chapter 18: the next morning

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it turned out that misato didn't last long with shinji at all first off he had to slow down significantly to her pace secondly she was not nearly as tight as asuka was so it wasn't as pleasurable for shinji her experience made up for it though she was annoyed that a virgin was better then her the problem was the even though she lasted longer then asuka she still was not able to satisfy him at all by the end she was covered in shinji's cum and her pussy was also overflowing with his juices from the number of rounds they went and every round shinji poured a good amount into it

she learned her lesson that day don't go at shinji alone unless she wanted to be exhausted

they agreed before they started that two would simply be friends with benefits and not anything more at least until misato found someone she could fall in love with she had someone to help her stress and vice versa

asuka woke to find shinji not there thinking he forgot his promise (which he didn't) she was mildly upset then she smelled cooking and her anger vanished maybe he just got up earlier then them and did keep his promise she got out of bed and grabbed her cloths to take a shower before heading to the kitchen where she saw shinji his butler and mari all doing their part in making breakfast shinji of course noticed her and smiled

"morning beautiful" i said she walked up and bonked me on the head

"next time i ask you to sleep with me i want you to wake me up when you do waking up with you not there made me think you broke your promise" asuka said

"first off i did come to bed with you ask misato secondly you don't want to  be getting up with me trust me i get up at 5am every morning" i said

"5 in the morning why in the hell do you get up so early" asuka asked

"an inquisitor has certain expectations placed on them it's why you see me with those katanas i know how to use them i also have these" i said pulling out my dan wessons from their custom holsters that were connected to my coat

"that's why your coat was so heavy why do you have two of them" she asked

"i duel wield it's my shtick" i said

"anyway asuka thanks for last night thanks to you me and shinji have an agreement" misato said

"we are fuckbuddies" i said

"what you two aren't even in a relationship" asuka said

"as of now no both of us agreed that it could become that but for right now we are simply there if one of us either has the urge or wants to relieve stress" misato said

"mostly her because i have you" i said

"i guess i am not surprised" asuka said

"anyway after breakfast we should be on our way" misato said

"it's almost ready" i said

i served breakfast and we all ate in companionable silence before leaving the apartment 'alright time to get to business' i thought to myself

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