chapter 1: seraphiel's awakening and brutality

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shinji could be seen curled in a ball in the entry plug of the berserk EVA unit-01

"master we can fix this" a feminine voice was heard it wasn't the first time shinji heard this voice

"i don't believe you" i whispered

"master please what have you got to lose" she said and it hit me as was unit-01 was already creating the third impact

"please" the female voice said

"invert mode, secret code, 666, demonic awakening" i whispered out the command and like that everything changed several holographic screens appeared around the shinji the one just above the control console had three words EVA unit-01: seraphiel


ma'am something is happening maya yelled out to the injured misato who somehow made her way to the central dogma

"what" misato questioned

"the third impact is reversing itself" maya reported completely flabbergasted

"not just the third impact the second impact also appears to be reversing itself

"what does that mean" misato asked

"it means those of us who died during the second and third impact will be resurrected" a woman who everyone recognized as yui ikari said 

"hmm i was expecting my counterpart from unit 02 here as well then again i am not sure if it would reverse the damages of her insanity" yui said

"no i am right here you buffoon" kyoko zeppelin soryu said in amusement by her counterparts hypothesis 

"ah there you are kyoko" yui said

"does this mean unit 01 and 02 will cease to function they require a soul within them the work" misato said

"units one and two are unique as we learned upon our souls being part of them first off they are not truly EVA's as is clear with unit 01's evolution they are mostly EVAs but we found a meteorite with strange materials we had hoped would make unit's 01 and 02 stronger unit 01 had more then unit 02 but this granted the EVAs sentience which is another reason why they were for the most part much calmer then say unit 00" kyoko explained

"this also means that they won't bring out there full capabilities unless their pilots were worthy" yui said

"my daughter is not yet worthy as such nuriel has yet to reveal herself to asuka" kyoko said

"my son is the opposite seraphiel has revealed herself several times but until now for obvious reasons he has been refusing her and unit-01's awakening he was afraid but he was worthy" yui said

"what makes now different" misato asked

"third impact" yui responded

"oh" misato said looking down

"don't feel bad you thought he could help and with seraphiel's awakening he can" kyoko said kindly to misato


seraphiel fell to the ground as it's armor began to change evolve

once complete it rose to it's feet before disappearing in purple particles reappearing in front of unit-02 just as the fake lance was launched at her he caught it with his left hand throwing it to the ground he looked behind him towards the unawak...

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once complete it rose to it's feet before disappearing in purple particles reappearing in front of unit-02 just as the fake lance was launched at her he caught it with his left hand throwing it to the ground he looked behind him towards the unawakened unit-02 and asuka saw as it looked at her it's eyes began to glow brightly as it's head turned back to the forward position it was then that an object was heading directly for seraphiel and he held out his right hand to catch it

once complete it rose to it's feet before disappearing in purple particles reappearing in front of unit-02 just as the fake lance was launched at her he caught it with his left hand throwing it to the ground he looked behind him towards the unawak...

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"the lance of longinus" asuka whispered then she watched as it changed becoming a very brutal looking sword

it twirled the blade in it's hand experimentally before it seemed to teleport in front of one of the seven remaining unmanned EVA's and the EVA was literally cut clean in half vertically with seraphiel not appearing to have moved it turned towards...

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it twirled the blade in it's hand experimentally before it seemed to teleport in front of one of the seven remaining unmanned EVA's and the EVA was literally cut clean in half vertically with seraphiel not appearing to have moved it turned towards a group of three unmanned EVAs and it looked truly terrifying as yet again it flashed in front of them this time cutting all three of them in half horizontally with one clean slash

two of them tried to take flight spreading wings from their back seraphiel aloud them before activating some kind of thrusters matching them and cutting them both to pieces

"one left" asuka said in awe that last one knew it couldn't beat seraphiel so it decided to try and make a run for NERV instantly it's legs and wings were cut off before it was stabbed right in the chest by seraphiel's sword retracting the sword from the unmanned EVAs chest it thrust it's sword into the ground walked to unit-02 in a princess carry and walked towards NERV leaving the sword where it is

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