chapter 14: old friend

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it was late afternoon shinji was currently walking through town he had left his blades behind at the apartment as there was no need to carry them here

"hey shinji" i heard a very familiar voice call i turned to see toji waving at me i waved him over

"hey man long time no see where you been oh don't tell me let me guess classified NERV business"

"technically no, and most definitely no it's not really classified as it is hard to believe" i said

"try me" toji said

"i used the angels aunt to go to another world where i fought hoards of monsters worse then the angels and became a noble lord of an interstellar kingdom" i told him he looked at me with a shocked look

"your joking" he said

"nope i told you hard to believe" i said

"yet i still believe it i piloted an EVA by the way and it's safe to say i owe you one huge apology piloting those things is nothing like the simulators it was ridiculously hard and i learned that lesson the hard way and i heard controlling unit-01 was worse" toji said

"it was it isn't anymore but it definitely used to be" i said

"anyway did you meet your old gang" toji asked

"i did i made out with asuka may have accidentally insulted her and she kicked me out" i said

"you insult the princess now that is surprising and she kicked you out man we thought she wanted to fuck you" toji said

"no she wants me to fuck her that's what led to the argument to begin with she wants me to take the initiative and i love her i do and i want nothing more then to here her screaming out my name as i fucked her but i am also terrified she's just gonna use me then throw me away like yesterdays trash ya know" i asked

"i know exactly what you mean asuka and misato have both changed significantly after you left but how would you know of their changes and having first hand experience of the proud princess that is asuka langley soryu you have every reason to fear that so she kicked you out because you insinuated she was a slut" toji asked 

"pretty much" i said

"i wouldn't be surprised if you leaving pisses her off" toji said

"what why i did exactly what she told me to do" i said

"because shinji i can see it clearly you changed just as much as they did however you used to run away from your problems and knowing the princess that is to her what it looks like your doing because think of it this way they have changed but you don't know how much but that also goes to them for you my friend" toji said

"what was i supposed to do refuse force myself on her that would make her hate me" i said

"how do you know" toji asked

"what do you mean" i asked

"well considering what you told me about her wanting you to fuck her how do you know she wouldn't have wanted you to get aggressive with her" toji said

"i would never" i said

"does she know that" toji asked

"just like you think she might simply throw you away she may think you'll force yourself upon her and to be honest with how she treated you she may deserve it" toji said

"the difference is her actions prove she may go down that path she gave her first kiss to me out of her boredom she said so herself and i told her i have several women who would love the opportunity to be where she is i am a rather big celebrity in ardania" i said

"lucky you wait you told her this" toji said in shock

"i did i told her that even though i have all these girls surrounding me i still waited for her" i said

"did she even tell you she loved you or did she just expect you to just fuck her" toji asked

"the latter" i told him

"yeah that won't help your suspicions" toji said

"right and you know what i told her that i said i loved her several times she hadn't said it to me once and she had the audacity to be annoyed by that" i said

"sounds just like our oh so lovable princess anyway while i love hearing about your new girlfriend i got my own now" toji said proudly

"hikari right" i asked smirking

"did everybody know but me" he asked annoyed

"pretty much i am even pretty sure asuka was giving her advice on how to pursue you" i said

"i hate you ya know that" he asked

"love ya too bro" i said

"sir" i noticed a woman wearing the vanguards uniform

"give me a second would ya" i asked he nodded i walked towards her as she handed me a datapad and began to whisper to me as i read the pad my eyes widened

"your certain of this" i asked

"yes sir" she said

"put the station to condition one get our units prepared load all guns and keep everyone on high alert i knew they'd come her that idiot made this world a bloody target i was just lucky they didn't arrive until i got here let me know when they are within range of pluto" i whispered to her she saluted i handed her a pad and she sprinted off

"well that's fun to know" i said

"classified i take it" he asked

"that is yes but i'll tell ya this the angels are the least of earths concern adam set off a bloody beacon for them all because he wanted to be fucking selfish" i said really fricken pissed off

"how long do we have" toji asked

"no idea at least a few days fortunately this is my job to take care of and i have gotten quite good at it" i said with a savage smile gracing my face

"just don't die alright mate" he asked

"have i died yet" i asked he shook his head and walked off as i returned to the apartment rather disturbed

"right when i get back too" i thought to myself

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