Chapter 18

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. I'm having some serious writer's block and I have a lot to do. Oh, and I'm gonna be putting an oc here. Enough chit chat, on to the story!


Raven's POV:

I went to my room and grabbed some magic dust and poured it around me, creating a circle, I put four candles around me. I chanted my words.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos

Carazon Rakashas Enderez

Vaserix Endrien Azarath

Azarath AZARATH"

Blue light engulfed me and I was on my once home. I sighed and sat on a boulder, watching the place that my father destroyed.

Damian's POV:

I was starting to walk to my room and saw Grayson smiling from ear to ear. I rolled my eyes and stopped in front of Raven's room. I heard her saying stuff.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos

Carazon Rakashas Enderez

Vaserix Endrien Azarath

Azarath AZARATH"

'I wonder what she's doing' I thought and entered my room.

I grabbed my sword, and started to clean it.

Raven's POV:

I was just sitting on a boulder with my hood up but then, I was pushed and pinned on the ground.

"Who are you?" The person asked.

I rolled over making him stumble and I got up, ready to fight. The boy stood up with a sword in his hands. The wind came and blew my hood off. The boy's eyes widen.

"Raven?" the boy asked.

"Who are you? How'd you know my name?" I asked.

"David. The only survivor here." the boy named David answered. He looks my age.

"Once a resident here?" I asked.

"Still is." He answered and sat over a fallen pillar.

"Look. I'm sorry for the destruction Trigon made. I guess, but it's already done. No one can change it" I said.

"I know that" he commented.

"Your all alone?" I asked.

"What part of "The only survivor" don't you understand?" he angrily said.

"How'd you survive?" I asked.

"I had enough time to run away, I decided to come back. Only to find this" he said gesturing the destroyed land.

We talked for a while. How the titans already defeated Trigon, that everyone's safe. He's not so bad.

Damian's POV:

I walked in front of Raven's room and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again, but still, nothing.

"Raven!" I started calling.

"Raven! Open up, it's me, Damian." I said, but still no response.

I punched in the code and the door swooshed open. Raven isn't in her room, I saw white dust and candles on the floor.

'Maybe she went to her old home' I thought. I closed the door and left to the common room.

I saw Garfield, Jaime, and Victor playing video games, while Kori and Grayson are having a little chat. I rolled my eyes and went to the training room.


Damian: Who is this David?

Author: Chill man! He's just an OC.

Damian: Whatever.

Author: *mumbles* prepare to meet your rival.

Damian: What?

Author: Nothing. See ya guys soon!

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