Storm aftermath

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"Well, that was fun." JJ said, as the Pogues sale down the marsh. Rowan was still catching her breath. Her hands lightly shook and wondered if this is how she's going to feel when it's her time to go. 
Being that close to death wasn't as fun as she thought it'd be.

"Could've warned us sooner though." JJ went on, the buzz never leaving him as he sits all excitedly beside her.

"We would've, except Pope was on the math team."

"You were on the math team?" JJ asked, looking towards his friend.

"My impending death could've been avoided if Pope joined a sport?  Thanks, bro." Rowan said, patting her brother on the back.

"You were fine. It wasn't that far a drop. The worst that would happen is you breaking your legs." Pope said, as a matter of factly

Rowan rolled her eyes. "Unless I landed on my head. Then Dad and Mom would be one child short."

"The cops took everything like it was a crime scene." John B said, interpreting the siblings.

"Did you guys find anything?" Pope asked

"Did we find anything?" JJ said, standing up, he held out his hands that held some money and the gun. "No, I don't think so. Oh, yeah, uh, we did."

"What the hell?" Pope exclaimed.

"Dude, what?" Kie asked, looking between John B and Rowan.

"Dude, chill. Come on." JJ said, walking over to Pope.

"Why would you take that from a crime scene?"

"It's better than the cops having it."

"Are you guys serious?" Kie asked towards John B and Rowan. The girl sighed and shrugged her shoulders. It's not like they didn't try and stop him. 

"I'm gonna lose my Merit scholarship." Pope declares, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, sh, sh, sh, at least you have us, right?" JJ said, putting his arms around Pope. Rowan knew that's the last thing his brother wanted.

"I'm living the nightmare."  He says, pushing the blonde away and going back over to the wheel.

  Back on the island, the group discovers that a body was found in the marsh. There were cops and paramedics everywhere as they questioned the man who found the body. Rowan stood beside John B as they watch the scene unfold.

"Who's that?" John B asks, pointing to the woman crying over the body being wheeled away. Rowan had to turn away from the sight. Unlike her brother, the thought of the dead freaked her out.

"It's Scooter Grubbs." A girl Rowan didn't know the name of said. "He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got. Dead body." She said, holding out her phone for everyone to see. Rowan didn't bother looking and was focused on John B.

"What kind of boat did he have?" JJ asked

"Somehow, that dirtbag copped a brand new Grady white." She told them. "Everyone's out looking for it." 
John B and Rowan share a look with everyone else.
We're they really a head of a game they didn't even know was in play? 

At the chateau, the Pogues gathered around the porch. The sun was setting and soon it would be dark. This was crazy. The whole last couple of hours had been a fever dream and Rowan had no idea how to even grasp the concept of the idea.

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