the back of my leg.

The same man who tugged me out the safe room grabbed me by my throat and pulled me up choking Me.

I could see Daniel in the corner of my eye trying to get free once again. I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was about to pass out. Suddenly the door crashed open and guns where fired.

The man's grip on my throat loosened as I fell too the ground. Body's scattered the floor as Daniel was freed from the chair. He immediately ran too me pulling me into a hug immediately.

"Dont you ever do that again! Got it?! You scared me! I thought we were friends! Friends keep eachothers promises! " He almost yelled. Friends? I just nodded as tears began to fall and I buried my face into his chest. Then I remembered. All the others! What happened too them!

"My uncle! Your family! Are the okay?!" I went to leave the room but Daniel immediately pulled me back. "I don't want you going up there. I'll send my men upstairs to take care off them. Meanwhile we're going to the airport." He snapped suddenly.

We? We where both going?! "Can't I just go home?.." I suggested hopefully but the boy shook his head. "The form was already signed. Meaning your safety is down to me. The men are after you meaning you come with me."
He barked clearly stressed out.

Before I could say anything he threw me over his shoulder and walked out the house. I tried to wiggle free from his grip bit couldn't before I was threw into a black suv. He climbed in after me meaning I didn't have a chance to escape.

"Where to boss?" The driver suddenly spoke. "al aeropuerto ibamos demasiado españa por un rato" Daniel muttered. Little did he know I'm fluent in Spanish but I wasn't going to tell him that. The sentence roughly translates too, 'to the airport were going too spain for a while'


We pull up on the grey tarmac of the airport. Before I could move or say anything I was being pulled out the car by Daniel. He rushed me up the airplane steps. It's like he was scared that if I was too get hurt then the whole world would end.

I stood there not sure what to do. I've never been on a private airplane before, are there certain seats you have to sit on? I looked at Daniel who let out a light chuckle. "We can sit anywhere we want." Its like he could read my mind.

I led the way too 4 seats facing into eachother and sat down. The boy sat opposite me and pulled out his phone. I hated planes.

It began to ascend and I clenched my eyes shut in fear. Daniel must of noticed because within less then a second he had unclipped my seatbelt and pulled me onto his lap. He put the seatbelt over the both off us before locking our fingers together.

"Its okay Princesa. Its only for a few minutes then you'll forget we're moving." He comforted me.
It made me feel safe that he was putting me first. Over his own needs. His men's safety.

Sure enough he was right. After about five minutes I forgot we where moving.

I remained on his lap just because it was comfortable, and I could.
"How comes were going too spain?" I asked him. His eye brows furrowed in confusion.

"Uhm.. how did you know we where going to Spain?" He questioned me. I was struggling to come up with a lie so I told him the truth... partly.. "Oh I know a tiny bit of Spanish and I made out you saying spain, I assumed that's where we're going.."

Thankfully the lie worked and he nodded his head, "I grew up there, my Abuela (grandma) lives there still. She will want too meet you considering we're getting married." he responded to my question from earlier.

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