Party Behavior

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Another time, another great debate. The amount of effort it took Rowan to ask her father for anything, was astounding. All she wanted to do was go out and chill with her friends. She had completed most—and Rowan uses the term most lightly—of her chores done. She thought because of that, that she definitely deserved a reward. But, like always, there was more to be done. And what she's already done wasn't enough for her father to grant her this opportunity to go out for the day.

"Please, Dad?" She was actually pleading.

"Absolutely not." He said, standing his ground. The two very strong headed Heywards stood head to head and it wasn't until Rowan broke the staring as he finally turned away from her.

In hindsight, She knew better than to ask. His answer was going to be no. It always was. She loved her father, she did, but sometimes she wished he understood that she needed her freedom.

As her father walked away, mumbling something about being grounded for eternity; the sound of her phone dinging caught her ear and with a sigh, she took it out of her back pocket.
The text being from one of her best friends shows.

You coming or what? ~ Kie.

Shaking her head, she headed towards her brother's room. Knocking on his door only once before she stepped in, she saw him at his desk, flipping through a few books.

"There's a party." She states. Walking further into the room, she sits on the side of his bed. Pope turned in his chair, giving his sister a pointed look, he shook his head.

"There's always a party." He deadpanned.

"Pope. It's a boneyard party, and Kie's asking..."

Pope then raised his brow at the mention of the ex kook. Rowan gave him a knowing smile. Having found out that the boy liked her gave her an edge she didn't even know she needed. She knew Pope had liked the girl, but only until he himself had unknowingly confirmed it.

"Aren't you grounded, though?" He asked,

Rolling her eyes, she stood up. "I'm always grounded." She says, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" He asked, looking towards his sister who was already at his door, waiting.

"Probably." She says, shrugging her shoulder's.  She smiled as the two headed out the door and to the boneyard.

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