Light em' up

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Pre-season one.
(A few weeks before they get together)


   "Come on, Dad, please?" Rowan begged. Her voice desperate. Her father shook his head as he packed groceries. This was a reoccurring argument that happened quite often between Rowan Heyward and her father. She had wanted to go hang out with JJ and John B, but was told she had to stay by and help at the shop. Her brother, Pope, was at the counter, working the cash while a few books sat out in front of him.

"No. You stay here. You have shelves to stalk. And you have school in the morning. I don't want you coming home at some ungodly hour and sleeping the whole day of classes away." He said, handing her a box of cans.
Rowan groaned and put the box down on the counter, unintentionally on top of Pope's books.

Her brother gave her a glare and moved the box off them.

"But JJ and John B—"

"I don't care who. You have a job here. An obligation here. Now get to work."

Rolling her eyes, she sent a look to Pope, who ultimately knew she wasn't going to cave in that easily, however, just this once, she would actually listen and not run off like he knew she would. 
He shook his head at her, silently telling her to listen and not do anything stupid. But she just shook her head back at him, denying the plea.

"Cover for me?" She asked him, placing down a five dollar bill in front of him as a bribe.

"No." He said, taking the cash and putting it in the register. Rowan's mouth gaped open.

"Rude. That was my five."

"Sucks. Can you at least move the box?"

"Later. I'll tell the guys you say hey."

Pope sighed as he watched his sister walk out of the shop. The bell chiming behind her. Turning his head,  he looked to his father, who was looking at the door too.

  "Well, well, well, what's up, Ro?" John B said, as she enter the Château. She smiled as she entered through the gate. The two of them share a glance and Rowan can't at help but be aware of the butterflies that suddenly swarm her stomach. She doesn't know why, but it happens every time she and John B stare at each other for more than a minute.

"Uh, not much. Needed some entertainment, thought of you two immediately."

"Entertainment, huh? What kind?" JJ asked, as he lays on the pull out couch in John B's living room. He gave her a flirty smile and wink. She rolled her eyes and grabbed a pillow and tossed it at him.

"Not that kind, you perv."

"Well, I'm down for anything. But what else did you have in mind?"

Rowan gave JJ and John B a smirk. The three of them were always up to something. Weather is was stealing, surfing, or just goofing around, there was never a dull moment. Especially when JJ and Rowan were involved. They were known to sometimes enable each other and get into some crazy shot when they felt like it. And today, Rowan felt like it.

"What I have planned Definitely doesn't involve going around Figure Eight and lighting shit on fire." She said, holding out her very own zippo lighter. JJ smiled wildly and nodded his head.

"What are we talking here? Mailboxes, gardens, cars?"

"All of the above." Rowan smiled

"Wait a second," John B interjected, holding up his hand to stop the two of them. "Uh, can't we just surf?"

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