Chapter 6

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I'm back!


I had a wide grin at my face and suggested him to come in. "So.......... Who is this, someone?" I asked 'Oooooh! Little D has a crush!'.

"A certain empath you probably know" Damian replied as my eyes went wide. 'He has a crush on Raven?'.

"What about Raven?" I asked trying not to be assuming.

He sighs "Well..... Uh....." he was biting his lower lip and looked at the ground. I put out my hand signaling him to continue.

"I have this strange feeling that I can't stop whenever around her, I'm hoping that you have an idea on what this feeling may be, considering that you hav- are a pervert and you have been with numerous women." Damian said still facing the ground.

I frowned at the "pervert" part and smiled because he does have a crush on Raven. "Lemme guess, heart racing, being nervous, feeling uncomfortable around her and you simply can't keep stop thinking about her."

He looked at me with wide eyes and pointed his finger at me "Yes! That's it! That's exactly it!"

My smile became wider "Little D, this is a really good thing!" I said walking across my room while he was looking at me nervous.

"What? Is she putting a spell on me? am I cursed?" he asked still looking at me nervous. I stopped and rolled my eyes.

"I said good thing. Why would spells and curses a go-" I was cut off by his shout.

"GET STRAIGHT TO THE POINT GRAYSON!!!" I held him in the upper arms.

"You. Are. In-" I was cut off again by a knock on the door.

"Is everything alright? I heard someone shouting." it was Bruce.

Damian hid under the bed as I opened the door "Yeah, everything is just fine. I was just shouting in victory cause I beat the boss fight in my game and I'm in the next round." I lied but he is still not convinced.

"Whatever. I'm going to a meeting with the Saint Boulevard Company. You are in charge of Tim and Jason while I'm gone. Understood?" Bruce said.

"Yeah sure" I said as he walked away. Damian got out under the bed.

"You really need to clean the under of your bed" He said while holding his nose.

"What's the point of cleaning under the bed? It's like cleaning a dumpster, it's designed to be filthy." I said facing him.

"Whatever" he said rolling his eyes.

"As I was saying, Damian. You. Are. In. LOVE!!!" I happily said as his eyes widened.

"WHAT! IMPOSIBLE! THIS CAN'T BE!" he said freaking out.

I crossed my arms and he looked at me glaring daggers "Tell this to anyone especially Drake, Todd, and father, you're dead."

I pretended to zip my mouth saying that I won't tell them. "I'm going back to the tower, thanks for your time. Goodbye Dick" He said as he headed to the door and left.

I was really shocked when he said "Thanks" and I'm super happy because 'He finally called me by first name! he really changed a lot with the titans.'


so wutta ya think?

[COMPLETED]Can't Stop the Feeling-DamiRaeWhere stories live. Discover now