part 17

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A few months had passed and Grace returned to work where I got my lunch from every day to make sure she was okay and the gaurds were looking after her.

I entered her cafe and listened for the familiar sound of the bell hitting against the door. I nodded at the men before walking over to the counter.

There was a elderly women infront of me, "have a good day Dorothy! I'll see you tomorrow!" She smiled and waved as the women walked off. "Good afternoon mi amor , what you got?" She chuckled at me and began listing all the things she had.

"Think I'll go for one of the chicken and bacon rolls oh and a kiss if your giving them out?" She simply laughed while getting me my roll. However the guy behind me didn't seem to like my comment.

"Dude whats wrong with you! Treat her with respect! Grace is a lovely young woman and doesn't need creeps- No Tom! It's fine! We're dating! Thank you though!" The girl interrupted before I could do anything stupid. I saw bith the gaurds had stood up ready to help but Were now sitting back down as I turned round.

"Here you go!" Her sweet voice echoed through my ears as she handed me the roll and placed a kiss in my cheek.

I smiled at her while putting 100 dollars in the tip jar which she quickly took out. "Stop it. I live off you already take it back!" I shook my head and walked out the cafe before she could argue. Everytime I try to give her a single bit of money she finds a way to get it back to Me.

*Grace's pov*

I watched as Danilo left and Tom began to apologise, "I'm sorry I didn't realise- no your fine! He usually comes in a bit later when it's less busy so he can sit and talk to me but I'm guessing he's just hungry today, no doubt he'll come back in an hour to talk some more, not like I live with him or anything" I joked while interrupting Tom once again.

"I'll have to stay so I can apologise to him. I assumed he was being a creepy business man I won't lie, you can just never be too careful now a days" I smiled as I played up his order and he went to sit down.

Soon enough just like I expected Danilo came back. He smiled and walked behind the counter with me, he sat down on the counter, "No! Off! It's not hygienic! Everyday I tell you this!" I shooed him off with my tea towel before wiping down the side.

"Sorry... you got any food?" I pointed to the back room, "I fucked up a bunch of cookies. They are a bit burnt but edible just not paying customer edible." He grinned while walking off to the back and crabbing a couple.

I watched as Tom approached the counter, he wasn't lying when he said he'd have ro stay to apologise. That's what makes me laugh about Tom. He spends half his life apologising for things because he's trying to be helpful but ends up screwing something up.

Danilo came back out and was happily munching on the cookies while watching me, "Hey mate sorry about earlier I didn't mean to just assume like that, I just wanted to make sure Grace was okay. I've been coming here for over a year now so.." Tom apologised taking Danilo by surprise.

"Oh it's fine. You don't have to watch out her her those 2 guys over there are doing that for me." The boy grumbled while slumping against the wall. Was he jealous? Oh my god he definitely was. He was jealous!

Once Tom left the Café was empty apart from Danilo and I aswell as the gaurds. I walked over and wrapped my arms across his chest, "is little ittle baby Danilo jealous?" I teased while leaning up to kiss him.

"Shutup." He suddenly turned very stern, "What?" I awkwardly laughed. "I said shutup. You gotta go. Now." He pushed me towards the back exit with a gun in hand. What the hell was going on?

I didn't know what to do so began walking towards the Mafia HQ it was only a few blocks away so it shouldn't take too long. As I reached it I scanned my hand and was let in. I was still very confused but knew something was going on, I walked up to a guy who was ordering people around making it clear he was a higher rank.

"Hey uh excuse me?.." I began but he pushed me to the side, "Do you mind?! Do you have any idea who I am!" I barked making him turn to me and roll his eyes. "Someone who needs to get out of my sight or else." The man hissed at me.


"Miss Haydes?"

"Yeah that's right. Listen up. I was just at my bakery on 6th Street when he grabbed his gun and pushed me out he only ever does that when there's danger and he himself looked panicked which is very rare unless he knows something is about to happen! So I suggest you get your ass down there along with some soldiers! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME OR DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF FOR A COWARD OF A MAN?!" Immediately he began running round and collecting soldiers with him, soon enough they were all armed and filing into different cars.

I swear to god if they blow up my bakery... oh and Danilo.. if they blow up Danilo there'll be trouble too... but probably not as much because I won't have the power I have right now over them. I will still have power considering my uncle left me his mafia.

I wasn't sure where else to go so began walking to my old apartment. I still owned it just didn't live in it. I unlocked the door and walked round what I once called home. But now my home is wherever Danilo is.. because I love him... I do. I truly do love Danilo...

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