Chapter 8

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Hey guys! guess what? I have a little extra time so I decided to write a bit.


Raven's POV:

I was walking around in circles, nervous. 'What if he's tricking Dick?' 'What if when I tell him how I feel, he's in love with someone else?' my mind was filled with "What If's" until my father spoke up.

*evil laugh* So my daughter is in love?

Mark my words Raven, if you don't let me out of this crystal, I will kill that boy.

'That's just stupid father.' I replied as I ignore his calls.

I feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

Kori's POV:

I can see how they want to express their feelings to each other but can't. So, I have a plan, but I'm gonna need Dick's help.

I called Dick on my laptop, exited to tell the plan.

Dick: Hello?

Me: Hey Dick, remember when you told me that if they got together, you're gonna be the biggest Damirae fan?

Dick: Yes, why?

Me: Why don't we try getting them together?

Dick: I'm in!........ But how?

Me: I have a plan. W-

Dick: Are you sure it'll work?

Me: Just let me finish! We're gonna send them on patrol tomorrow night, together alone.

Dick: That sounds awesome! *something crashes on the back* Jason! what did you do!?

Jason: Tim made me do it!

Dick: You painted Bruce's tuxedo pink!!! wait what? With permanent paint!!!

Tim: I said acrylic paint! not Molotow!!!

Jason: I don't even know what..... Akilic means!!!

Tim: Obviously!

Dick: I'm so gonna get in trouble *hears the door open*

Bruce: Hey Dick ho- What happened to my tuxedos?!?

Dick: I can explain!

Bruce: You three come he-

I decided not to see that so I quickly clicked the end call button. 'I'm looking forward for tomorrow' I thought with a smile as I went to bed and drifted to a slumber.


Pretty short huh? but I'm gonna write as long as I have time. I don't care if I don't rest, work now relax l8er, am I right? Wish Dick luck! Bye!!!

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