part 13

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"Oh sorry.. I didn't realise anyone else would be up.." she choked while wiping away her tears. I grabbed the tissue box and handed it to her. "Oh thankyou.."
She gave a sweet smile.

"Whats wrong?" I tried my best to comfort her. She rolled her eyes clearly at the thought of whatever happened and wiped away the tears that were re-forming.

"I'm pregnant and just told my fiancé.. he said he will nest it out of me when I get back." Her voice cracked as she began to cry again.
My breath hitched as she told me. Who would do something like that?!

"What?!.. thats ridiculous! He can't do that. You can't go back to him! You.. I mean you could have this house.. Danilo said he was just going to let some of his men use it when we're not here visiting your abuela.." I offered without even thinking about it.

Suddenly she hugged me tightly. Tears pouring even more. I hugged her back immediately. I don't know why but I felt some weird... guilt I guess you could say... strange.

She began pulling away from the hug and looked at me, "so what you doing up then? It's 2:33 am."

I took a deep breath before letting out a long sigh, "me and Danilo were arguing before we went to bed but I woke up when he was having a nightmare about Isabela and his son... then I'm guessing it stopped because he kept saying how glad he was to have her back.." I slumped down on one of the chairs while rubbing my hands over my face. I could tell ny the look on Natalias face she wanted to say something.

"Uhm...he doesn't tell just anyone about isabela and Alex... he trusts you and if not already will love you.. I can tell by the way he acts around you.. it'll get better.. I promise.." she comforted me while sitting down next to me.

"How far along are you?" I changed the conversation.

"Hm? Oh only 2 and a half months.." she mumbled while letting out a yawn.

"Come on we'll both go back to bed, we deserve it.." she chuckled while standing up.

"Yeah I just need another minute.. I'll go in soon.." I reassured her while walking over to one of the cabinets to get a glass of water.

A few minutes passed and I walked back into my room not realising Danilo was awake.

"There you are.. you scared me for a second.." he mumbled still half asleep as I put my glass on the table besides the bed.

I layed down in bed and turned away from him once again, only for him to move closer.

"Hey.. what's wrong? Are you still mad at me?" He hummed while moving closer. He was holding himself up with one elbow whilst I stared at the wall blankly.

"No... just upset.." I mumbled still not looking at him. I felt him placing kisses up my arm untill he got to my jaw line. "Why are you upset? Was it something I done.." he placed a few kisses across my jaw line untill he could no longer reach.

"Sort of.. but you can't control it.. you were talking in your sleep... and made it very clear you would much rather be with Izabela then me.. and that your not happy with me.." I mumbled while turning onto my back so I could see him.

I saw his face had softened. He looked.. disappointed.. suddenly he rolled over and held himself above me making me unable to move.

I tried to look away from him, avoiding eye contact. "Look at me." Danilo barked, "I'm so so happy with you. Do you understand me? I'm sorry that your stuck with me cos I'm a fucking monster. I won't lie. I'm a cold blooded murderer and sometimes my emotions switch off for a few days so they come back in my dreams. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything thats haooened and will happen. But Your all I need in this world." He apologised repetitively.

Why was he apologising? I should be apologising for being  hormonal and grumpy. Joys of being a women. My period must be coming up soon. I only get like this near my period.

"I'm sorry for being so dramatic.. but can we please just go to bed now.." I lightly chuckled as he rolled off me.

I searched for his hand under the duvet as I drifted into my sleep.

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. Ofcourse. I sat up rubbing my eyes and stretching out. I could hear people talking from a distance meaning most if not all if the house hold were up.

Suddenly the door opens and Danilo smiles at me, "Finnaly your up. I was about to come wake you. Your uncle wants to take you somewhere today. He won't tell Me where so your going to gave to get it out of him for me.." he awkwardly chuckled, I nodded my head before laying back down.

"Hey, no! Come on. Get up." I didn't budge and chuckled the covers over my head. Suddenly they were ripped from my body and I was being thrown over my Fiancé's shoulder.

I didn't bother trying to fight him off as he carried me out the room.
"Put. Me. Down." I growled at him. I was not a morning person. 

"He kicked open the bathroom door and placed me down. "Go on. Get ready for the day. Yah stink!" He laughed while shutting the door.

I moped round for a bit before finnaly turning on the shower and pulling down my trousers and panties to go to the loo before hand.

Only to see, Blood. I let out a long and loud groan. Loud enough so everyone could hear. I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?!" I barked at the door not realising how grumpy I was being.

"Its me, you okay Mi amore?" I heard Danilo's voice on the other side of the door. "No. I got my period. And there's no tampons or pads." A long whine left my mouth.

"Uh- okay.. I'll send someone to get some for you then..." a few seconds of silence pass, I'm assuming he's getting someone to go out. "can I come in?" The silence Broke. I grumbled a yes and the door opened.

I had chucked off my lower clothes so I was just in a bra and T-shirt that was long enough to cover everything.

"I'm not going out today. Im going to lay in bed and eat chocolate while watching movies that'll make me cry." I informed him with an annoyed tone in my voice. He chuckled and walked over to the shower. He let it run for a few minutes before helping me get up.

He began stripping me off to the point I was naked before he helped me into the shower.

"I'm gonna go, call for me if you need me." He smiled while shutting the bathroom door.

I finnished in the shower and realised, my clothes were stained. I didn't have anything to wear.

"DANILO!!!!" I screeched to get his attention quickly. And just like I thought, he came running.

He scanned the room in a panic but gave me a look of confusion when he saw I was fine. "Can you get me some clothes? Comfy ones!" The boy rolled his eyes before walking out. He quickly returned with one of his hoodie, underwear and some shorts aswell as tampons.

I gave him a grateful smile as I took them.

5 minutes later I came out the shower and walked out to everyone else who was sat round the table eating and drinking.

My Fiancé looked at an elderly women and gestured to me. She immediately grabbed a plate and started fixing ne up breakfast.

I sat down with my food, next to Danilo. "You okay?" He whispered, I simply nodded my head. I felt his hand rubbing up and down my thigh. I looked up and saw my uncle staring at us.
"You good uncle Chris?" I chuckled lightly. He suddenly stood up and gestured for me to follow.

Both me and Danilo got up to follow only to hear, "No. Just Grace." He carried on walking while I gave the boy stood next to me and confused look. I followed my uncle out into the hallway.

"Do you want to go home?!" He hissed, I mean obviously I want to go home. So I nodded my head.

"Good. I've got a plan to get you out of here. You just have to sneak out and I'll make a story up. You've got to say you changed your mind and want to go out today." Suddenly I heard a gun load.

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