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8 whole months have passed now. It's been a long and hard pregnancy.. I was put on bed rest for a month and a half at 6 months. I've been throwing up almost every day and can barely wst anything without feeling ill. It's safe to say I can't wait for our baby to come. Danilo and I decided to leave the gender a surprise. But today is my due date. So now we've just got to wait it all out a little bit.

I woke up in an empty bed. Confused, I begin looking round the room but don't see Danilo. "Danilo?" I called out hoping for a response but there was none. I climbed out of bed and opened our bedroom door, I saw multiple gaurds draw their attention to me. "Does anyone know where Danilo is?" I questioned, 2 of them pointed down the stairs. Great. I let out a long groan before beginning to make my way downstairs.

We were on the 4th floor meaning every floor I has to ask a gaurd if Danilo was there. Being a heavily pregnant lady is much harder then I thought it would be.

I finnaly got to the ground floor, surely he's here. "Danilo!?" I yelled out while trying to catch my breath. I saw him walking out of the kitchen and towards me. "Morning mi amore, you alright?" He took my hands in his in order to support me.

"Yeah I just couldn't find you and then climbed down 4 flights of stairs...  what are you doing down here?" I questioned while finnaly standing up properly.

"Well I thought considering this could be our last morning together I'd make you what was supposed to me breakfast in bed." He let out a small laugh making ne smile too. His laugh was so contagious sometimes. "I am not walking up all those stairs again. Just saying." I mumbled while walking into the kitchen. I saw pancakes on the stove and my mouth formed an ' O ' shape.

I then saw the amount of them he's made, "fucking hell how many have you made. I'm eating for 2 people not 100!" I joked making him chuckle. "Looks like the gaurds and maids will be getting some aswell then." He smiled and flipped another pancake over.

I walked round to him and attempted to hug him but my bump was getting in the way, "I can't wait untill I can hug you properly." I announced with a small smile. "I can't wait to hug you properly aswell, and our baby ofcourse." He quickly added making me laugh.

"We still haven't decided on a name.." I suddenly remembered. We created a list of names we like but didn't choose a final one.

"Hmm.. I say, we wait untill they're born then we know their gender and can decide what suits them most." He grins sheepishly at me. God I love this man. We still haven't had our ceremony wedding yet though. We had decided we'd wait untill our baby can walk so I can fit in my dress, have a ring bearer and not have to carry them the whole day.

Danilo finnaly turned off the stove and began plating up the both of us some pancakes, him giving me two extra, "for the baby." The boy remarked.

"I'm gonna have to push out a fat baby aren't I?" Both of us chuckled slightly before tucking into out food.


*Danilos pov*

So... three days has passed and there's still no baby and Grace is becoming extremely uncomfortable so we're on our way to the doctors office to see what we can do to get her into labour.

We are currently sat in the waiting room when our surname is called out. I helped her up before leading her into the room where she sat down.

"I see there's still no baby, I'm assuming your in a bit of discomfort Miss Rodriguez?" The doctor spoke, I watched as ny wife began speaking, "Yes uhm we were hoping there would be some sort of way to make me comfier and induce Labour..."

"Oh yes there are many ways to induce Labour for example, exercise, spicy foods, nipple stimulation and the one that's most effective is sex." My eyes widened at the doctors advise.
"once you do give birth you can't have sex for 3 months so most couples just have sex multiple times in order to induce Labour." I watched as the doctor laughed at himself.

"Uh okay.. thankyou Doctor.." we left a few minutes later and stopped by the shops on the way home. "What are you doing?" Grace asked as I got out the car.

"I'll be 2 minutes I'm going to get some spicey foods." I shut the door once again and grabbed  anything that looked remotely spicey. I needed this kid out of her she's too hormonal for this and whenever I bring it up she screams at me. We have to try all of these methods.

I returned to the car shortly after, "looks like were eating chillies and jalapeños for dinner." She chuckled looking st the bag of food. God I love her. Everything about her is so perfect.

She's got beautiful stretch marks on her stomach, scars all over her body which all tell its own story, a gorgeous voice, stunning smile that spreads from ear to ear. And her laugh. Her laugh is everything. I'd pay to hear it even for a split second. Its gorgeous. And so genuine. I don't want to have to share her with this baby. I want her to be just mine. My wife. My angel sent from heaven. My love. My soulmate...

I didn't realise that I was just staring at her untill I heard her calling my name, there it is. Her voice again... "Danilo? You there? Why are you looking at me like that?" She awkwardly questioned me. That too. I love how awkward she is.

"Sorry, you look really pretty Mi amore." I smiled and put on my sestbelt before beggining to drive.

"Oh! I need to go to the bakery! It's Dorothy's birthday tommorow and she's picking up a cake for it in an hour which I haven't actually made yet. Please?" She begged as if I'd say no, I made a turn leading towards her bakery and saw in the corner of my eye her smile. I couldn't help but smile too.

We pulled up shortly afterwards and she happily waddled towards the door and unlocked it. We had to shut it down again for a month while it was rebuilt again after the last attack.

She walked behind the counter and into the kitchen as I followed behind her just enjoying her being happy again. She'll never admit it but she loves this place more then her own family sometimes. I won't be surprised if she loves it more then me. It's her own little place. Away from all the mafia shit. I have no doubt she'll teach our child how to bake here.

"Danilo can you help? My bumps in the way, I need the bowl down there." She whined taking me out of my thoughts. I picked up the bowl and held it up high so she couldn't reach, "I need a kiss first." I teased her with a small smile. She went up on her tip toes and placed a kiss on my lips, naturally I relaxed and lowered the bowl which I felt being took out my hand not even a second later.

I sat there occasionally helping her grab things fir the next hour untill the bakery door opened. I turned expecting to see Dorothy but instead saw her son.

I watched as Grace quickly hurried out. "Hiya! I was expecting your mum to pick the cake up but how are you?" She smiled while putting the cake on the counter. "Uhm.. I need to speak to your husband in private quickly.." he looked towards me as I furrowed my eyebrows. Me?

"Oh okay I would offer to go outside but last I checked I'm 3 days over due so you two can go outside!" Grace grinned at me as I walked past her and started walking to the door, following Thomas.

"Uhm.. essentially I was just going to tell Grace myself but I'm not sure how she'll react and if it'll hurt your baby so I just thought I'd tell you so you can tell her when the baby arives... but my mother passed away 3 days ago in her sleep.." Thomas' voice broke as he spoke. Oh shit. Fuck... now I have to tell her once she's given birth and her hormones are all fucked up. I can't even wait untill a few days after because she'll want to go back to the bakery.

"Uh... fuck mate I'm so sorry.. but yeah I'll tell her when the babies here..." I tripped over my words unsure what to say or do.

He began walking inside again but I remained outside. I need a second to process. I watched as Thomas left holding the cake that probably wasn't going to get ate and then Grace locked the door and stood infront of me.

"You okay sweetie?" She smiled comfortingly at me. I nodded my head and reached for her hand. Leading her to the car.

The whole drive was silent untill we reached the house. "I reckon your going to enjoy attempting to get me into labour!" The girl laughed as we stepped inside the house. I put down the bag and crashed my lips against hers. She returned it but pulled away a few seconds later. "How about we go to the bedroom?" She grinned. I nodded my head and lifted her up, bridal style.

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