Chapter 13

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Damian's POV:

I'm at the abandoned warehouse and went in. I heard footsteps coming my way, numerous banging sounds of metal just becoming louder. I used my grappling hook on the celling and sat at a long spare metal hanging at the celling.

Just then, loads of robots who almost looks like Deathstroke came in. I sighed and kicked their buts one by one. It wasn't that hard so I only spent about 5 minutes.

I went in deeper into the warehouse until I came to a room with numerous doors. "Raven!" I called hoping for an answer but none came "Raven! Where are you?!" still, no answer.

After a while, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw him. "Deathstroke!" I growled angrily.

"Came for your girlfriend Romeo?" He asked.

"Where is she?" I angrily asked.

"I won't talk that easy kid" He said as I glared at him. the same looking robots came in and Deathsroke disappeared again. 'This is gonna take a while' I thought fighting with the robots.

Raven POV:

Slade came in and grabbed my wrist "Let go of me!" I said while struggling.

'This is my opportunity' I thought as my other hand carefully grabbed the keys on his belt and instantly hid it in my cloak. He let go of me and said "If you don't come, Damian will die".

"That's ridiculous!" I said 'Just follow the plan, forget about the threats' I thought.

"Say goodbye to your boyfriend Raven" He said as he left.

I waited for 20 seconds and grabbed the keys and went out to find Damian.

I searched through the whole place and now, I'm in a room with lots of smoke I can barely see a thing. I walked forward and tripped on a Slade-bot which made a cling sound.

"Where are you?" a very familiar voice said.

"Damian!" I shouted as I got up.

"Raven? Where are you?" He asked.

"Right here" I said but I can't see him through the thick smoke.

After a while, the smoke cleared and I saw Damian "Damian!" I shouted as he turned my direction, I ran to him and gave him a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay" he said.

I pushed him "That is for taking so long" I said.

"Your welcome!" He said sarcastically.

"And this" I gently placed a kiss on his lips.

"Is for everything else" I said as his cheeks turned red.

"Awww. What a lovely scenery" Slade said as Damian held his sword and I tried to use my powers and gladly, it worked 'I guess he only put a spell on the room but not the whole warehouse'.

We fought Slade but he got away again by using one of his smoke bombs.... Again.

"Let's go home" Damian said as I nodded.

We headed out the ware house and got in the R-cycle. "Better hold on if you don't wanna fall" Damian said while smirking. I blushed and put my hands in his waist as he went full speed.

We got back to the tower and went to the common room greeted by the titans.

"Raven! where have you been?" Jamie asked.

"Dude! we were worried sick for you" Garfield said.

"Raven! are you alright?" Cyborg asked as I nodded.

"Raven!" Kori said giving me a hug "I'm so glad you're safe!" Kori said.

"Since you're back, I've arranged a party" Cyborg said.

"That's so cool dude, when? where?" Garfield asked.

"Tomorrow night, at a restaurant" Cyborg said holding 6 tickets.


Hey people! I'm super happy, it's the last day of hell/training! but anyway, there will be a party at the next chapter, I'm going to need a lead sing and a drummer from you guys, so if you want to be in the story, just comment your name, gender, personality, and if you want to be a drummer or a lead sing. I'll pick only two, one drummer, one lead sing. Bye!

[COMPLETED]Can't Stop the Feeling-DamiRaeWhere stories live. Discover now