~ Part 7 ~

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Once we where all inside Daniel locked the door. Great. "Let's go up too the office! Thats where my father should be." Daniel half muttered. After climbing 4 flights of stairs all while Daniel held his tight grip on my arm.

We got too what I presume was his office and opened the door. his parents and sister where all stood in there. Mr Rodriguez walked over to my uncle and shook his hand. I hadn't noticed that Daniel let go of my arm untill...

"Come on then love give your uncle Chris a hug!" He opened his arms for me and I immediately ran into them. Sure I was mad at him but I was so relieved to be with family I didn't care!

I held onto him tightly trying not to let any tears escape my eyes, "Its all okay Grace. When We made this agreement I ensured that apart from marrying him. You won't be doing anything you don't want too." He rubbed my back as we hugged.

I finnaly pulled away from the hug and blinked away the tears from my eyes before standing beside my uncle.

They began to sign the peace agreement, I was so fed up that I stormed out the room slamming the door behind me.

*Daniels pov*

We all looked at her almost as if saying 'who's going to deal with her' Graces uncle cleared his throat then stated, "This would be a good time for you too go deal with her. The more comfortable she gets the easier it will be too get her down the Isle.."

I nodded and left the room. I knew she'd be in her bedroom so
Walked down 1 flight of stairs and opened her bedroom door. She was sat on her bed crying. I can't be that bad!

"Grace?" I whispered. She looked at me but looked straight away. Great. As I walked towards her I thought of what to say. The bed sunk a little as I sat besides her. She immediately began sobbing.
My first reaction was too pull her into a hug.

"I dont wanna marry you!" She cried, I let out a small chuckle. "I don't think anyone does darling. But think about it this way. Chances are once we're married I'll be able too trust you more and you can return too the bakery again" I smiled at her.

We sat in silence for quite a while, me just holding her in my arms. Suddenly the peace was broken by a deafening alarm. It meant we where under attack. But the buttons only in my office meaning my family must've pushed it.

I quickly grabbed Grace and dragged her into my room. "I'm my bathroom under the cabinet there's an entrance too a safe room! Once the doors shut no one can get in from the outside. Only open it to me or my family. My family." I ordered her before running too my wardrobe where I had a few guns.

I ran out the room and up too my office. Everyone was laying on the floor. Lifeless. Even Mr Hayda. I
Leant down to check his pulse when a gun came in contact with my head. Shit.

"Get up. Your going to show us where the girl is." They forced me too my feet but I didn't move.
The man spoke again. "You didn't hear me?! Show me where she is! She'd make the perfect wife for me!" I Could practically hear his smirk.

I began to walk. I wasn't sure where I was going but I found myself in my sisters room. "Weird. She should be in here." I lied.

Suddenly they hit me round the face causing me too fall to the ground. My gun fell out my hand so I scrambled to grab it but a gun was fired at my own gun. Meaning it's likely broken now.

My only hope was too fist fight. Against a gun.. yay..

Before I knew it I was yanked too my feet only to be shoved into my chair and tied up. I was trying my best to stop it but multiple men had appeared now.

I looked at their tattoo. Cosa Nostra. I should've known. They had been after me since I killed the heir to the company. Maybe sending him back in pieces wasn't such a good idea.

"Your gonna tell us where the girl is. Your lover I presume." One hissed at me. I shook my head slowly just trying to keep my consciousness.

I felt a harsh sting on my face. One had hit me. But I couldn't care less. Blood was dripping from my nose, I had bruises and cuts all over me. But Grace was safe.

At least that's what I thought.

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