chapter 3: seraphiel's home

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seraphiel hated her current vessel with a burning passion this eva as it was called couldn't utilize even a quarter of her power nor can it access her index she wished to rid herself and her master of it but to do that she needed to return home but would her master agree and that was the crux of the matter

"master" seraphiel said to get no response from shinji who was as usual balled up

"master" seraphiel said again

"sera" i said and she smiled

"master i want to bring you to my home i want a new vessel and we will not find one here" seraphiel said shinji said nothing but eventually he nodded seraphiel wanted to jump for joy

"i promise you master you will not regret granting me this" seraphiel said


somethings happening with unit-01" makoto said

they looked at the screen they saw unit-01 was still walking but it also was a third the way gone entirely as the rest of it's body was slowly fading into purple particles

"what's happening" gendo asked

"we don't know sir" shigeru said

"we can assume this is seraphiel's doing meaning we won't be able to act until nuriel's awakening" yui said sadly while they wanted to do something about it unit-01 was already fading and at an alarming rate since they didn't know how to stop it they could only watch as it occured


they appeared in a small field unit-01 continued it's trek

"where are we sera" i asked stretching my limbs out

"home master my homeworld we should be noticed eventually" seraphiel said

"is this the angels home" i asked seraphiel shook her head

"no but we are similar us and the angels go hand in hand in fact the one you call adam was once one of us before he merged with an angel to gain more power he had hoped to overthrow us and take power unfortunately even with his new found abilities he was not nearly strong enough it's why he went to your world he had hoped to build an army to invade us we aren't sure weather he still wishes for this he has been gone a very long time after all" seraphiel explained to me it was then i saw several mechs fly directly above us

"halt state who you are and where you have come from" a feminine voice stated authoritatively

"allow me master" seraphiel said before opening comms

"i am the invoker seraphiel i shall be speaking for my master for the time being" seraphiel said

"why what is wrong with her" the woman asked

"my master is male" seraphiel said the moment the leader heard that she began to stutter

"there hasn't been a male inquisitor in nearly three hundred years" the woman said

"yes well there is a reason i have chosen him there are actually several reasons for my choice now are you going to stand there my current vessel doesn't have a real means of staying in the air for long periods of time it also doesn't have a projector" seraphiel said

"i understand we shall take you to the city" the woman said landing her mech infront of them as she gestured for her compatriots to follow suit after which they all got in a standard formation around us before she led us towards a massive wall and entered through a massive gate to a sight that was awe inspiring

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