chapter 8: simulation

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"today we will be doing simulation exercises all of you partner up ayako you will be partnered with our new student shinji ikari the newest inquisitor and ace of delta squad the rest of you usual teams it will be a no holds barred battle royal good luck to you all and as usual i shall be watching your performance closely to grade you" miss hoshino said

"get into your pilot suits" she ordered the class

i simply willed myself into my plugsuit as my school uniform vanished from my body i was told that so long as i was wearing something before hand i could change between the two simply by willing it so

"huh useful trick" miss hoshino said twenty minutes later yet another blond walked up to me

"it's a pleasure to meet you lord ikari i am ayako yoshimoto" ayako said

"pleasure as you already know i am shinji ikari" i said

"ayako you will have to go a bit slower with him he is brought from outside our galaxy by seraphiel so he doesn't know how to ride yet" miss hoshino said

"understood please come with me lord ikari" ayako said

"shinji is fine" i said ayako reminded me heavily of rei with how emotionless she acted i hope unlike rei she actually has emotions and just doesn't show them or at least knows what emotions are

she led me to a rim with these huge pods with in

"this is the simulation room" she said she entered pod number 13 which actually worried me a little that i was gonna get bad luck

she moved her hair over her shoulders allowing it to drape down her front instead of her back she then got onto the platform in the middle of the room

"please get on my back lord ikari" ayako said

"eh" i said

"please get on my back lord ikari" she repeated herself although i was really confused i hesitantly did as she asked walking to her left side i through my right foot over her as i sat down on her back

"guide your feet to the pedals" she said i did i had to lean forward to get more comfortable the pedals had clasps that held my feet in place essentially holding me to her back two control joysticks appeared as several holographic screens appeared on each of my side of me as the main screen activating revealing a computer generated battlefield in this case of a catapult seeing i immediately braced myself

"i am not sure what you have dealt with before however it is good to know you are prepared" ayako said we zoomed out of the catapult to my very pleasant surprise it wasn't as bad as i was expecting and i let her fly us through the air mostly because i never really controlled a flying unit before

"not used to flight" she asked

"my unit was strictly ground based it had no means of flying whatsoever and it's only mode of jumping was the power of it's limbs" i said

"noted i shall compensate for it then" she said i immediately had us zoom right narrowly dodging a sniper shot

"you are however an experienced pilot able to follow your instinct i believe we shall work well together" she said and so i did all the fighting she took care of the flying around for me we defeated literally everyone in the simulation without a scratch on us when we exited the pod we were surrounded by either angered students who's pride was absolutely destroyed or awed students who had never seen moves like ours i was used to pushing my unit to it's absolute limits thanks to unit one after all at the forefront was the teacher herself

"well do to the performance of these two here tomorrow everyone else will retake the course so i can properly grade you without you being hopelessly destroyed and you lord ikari definitely deserve your title ace inquisitor, class dismissed" miss hoshino said thoroughly impressed by me as the bell rang signifying end of class

"he was able to ride and control the untamable adapter" the whispers continued i wondered if what they said is true i just followed my instinct from unit-01

"you are the first to successfully ride me well done i hope to work with you in the future" ayako said

"i hope so as well" i said

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