~ part 10 ~

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I turned around after slipping the T-shirt over my head. He was stood with his back still turned too me in just grey sweat pants.

"You can turn around now..' I informed him. As he turned round my eyes focused on his abs. It was like a god had crafted him by hand! And I'm not being dramatic. If anything I'm mellowing it down!

I hadn't noticed he had been talking to me until he waved his hand infont of my eyes. "Sorry I uh got distracted what where you saying?" An apology slipped out ny mouth. Why was I apologising to the man who has been holding me hostage?

He chuckles and shakes his head."dont worry about it" the boy smiled too himself. I nodded my head un sure in what to do or say. "There's some toothbrushes in the bathroom. There's a whole new pack I believe!" He sounded weirdly happy and shocked making me laugh.

We both walked into into bathroom connected too the room. Before I could do anything he picked me up by my waist and sat me on the sink counter. He pulled open one of the draws and pulled out a pack of toothbrushes believe it or not.

"Told yah." He winked at me making it seem like I didn't believe him at first. He pulled out two and put them behind his back. "Pick a hand. This will determine your toothbrush for the next few days. Choose wisely." He announced in a formal voice.

I pointed at his left hand revealing the green toothbrush leaving him with the pink one.
"Ooh masculine." I teased him as he put toothpaste on his toothbrush followed by mine.

Once finnished getting ready for bed I lay on the bed waiting for him too hurry up so we can turn off the lights. "You don't mind me sleeping next to you do you princesa?" He asked me. I awkwardly shook my head.

Once we where both under the covers we realised. No one had turned off the light. "Go turn off the light." I spoke in the most bossy voice I could.

"No. You do it." Danny grunted. Me being my stubborn self knew fully well I wouldn't be doing it. But the problem was danilo was also stubborn. We went back and forth for another five minutes.

He let oit a huff and stomped over too the light switch like a man baby and turned them off before stamping back over too the bed. At first he stayed away from me but soon enough we where so close I could feel his warm breath on the back off my neck.

I could never sleep on my left side meaning I was forced too turn and face him. I didn't expect his eyes to be wide open as our faces met just inches away from eachothers.

"Bit creepy not gonna lie." I giggled making him laugh too.

"Well I wasn't expecting you too turn round. I barely ever sleep. Just lay In bed before I get like my hour long sleep." He defended himself. As much as I loved talking I was exhausted.

In result of this I simply wrapped my arms round him and buried my face into his toned chest. "Get some sleep. You deserve it." I whispered as my eyes got heavier.


3 days had passed and I have gotten close with Abuela. Danny had been spending alit of his time working or looking for houses for us too live in untill our home back in NYC was ready and safe.

The boy walked Into the lounge with messy bed hair and just in shorts. Since the other night we had been more.. romantic I suppose.

I grabbed his wrist before he could walk past me and pulled him down next to me. Quite often if we're just relaxing I'll lay my head on his lap so that's what I went to do. Only to realise he only has shorts on.

Nothing else.

I awkwardly sat up making him laugh. "Little Gracie getting embarrassed cos her fiancé isn't wearing boxers?" Danny teased me. Suddenly he grabbed my hips and sat me down on his lap. I looked at him confused before he began moving his hips. "Danilo! What if your abuela see's?" I hissed at him.

He grabbed a blanket and chucked it over us. "Very secretive." I sarcastically tutted before suddenly moaning. He threw his hand over my mouth in attempt to muffle it. "Shhh... she may be old but she's got good hearing. C'mon let's go to our room." He whispered.

Before I knew it I was being thrown over his shoulder as he ran upstairs to our room. He locked the door and threw me down on the bed, immediately climbing over me.

We began making out. Our tongues fighting for dominance. His eventually winning. Before I knew it my T-shirt was quite litterally ripped off, revealing my breasts. He groaned into my mouth as I palmed him through his shorts.

"You wanna do this?" He whispered. I was so lost in the moment I didn't give it a second thought and nodded. He smirked and quickly pulled down my own shorts. Leaving me in my bra and thong. He began kissing and ducking his way down my body leaving me covered in hickies already. I let out a sigh as he slipped over the one part I needed him.

"Patience princessa.." he unhooked my bra leaving my tits on display. His tongue flicked over my sensitive bud. The boy began sucking. "Danny... don't stop.." I moaned


We lay in bed naked after our... moment.. of heat. His arms were snaked around my waist, his thumb carresing my skin. But then we heard it, "Danilo, mi niño. ¿Me traerás algo del ático?" (Danilo, my boy. will you get something down from the attic for me) His abuele questioned as her footsteps got closer.

He chucked ome of his t-shirt's at me along with my underwear before quickly pulling on a pair of boxers and shorts, "me estoy cambiando solo dame dos segundos y luego te ayudare!" (im changing just give me two seconds then I'll help) he quickly responded.

He looked at me while walking towards the door towards to make sure I was dressed. I nodded at him while covering my bottom half with the sheets.

He opened the door to reveal his Abuela standing waiting for him, he gave me a anxious grin before disappearing out of sight.

I quickly got up and shut the door. That was close..

I'm assuming his grandma is a lot like mine and doesn't agree with sex before marriage.

I searched through the draws for something to wear, only to discover a dress. It was a size 0! I'm a size 4 or 6. Who does he know that wears a size 0 dress? He walked back into the room and saw me staring at it. He quickly rushed over and ripped it from my hands.

"Why are you looking at that?!" He hissed at me immediately folding it up again. "Uh I just found it.." I whispered extremely unsure.

"Well leave it! It's not yours!" He barked at me while holding it to his chest, almost like a security blanket.

"Uhm.. who's dress is it?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows as I shut the draw again. "My soulmates. She died a few years ago." He let out a long sigh. His soulmate? What the fuck.. I mean I know we aren't exactly in love but ouch. She died? I have so many questions.. soon enough he began to talk again.

"Her name was Isabela.. we were 15. I had got into an argument with my parents after they found out I got her pregnant... they kicked me out so I took her here, my Abuela was equally Dissappointed but let us stay here. She died in birth along with our son a couple of days later. We were so in love.. its probably why she was asking when we're having kids... she loved him." His eyes had a layer of gloss from talking about it. My heart shattered for him. I was so quick to judge but, he lost so much.

"I was pretty much miserable untill you came along. You just have some.. I don't know.. something about you, it makes me feel.. like warm and happy.. your fun to be around I suppose.." he didn't dare look me in the eyes whole speaking, o guess he was trying to hide the fact he was near tears..

"Its okay to cry you kn- no its not. Number one rule of the mafia. Don't show weakness. Therefore don't show emotion of any sort. I've shown to much already" He interrupted me. I felt horrible. He thinks that showing emotion is a weakness.

He stood up and stormed out of the room. Fuck sake Grace. Why couldn't you if judt left the dress alone. Now he's going to be all cold again.

I didn't know what to do with myself, I didn't want to disturb him so I spent the next few hours cooking with adoleina.

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