The night the hurricane came

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Season one- Episode one.

Rowan groaned annoyedly as she looked at the time on her watch

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Rowan groaned annoyedly as she looked at the time on her watch. She had been working a shift at her father's shop since this morning. A punishment for not showing up on curfew in time.

It was truly unfair because Pope had been aloud out after practically begging and promising their dad that he would help out tomorrow...which, would most likely turn out to be untrue.

"Screw this." She says, shaking her head, she puts the mop away and grabs her bag.

"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going?" Her father called out. As she headed for the exit. Rowan sighed as she slowly turned to face her father.

"I'm supposed to meet Kie, Dad. We're staying at John B's tonight."

"You have to stay and help with preparation—Rowan!" He called out after she had already started walking away. If Pope wasn't there, she wasn't going to be either.

Sometimes, she had felt bad about skipping out on helping with the shop and her father. She loved to when she was a kid, but that was when she was younger. Now, she had other things to do and people to see.

Grabbing the handles of her bike, as quickly as possible, she petalled towards the château. The wind blowing her hair as she sped down the dirt roads.
The clouds quickly turning gray as she finally arrived. Throwing her bike to the side, she stepped onto the front porch, and just as she's about to open the door, John B does it for her.

Smiling as soon as she sees John B, he smiles back.

"Finally. What took you so long? You missed the chase." John B says, walking down his steps with his surf board. Pope surprisingly behind him.

"I had to help Dad. Where are you two going?The storms about to start." She asked.

John B smiled as he turned to look at Pope and then back at her. "Surfing." He says, shrugging his shoulders.

"You're crazy." Rowan said, shaking her head. But that statement didn't stop her from grabbing her own board that she kept here and following the two towards the beach.

The waves were monstrous as they stand in the sand. The wind, the lightning, it was insane they were even thinking of surfing in this kind of weather.

"It's a double overhead out there, bro." Pope laughs as they head towards the water. "Those aren't surfable waves, bro." Pope said, looking between John B and his sister.

John B smiled and he headed first towards the water. "You can't be serious?" He says, towards Rowan. The girl laughed.

"You only live once, Pope." She says, patting his shoulder. Without waiting another second, Rowan followed after John B. Catching up with him, she lightly shoved him. He smiles towards her and shoved her back.

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