Chapter 25

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... So... Uhm... I went out to buy milk... Yeah...

Ok, truth be told, I got busier and busier. Amidst that, my interest for DamiRae and writing died off completely. Why am I still continuing this? Because I promised that I would finish this and I'm very stubborn about keeping promises and this is me sticking to my word. Though I know this is years later and my writing is not the same as the last chapter. Oh boy, this chapter would be so out of place but, y'know, I can't really do much about it. It's been like, what, 4 years? Damn, well, to all those who are still waiting(I highly doubt there's any) or to those who maybe just found this recently, here's the last chapter. I hope we can forget all the cringe from the previous chapters, pls I can never truly run away from the cringe, can I? Look, man- we live and we learn. This is probably the last thing I ever post here so, enjoy(?) I don't think this is tHAT enjoyable, to be completely honest, but uhhh, have this, I suppose. This isn't beta read but, c'mon, if you stomached the previous chapters, any grammatical errors mean nothing to you at this point. This chapter was also written throughout the past 4 years, you can see my words and writing style become more and more refined towards the end. In short, this is incredibly inconsistent, but I kinda tried?? 



Damian's POV:

We were at the Ferris wheel. Same place. Same booth. Same position. I'm feeling my blood rush as my heart pumped quickly. I'm still new to failure and I don't know what to do if she disagrees. I have no control over this situation.

'Dammit!' I mentally cursed myself as I took a deep breath. Our booth was ascending until we've stopped at the very top. I had to convince the operator just for that.

"The view's amazing!" She exclaimed with a small smile. I was focused on her eyes. On how they would glister and shine whenever she's happy. I broke my trance because I think I'm weirding her out by my stare. Well, here goes everything. I turned to her. She noticed my gaze and looked back.

"So.... Uh... Raven. Since, you know... I l-like you and you like m-me back. S-so, I was.. uh.. kinda hoping for... Something more?" I managed to blabber out. She smiled.

"Be more specific." She said teasingly.

"C'mon Raven, you know exactly what I meant." I replied.

"Nope. What do you mean something more?" This girl is so teasing, but I could never stay mad at her.

"You're making this harder than it is." I mumbled. With another sigh, I grabbed out the flowers I've hid below the seat before we came here.

"I know I'm new to these kinds of... things. Also, that I have no idea how this really works... But, will you, Rachel Roth, be my....... girlfriend?... I-I mean, not that kind of girl friend. No, not the friend level... You know... the... like like like level. I mean, that's what Grayson told me and now I'm feeling stupid for following Grayson's advice. Damn. So... Uh... W-" I was cut off from humiliating myself further with a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Yes." Outside, I couldn't find the right expression. But inside, I feel my heart dancing. This joy feeling, it feels so weird, but it feels like a lot of weight has been taken off my shoulders. And I just... smiled.

This was the first time in my life that I felt this thing they call "joy". Maybe Grayson wasn't so immature after all. If I would've known that it will feel like this, maybe I wouldn't've called him stupid...

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