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While Grace was sleeping I held our boy, just him and I. He had Grace's eyes. They were beautiful. 
"So little dude... what do you wanna be called?" I joked knowing full well he wouldn't respond. I heard Grace coughing suddenly and looked towards her, only to see she was sat up and choking with blood coming out her mouth. I quickly placed out boy into the crib and rushed to her side, pressing the emergency button.

"Grace! Cough! Please!" I begged while patting her back harshly. What was she even choking on?! "GRACE! PLEASE! COUGH! KEEP COUGHING! SOMEBODY HELP! HURRY PLEASE SHE'S CHOKING!" I screamed out praying she would be okay. I saw her face turning blue and began hitting her chest even harder. Doctors finnaly arived and pushed me to the back of the room.

I saw them leaning her over and trying to get whatever it was out. I watched as they screamed over eachother and my son began crying. I quickly hurried over and picked him up. "It's okay, it's fine. Please don't cry! It's me! It's your daddy!" I hushed him, bopping him up and down in my arms.

"Death time, 23:47pm." I heard a voice as the rest went quiet. What? No. It couldn't be. No. I noticed all the doctors in the room looking over at me. Tears filled my eyes. "No... please... No!" I backed up untill my back hit the wall. A young nurse approached me. "Sir, I'll hold him for a moment." I hadn't even noticed I was slowly sliding down the walls. As soon as he was out of my arms I collapsed.

No.. my-my Grace. My wife! My soulmate! I began sobbing on the floor. This can't be! We were supposed to raise our son together! I didn't want our story to end like this!

I watched as all but 1 doctor and the nurse holding my son left. Getting up on my feet, I stumbled over to Grace's body. "Grace?! Mi amore?! Please!" I hugged her lifeless body. "Come back!" I pleaded over and over again. I want her back. I need her back. This is my fault!

"Please..." my knees went weak and I collapsed once again. My love..


I learnt that she didn't choke. She suffered from pulmonary embolism. Meaning a blood clot traveled to her lungs, blocking a blood vessel...

She was really gone...

And I... I am left with a baby.. who I am get to name... who is sat in the nursery by himself... according to the nurses, crying non stop. And I was sat in the waiting room. Emotionless. I was just left in my own thoughts. Unsure what to do next. Soon enough I heard a voice, "Danilo? Where's Grace and the baby?" I looked up to see it was her mother. Fuck. Tears filled my eyes once more. "She's dead..." I mumbled before looking down at my feet.

"What do you mean She's dead?! What did you to her!" Her father yelled, pulling me up to my feet by my T-shirt. "She had a pulmonary embolism..." I fought back the tears that threatened to fall. Suddenly I felt her fathers fist come in contact with my face. I simply looked at him. I'm too tired to fight back.

Grace's mother pushed her father away from me and pulled me into a hug. I froze. Why was she hugging me? Grace was the only person who hugged me so why is she hugging me? After a second I began to soften up meaning the tears began falling. I heard a voice from behind me clear their throat. I turned round and saw a midwife. "Sorry to disturb you sir but your yet to choose a name for your son.. would you like to come with me and you can decide." I nodded my head and followed her to the nursery.

I looked down at the baby who stared up at me, "What should we name you huh? Should we link it to your mum? Yeah?" I smiled at the small baby. What name sounds even remotely similar to Grace... I sat there thinking about it fir a moment.. Gayson was the closest I got to Grace. So that's what I called him. Grayson Danilo Rodriguez. I couldn't be bothered to think through a middle name so just gave him mine.

"Your free to go home now by the way." A nurse broke the silence. "Oh... okay..." I'm scared. Am I going to fuck this up? I'm gonna screw up this kid... I took him to the waiting room where Grace's family sat in tears. "You want to meet him before I take him home?" I asked, putting down the car seat on a chair and crouching down to unbuckle him.

Grace's mother reached out to hold him. "What did you name him?" She asked and looked away from the baby. "Grayson.. closest thing I could think of that sounds like Grace.." I explained. I watched as they all held him for a few moments. I put him back in his car seat when I heard her father talk, "Danilo... you won't be able to look after him by yourself.. how about you give him to us. We'll adopt him and give him a peaceful life."

I furrowed my eyebrows and stood back up, holding the car seat. "No. What the fuck?! N-no! My wife just- He's my son! I'm not giving him away! I-I won't allow it! Grace wouldn't of wanted me to give up on him! I'm leaving. See you at the funeral." I stormed out and called my driver asking where he was. I asked him to be here for 1am. Its now 1 30.

Then grayson started crying. I let out a sigh and went to take him out of the car seat but as soon as I was in eye view of him, he stopped. "Your okay buddy.. I'm here.. and I won't let anything happen to you... I promise.. even if it costs me my life.." I whispered. I then saw the car pull up. Finnaly. I slid in and put graysons carseat next to me, facing the back.

"Sorry I'm late sir." The man at the front spoke. I grunted and looked down at my son. The more I look at him the more I see Grace.
My grace..

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