chapter 9: the duel

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the last class was a combat class without our mechs just normal weapons which besides the basic exercises i was exempt from do to me having no training whatsoever i was instead placed in a basic gun firing course until i mastered my weapon which my master told me would be twin katanas which honestly i was excited for what i was not excited for was the duel that was to take place

seraphiel led me to the front of the school where my shuttle was it would take me outside the city to the coordinates which our duel would take place this was so we didn't utterly destroy the place i then waited for arakiel to arrive with her impressive looking unit

seraphiel led me to the front of the school where my shuttle was it would take me outside the city to the coordinates which our duel would take place this was so we didn't utterly destroy the place i then waited for arakiel to arrive with her impr...

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seraphiel brought out her own unit activating it

"alright the rules are thus no maiming no killing and arakiel no flying as shinji's unit can't it would literally be unfair you fly your disqualified understood" seraphiel asked she wanted her master to have a fair fight after all

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"alright the rules are thus no maiming no killing and arakiel no flying as shinji's unit can't it would literally be unfair you fly your disqualified understood" seraphiel asked she wanted her master to have a fair fight after all

"yep" arakiel said i nodded and called upon unit-01 which do to it's evolved form being a part of me i got to keep it's enhanced capabilities unfortunately my sword returned to it's spear form but i did get to keep the spear itself thankfully

"on my mark the battle shall begin" seraphiel said silently praying for her master

"ready.....................................go" she called and immediately arakiel raised her rifles and started shooting blue energy projectiles

"moment of truth" i said raising my AT-field that would literally most likely make or break this fight for me i closed my eyes tightly and waited for the impact

as the smoke cleared EVA unit-01 stood tall without a scratch on it

"hmm alright starsword dance" she said as several energy swords formed circling around her

"star requiem" she shouted as several swords launched themselves at her this was arakiel's ability her index the starsword dance yet again AT-field and yet again it was blocked this worried arakiel but it significantly boosted shinji's confidence as he took this chance to charge her closing the gap between her and him stabbing the lance of longinus at her she narrowly dodged his assault also remembering the rule but she realized seraphiel said she couldn't fly she said nothing about not using her thrusters getting an idea she activated her thrusters to in conjunctions with her legs to stay on the ground and not get disqualified to get behind shinji

"star requiem" she said launching her blades at shinji's back unfortunately for her the AT-field doesn't just block the EVAs front something she learned shinji twirled lance in hand stabbing for the unit's chest

"STOP" seraphiel called knowing full well arakiel couldn't dodge this and low and behold the lance of longinus was a hairs width from arakiel's units chest

"i yield" arakiel said she knew when she lost she may be undefeated but she wasn't cocky i sighed in relief i desummoned unit-01 letting it dissipate into those purple particles

"even with flight he could just stand there and take every attack i launch at him with that barrier" arakiel whined

"we didn't actually know if it would actually protect him the AT-field was tested against old school physical weapons not mana skills and attacks" seraphiel explained

"oh i see if i didn't and i was aloud to fly he literally couldn't win it would have been impossible" arakiel said seraphiel nodded

"well a deals a deal you are now my master take care of me" arakiel said smiling

"we need to complete the fusion ritual we shall see you at home master" seraphiel said i nodded and let them do their thing re-boarding the shuttle i was met with julius and yet another blond my third this one was more of an ash blond

"we need to complete the fusion ritual we shall see you at home master" seraphiel said i nodded and let them do their thing re-boarding the shuttle i was met with julius and yet another blond my third this one was more of an ash blond

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"hello lord inquisitor ikari i have been appointed your new adjutant my name is katsumi kawashima i look forward to serving you sir" she said pleasantly

"i look forward to working with you as well" i told her turning to julius

"please take us home after today i need a breather" i said

"was your day stressful my lord" he asked

"very let's see my first class was pleasant a tad boring i'll be looking forward to that boredom my second class i was apparently partnered with someone who was uncontrollable yet i had no trouble my third class was embarrassing do to my lack of knowledge and strength and you just saw what happened here" i said

"yes young master would you like a cup of tea upon our return i could make one now if you would like as well" julius said 

"tea sounds wonderful" i told julius he bowed and made me tea on the spot giving me a cup and saucer i took a sip and found it quite nice slightly sweet with an orangey zest to it

"this is very good" i said

"thank you my lord" julius said we returned home where my stressful day did not end as i had a bunch of papers to sign as was apparently my duty as inquisitor fun

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