chapter 13: asuka (part 2)

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"what do i have to do to get you to fuck me" she said mostly to herself as she knew i wouldn't respond she undid the straps taking off her bra and throwing it to the side causing me to lock my eyes on her face

"you won't even look at me" asuka said

"last time i saw you naked you wanted to kill me" i said

"last time i didn't want you to see me this time i do" asuka responded she grabbed my hand and moved me of which i began to fight her

"really you don't want to touch me that much how much have i scared you away from me" asuka asked

"asuka i love you this is the billionth time i have said this and until you have proven to me you won't leave me for something i did i am going to be very careful" i responded then she got an idea

"what if i leave you for something you don't do" asuka asked

"if you leave me because i don't want to touch you for fear of you leaving me then seraphiel was right and i should find someone else" i said that hurt her but she knew he had a point that would be the pinnacle of petty on her part

"you let me touch you" asuka said

"i love you i have said that many many times yet i have not heard you say those words to me once and that really scares me" i said she thought back

"i didn't know i needed to say it here i am trying to give my virginity to you and you think i just want to use you" she said rather insulted but the serious expression on his face told her that is exactly what he thinks

"do you really think i would do that" asuka asked

"you gave away your first kiss cause you were bored, and you just admitted how stressed you are sex is a good relief of stress and i know you asuka you wouldn't just let anyone touch you your too high and mighty so you would pick me only because i am a pilot like you and the only male pilot at that" i said 'and another argument sprouted cause i didn't want to have sex great' i thought just as she slapped me

"you think so low of me that i'd fuck you simply because of your status being equal to mine" asuka said now enraged

"i didn't say it was certain it's just that with my experience with you that is a possibility and one that scares me" i said

"get out" asuka said he grabbed his cloths

"as you wish" i said he unlocked the door opened it then closed it

it did not take long for her to regret doing that not long at all in fact after she calmed down which was pretty quick she still had her bad temper but she was much faster to cool off and when she did she rocketed to the door heading to the living room

"where's shinji" asuka asked

"he just left said he'd be back in a couple of hours" mari said hearing that asuka was just about to break down for the third time tonight and it had only been about an hour she walked to misato's room

"hey what happened you look ready to cry" misato said walking over to comfort the girl

"i drove him away again" asuka said tearfully

"what happened" misato asked

"you know what i wanted to do with him you know what i was ready for" asuka asked misato nodded

"he wasn't he thought we would just make out" asuka said

"alright well clear it up for him" misato said

"i did but he didn't want to or to be more accurate he didn't want to touch me he was okay with me doing it to him but not the other way around i couldn't get him to touch me other then kissing and that was already because i had already kissed him beforehand but even when i tried to guide him he fought against me he's afraid to touch me" asuka said

"alright so i know you that would of annoyed and disappointed you but it wouldn't piss you off enough to kick him out so what happened" misato asked

"i pressured him on the issue and learned that while he loves me he also thinks it's possible i would use him for sex and then ditch him" asuka said misato was silent for a moment

"asuka please don't take offence to this but be his and even by my past experience with you that isn't out of the realm of imagination hell you gave away your first kiss out of boredom and you didn't even make it enjoyable for shinji since you pinched his nose making it impossible for him to breath" asuka said

"but that's why i wanted him to lead this and it all started because i didn't say the words 'i love you' to him" asuka said

"look at it from his point of view then to him this change of you being so much kinder to him probably surprised the hell out of him the fact that you asked him to sleep with and then initiated a french kiss with him even more probably through him to left field especially when he just got back" misato said

"i realized that but i just felt so insulted he literally insinuated i was a slut" asuka said

"now to be fair you did give away your first kiss literally out of boredom and the fact you didn't say those words to him probably didn't help actions do speak louder then words but that doesn't mean words don't say anything at all and for shinji hearing those words from you would probably mean a lot to him also why don't you maybe do something he wouldn't expect" misato said eyeing asuka mischievously

"what do you have in mind" asuka asked

"i'll tell you only if you share him with me i did after all promise him we would go at it" misato said

"what when" asuka said yet again rather outraged

"four years ago it was just outside unit-01s access elevator i gave him a french kiss and literally my exact words were we would 'do the rest' i think you understand what that meant although at that juncture i kinda expected to die and not follow through with my promise and then he left making it further impossible now that he is back though" misato said her eyes full of lust

"misato you sound like more of a slut then i am" asuka said

"look i am not i would only give myself to shinji and kaji and since kaji is dead" misato said

"but shinji is over half your age" asuka pointed out

"and does that matter" misato asked

"fine i'll agree" asuka said misato held out her hand asuka couldn't believe she was doing this

"give him a blow job" misato said asuka stared at her for a moment then went to a nearby wall and began to hit her head against it repeatedly saying "stupid" as she does so misato just watches on in amusement

"don't start with that now don't just immediately suck him off get intimate with him first for the love of god actually tell him you love him otherwise he really will think your a slut who will just throw him away when your done with him" misato said

"i know" asuka said

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