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Pre- Season one.

  Rowan didn't know how she ended up here. It was a party. On Kook territory. She couldn't say no. She had obligations to follow through as one of the head Kook's girlfriends to show up.
But it was a mistake. Something she's not proud of.
When she showed up, everything was normal. It was just like any other party she snuck out to go too. It killed her to lie to her friends about it, but he was nice, and she was naïve.

Naïve to think that Kook's and Pouges could ever get over the ridiculous split the island had been embedded in them. She was stupid to think one of the most richest and more popular guys could ever like her. To think she was special. To think she was acceptable in a high valued society.

It was a lie. And it was at this party that opened her eyes and showed her where she really belonged. Back on the Cut. With her true friends.

She realized then that maybe this is how Kiara felt in her Kook year. How John B felt when he and Sarah Cameron had their one time fling. The Cameron siblings were something else. Vipers. Energy draining. She needed to get out. Now.

That night, the music blared from a fancy speaker and Rowan was on a mission. A mission to get back home. But she was buzzed. And a little bit high. So she definitely couldn't drive herself. She looked around the sea of Kook's and immediately found Rafe Cameron. Talking and laughing with Topper and their friend Kelce.

She walked, well, it was kind of a stumble walking—but she made her way over somehow and managed to pull Rafe away from them.

"I wanna go home." She told him, he laughed and shook his head.

"I though you were having fun? You were supposed to stay the night."

She was. She promised she'd stay to cheer him up because his dad got pissed at him. Hence, the party. But Rowan shook her head.

"I need to get back. My brother texted me saying my Dad found out I was gone." That wasn't a total lie, her brother did text her that, but it was hours ago and she ignored it.

"Come on, really? Blow them off. You do it enough already." He moved forward, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I know. But he's pissed. He threatened Boarding school if I did shit like this again."

"Yeah, right." He laughed, leaning in, he went to kiss her. But she felt like she was about the throw up. Maybe drinking and smoking when you haven't eating the whole day wasn't the smartest decision she's made as of late.

"Seriously, R. I've gotta go. Do you think you could drive me back?"

He shook his head, moving in, he grabbed hold of her arm, he gripped it tightly. "You have to stay. You're my girlfriend. Please."

"I'm sorry. I really am...hey, let go, Rafe. I swear..."

"What? I thought you liked it rough?"

"Fuck off, Rafe." Pissed and now slightly sober, Rowan pulled away and he let her. She hated how broken he looked, but she needed to leave.

"I've got to go."


"I'll walk back." She said,  pulling out her phone, it was already midnight. 

"Don't bother coming back, then." He said.

Rowan nearly laughed. She already wasn't planning on it. She was done. "I won't. We're done, understand?"

"Whatever, Bitch." Rafe turned and stomped away.  Leaving Rowan in the dust. She let out a sigh and started walking. Then, as if something had it out for her that night, it started raining.

"Fuck." She muttered, pulling her red cardigan tightly around her, she went into her shorts pocket and grabbed her nearly dead phone and called the one person she knew would be up at this hour.

  "Rowan?" The voice on the other end sounded far away but then, they said, "what's up?" And the voice was clear

"Hey, JB. Look, do you think you could pick me up? I...I left Rafe's party." She said, in her mind, her words sounded a little slurry but she hopped that would pass by the time he got here.

"Where you at?" He asked. Quickly, Rowan told him her location and after waiting for a while, the sight of the Twincke stuck out like a sore thumb. The door opened and she crawled in the passenger seat. Drenched in water and the smell of smoke and beer.

"So," John B said, as he drive probably towards the château. There was no way she could show up at home looking like this. Her father would actually send her to Boarding School. Not just threaten it.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry. I knew you'd be up...Rafe and I...we're done. I just—needed it to be done."

"I get it." John B nodded his head. He got it, because not more than a few moths ago was John B in the same shoes as Rowan. It was a weird coincidence and a strange phase, but thankfully, that was over.

"Yeah." Rowan breathed out. She knew he would. She lifted her head and looked at John B through her wet lashes and it was in that moment that she saw him in a totally different light.

"Thanks. Really. I appreciate it."

"Don't worry about it. Are you gonna tell the others? You know, now that you're done?"

"I guess. Probably. Pope know's obviously. And you, because well, you know why. It's just JJ and Kie. I hope they don't hate me."

"I think they'll hate Rafe even more now, instead of you. I know I do." 

Rowan smiled. "Yeah. Me too. No more Kook's."

"No more Kook's." John B nodded, as they reached the château. He parked and together they got out. He led them inside his place.

"Where's your dad?" Rowan questioned, after she came out of the shower and changed into some clothes she left here for emergency's.

"Uh, we sorta had a fight." He said, handing her a fresh cup of coffee. She took it thankfully.

"Well, thank you again. And for enabling my addiction." She said, referring to her cup of coffee. "Were you waiting for him to come back, is that why you were up?" 

"Yeah. You can stay, if you don't wanna go back home."

"Yeah. It's already past 3. I'm sure my dad thinks I'm dead in a ditch somewhere."

"Uh, yeah. I told Pope you're here. So, he's probably gonna tell you dad you're good."

Rowan shrugged her shoulders. "I guess that means I'll just be grounded again."

John B smiled and shook his head at her. "When are you not grounded?"

"I'm always grounded, but that doesn't stop me from doing what I want."


"Professionally." Rowan laughs. The shitty night she as having was getting better now that she was back where she belonged. And she knew that this is where she was supposed to be from now on.

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