Chapter 14

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Yo, wut up guys! The party is actually happening at the next chapter. But in this chapter, we're going to focus more on the rehearsals. Varronica is the drummer. So, without further ado, here's the story.


Raven's POV:

"You shouldn't have!" I said as nice as I could, as much as I hate parties, cyborg always picks one with a band you all have to dance crazy, it's pointless.

"We should all celebrate! Right Damian?" Cyborg said waving the tickets at Damian's angry face.

"I'm uninterested. It's pointless" Damian commented crossing his arms.

"Uhh... Yeah! What he said!" I said putting on a fake smile.

"To settle this, whoever doesn't want us to go, raise your hands" Cyborg said as me and Damian raised our hands.

"Ok. Whoever wants us to go raise your hands" Cyborg said as he, Garfield, Jamie, and Kori raised their hands.

"It's decided. We. Are. All. Going." Cyborg said. Suddenly, Damian grabbed my hand and dragged me in front of my room.

"About earlier" he started as I raised my eyebrow.

"You know. Before Deathstroke kidnapped you" he said.

"Yeah? What about it?" I asked.

"You...said.....that you......uh.....have.....these....uh....feelings for me?" He said as I remembered.

"I like you, so?" I asked.

"I like you too and I was thinking....... Ifwecouldgotoacafesometime?" (It's "If we could go to a café sometime" just in case your too lazy to figure it out) Damian asked as I smiled.

"Sure" I said.

"Okay.....uh.....tomorrow night?" He said.

"Wouldn't that be the time of the party?" I asked.

"I already know you want to ditch it, but don't worry, we'll come back 30 minutes before the party ends." Damian said.

"Okay. Sound good" I replied.

"You must be tired. You should get some rest" he said.

"You too" I said as we both went to our rooms.

Cyborg's POV:

'Ooooh! tomorrow's gonna be a blast! All I need is two party organizers, a drummer, a lead sing, and a guitarist.' I thought.

I decided to start with the party organizers.


"Hey! Krystal!"

"Cyborg! How's it been buddy?"

"Good. You?"

"Great. Why'd you call this late anyway?"

"Wait, what time is it?"

"It's *yawn* 11:46 pm."

"Oh, sorry. But do you think you can organize a party tomorrow? at the Tech restaurant."

"Consider that done. What's the special occasion?"

"I just feel like celebrating a party with the titans"

"Yeah sure! Who's the drummer, lead sing, and guitar?"

"It's Varronica, Fox, and Skyler"

[COMPLETED]Can't Stop the Feeling-DamiRaeWhere stories live. Discover now