chapter 2: versus seraphiel

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they group within central dogma which now included gendo ikari with a gun pointed at him by ritsuko akagi

who all watched the new unit-01 absolutely slaughter the unmanned EVA's with such ease and brutality

"is that really shinji" misato whispered

"i doubt it it's more likely to say that was seraphiel working for shinji something you must understand is once the pilot is proven worthy of them the EVAs will literally do anything for their pilots to them they are slaves to their pilot masters" yui explained

"and seraphiel has been watching helplessly as it's pilot hasn't been treated them best it's probably furious" kyoko finished while glaring at gendo who was in turn staring at yui and man was she disgusted with her husband

"unit-01 has just dropped unit-02" maya announced they returned their attention to the screen and watched in utter confusion as seraphiel turned and began to walk away from NERV

"perhaps a little too angry" yui said in sadness as she watched her son be taken away from her she turned towards her husband walked up and punched him square in the jaw knocking him completely off his feet

"because of you i lost my son" she snarled he looked up in sadness he didn't expect his wife to be angry with him

"did i go to far" gendo asked himself

"you did you chose to be selfish instead of doing what your wife would have wanted" ritsuko said

"i see" gendo said

"ma'am unit-00 is requesting permission to launch to recover unit-01" maya said

"granted tell rei to be careful we don't know what this new unit-01 is capable of" misato said

"understand" maya said relaying what she was told to rei who repeated her understanding before launching they watched as unit-01 pulled it's sword from the ground placing it on his back before continuing to walk away from unit-01 it didn't really take long for unit-00 to catch up

"pilot ikari you are ordered to return to NERV" rei said through comms she was met by a sword swing from seraphiel

"am i authorized to use force" rei asked as she dodged the incoming strikes misato hesitated she noticed like the rest that unit-01 wasn't really trying it was going much slower then when it fought the unmanned EVAs

"if we authorize it do you thing unit-01 will stop holding back" misato whispered to kyoko and yui

"i am not sure if seraphiel had it's way then yes but if shinji chooses to step in no seraphiel will follow any order it's master gives without question if shinji tells seraphiel to surrender it will" yui said

"open a channel to unit-01" misato ordered

"shinji, shinji listen to me, you need to tell unit-01 to stand down" misato said

"why it's protecting me finally i feel safe" i said and it hit her

"you told unit-01 to attack rei" misato said silence for a long while

"..........yes" shinji said

"i'm scared but here i know i'm safe here i won't be punished here i am not alone seraphiel is with me and i'm free so long as i have seraphiel i will never be alone ever again no more expectations i don't have to deal with my father anymore i can finally be free " i said

"shinji" misato said saddened by what shinji said she knew then how bad of a guardian she has been as everyone else was glaring at a very shocked gendo he knew he made shinji unstable but to go to an EVA for comfort how much did he really break the boy

"i just wanted to be with yui again" gendo whispered he then came to a conclusion

"shinji may i speak with seraphiel" gendo asked

"what do you want human" seraphiel snarled

"if i give myself to you will you release shinji" gendo asked and they heard laughter hysterical laughter

"you seem to think i am holding my master hostage i am not the only thing i did was convince him to finally release me so i can help him nothing more he is my master i am his tool if he wishes to exit me all he must do is ask here's the problem for it isn't simply you in fact i'd say you are only a quarter of the problem

"a quarter" misato said confused

"yes the majority of the fault falls not on gendo ikari but on asuka langley soryu she is the one who put my master in this state" seraphiel said they were all in shock especially misato

"i see" gendo said

"how do we fix it" misato asked

"you don't not unless you get rid of the girl or she changes drastically and if that is the case we shall see it through nuriel's awakening" seraphiel said

"i shall speak with my daughter" kyoko said

"you know he actually was in love with her and it wasn't a simple crush either he truly loved her she was a kindred spirit of him but he was to afraid to confess especially with how he treated her" seraphiel said this shocked the room no wonder he dealt with her crap for so long

"i have said what i wished to say be fortunate i made sure my master did not hear our conversation i do wish to help him i want to see him blossom into the man i know he can become but he needs support and you people have proven you will not give it to him so if you wont i will" seraphiel said and with that she cut the connection

"unit-00 has just shut down" maya called

"what" misato said in shock

"the five minutes are up ma'am" maya said she cursed of course she had forgotten unit-00 had detached it umbilical cord to fight with unit-01 on equal ground the umbilical cord was a pretty good target after all

seraphiel watched unit-00 fall to the ground before turning and continuing to walk away

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