chapter 17: asuka's first (lemon)

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deciding that the threat of the future was for future me to deal with a cross that bridge when we get to it scenario i decided to return to misato's apartment it was rather late i spent alot of time wandering tokyo three

"maybe i should be more assertive towards her" i said to myself as i walked coming in the door

"welcome back" mari called

"thanks" i said taking a deep breath i went to what would be my and asuka's room and i knocked not getting a reply i opened the door to find asuka sleeping i entered the room closing it behind me and locking it as asuka would tell me to do i walked up and sat down on the bed pushing a stray strand of her hair out of her face i smiled

"your so beautiful" i said the next thing i knew was i pushed down by her as our lips had yet again met i was rather surprised by this as i realized she was faking being asleep i smirked nice trick i said as i rolled us over and pushed my lips deeper into hers both of our mouths slowly opened as our tongues met and battled for dominance it was a very heated battle i eventually one and explored her mouth she moaned at my attention

"i'm sorry i didn't mean for you to actually leave i love you too just being told you could be a slut hurt my pride" asuka said i was ecstatic i finally heard the words i wanted to hear

"asuka never apologize to anyone understood i expect to see the proud woman i fell in love with and she never apologizes sincerely ever" i said she smirked

"oh with pleasure" she said as we continued to make out as we did we slowly began to stand up from the bed by asuka's guiding i wasn't sure why but honestly so long as i got to continue tasting those lips of hers i didn't really care

after we got up she removed her pajamas throwing them to the side going through my stuff and taking them off again 'we are doing this again' i thought saddened since i thought she was gonna try and get me to do it again but she didn't stop making out with me as she removed our cloths nor did she say a word about the prospect after removing all my stuff besides my boxers she moved to her bra and unclasped it again also removing her new panties she wasn't as excited as she was before well that's not really true she just succeeding at holding back her excitement once she was naked she moved to my boxers and pulled them down still not saying a word to me finally breaking our make-out she bent down to be level with my cock and before i could stop her licked the tip i let out a moan of pleasure

"what are you doing" i asked her she looked up at me with a satisfied smirk that said 'i win' all over it

"you said you wanted me to take initiative i am" she said giving my length a nice lick making me even harder by the prospect

"this isn't what i mea........" i was cut off by her getting even more bold sticking a third of my member into her mouth causing me to let out another moan what surprised me was she began to feed my cock down her throat i know because i could feel the tightness of her throat around my length she gagged a bit but refused to stop until her chin was touching my sack and her nose touching my lower stomach

"oh god" i said at the feeling of pleasure that ran through me hearing that satisfied her to no end she was happy to finally get the man she loved to feel good and this would hopefully lead to him gathering the courage to take her she grabbed my hands and placed them on her head

"are you sure about this" i asked her

she gave me a thumbs up i assumed she did this since she couldn't mover her hands or mouth with my cock down her throat i firmed gripped her head pulled my dick out of her throat and pushed it back in at a slow pace i continued this movement several times at first she gagged a little not used to it but she got used to it quickly as i let my cock mold her throat to fit me i felt good having such power over her made me want to deep throat her harder but i held myself back i didn't want to hurt the woman i loved after all i continued to thrust down her throat for a good while before i could feel my end coming apparently she felt it too as i was about to pull out she grabbed my hips and pulled my dick back down her throat rather hard i might add

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