chapter 11: homeward bound (yet another timeskip)

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yet another two years have passed and delta squad became the absolute best of the four squads something i am proud of captain kawata was not as good as misato but she was competent so i didn't complain that being said i had sent several of our ships with construction equipment to my old universe to build our base of operations which we had dubbed dawnbreaker station i wanted to be based in my home universe and the queen thankfully accepted once completed we would head for that dimension

we were onboard our fleet flagship the endeavor which was a beautiful ship top of the line

on our way to our new station to inspect it of which i would leave my squad to do i after all would be staying planet side

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on our way to our new station to inspect it of which i would leave my squad to do i after all would be staying planet side

"are you sure it's wise to transfer dantalion their and not leave it on station" madelyn asked for the billionth time

"think of it this way if i'm on earth and the dantalion is here how much help would i be exactly and you think i am just gonna immediately gonna transfer it hell no i am gonna test the waters first then i'll take it home" i asked

"just being sure" she said

"wow the station is impressive" alyndra said

"fitting for the best" skylar agreed

i took a look for myself and i had to admit it was most definitely an impressive station

we docked rather safely and i bid my goodbyes before grabbing julius and vanished into purple particles i learned that using unit-01 i could essentially teleport and i can take things and people with me so long as they were touching me

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we docked rather safely and i bid my goodbyes before grabbing julius and vanished into purple particles i learned that using unit-01 i could essentially teleport and i can take things and people with me so long as they were touching me

why was i taking my butler you may ask well because it's misato katsuragi's apartment need i say more i asked to no one in question i checked the usual spot for the spare key and their it was she didn't do the hide it under the mat trick no she took it to a small hole in the side of the building outside it and that's where it's hidden i pulled it out and walked to the apartment unlocking the door and opened it to find it the usual mess and there was no one here which was good

"julius" i said

"right away young master" he said entering and beginning to clean the apartment since i refused to clean up after misato anymore i went to the money stash which was made so i could buy food i left to get the ingredients i needed dropping off my blades at the house i still had both my dan wesson 715s on me so i was safe i returned about an hour later with enough food to make at least a decent meal for the night and i got to work i'd cook julius would clean i heard the door open and nodded for julius who nodded to me and vanished being an expert assassin he was very good at disappearing

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